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Bridge aftermath

Posted on 16 Aug 2010 @ 10:49pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

852 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Timeline: MD 2 1145

Da`nal entered his ready room and took a seat behind his desk. His Great Grandfather's bat'leth on the wall behind him. The rest of his office was similarly decorated with klingon fare, including to new formed casts of his childrens ridges. As he sat he took a calming breath.

"Have a seat Chief"

The chief sat in the chair at attention and sat as ridged as a first year cadet. His face still scouling from before. " Permission to speak Sir! " Sharpe snapped.

Leaning back in his chair Da`nal eye'd the Chief for a moment. "Granted."

" I only know one way to do my job Sir, and if I can't do it, then I humbly request a transfer. No offence sir, but in my humble opinion, you made me look bad. And I can't get my job done IF I don't have the crews respect. or your's sir. " The Chief said.

Da`nal raised a brow slighly. "I can understand your position, and I need a Senior NCO with your experience, but if you had a crewman dressing down a senior noncom would you have done any different?"

" Well, first of all, would the crewman be in the right sir? And besides, My position on the ship in a unique one. My position is not about rank. It's about experience. You are supposed to be the Mayor of this town. I am supposed to be your sheriff. Thats the way it's supposed to work. Now, thats one person on this ship who will have no respect for me, OR my position. " The Chief said still sitting at attention.

He listened to the man as he very skillfully laid out his case. After hearing him he thought and rose from his desk walking around the desk and up to the lounge area. His arms crossed in front of him and he pulled at his beard. While he thought he glanced to the statue on his shelf of the Kahless and Morath locked in battle.

Turning, his hands dropping and clasped behind his back, he looked down at the Master Chief still sitting at attention. "Chief...You are correct, and I did you a dishonor that shall be corrected."

" I thank you for that sir. " He said still at attention, and his face started to lighten fron it's scoul.

Now that that was taken care of he moved back to his desk. even as he was changing the subject in the back of his mind he worked on how to handle properly establishing the Chiefs position on the ship. "Tell me what do you know of out current situation>"

" To tell you the truth sir, not to much. I have heard though that things around here are about to get very interesting. " Sharpe said with concearn.

"That could very well be true. Dealing with terrorist is different than facing an enemy in battle. Though they may feel justified their actions are with out Honor."

" Truth by that sir. " Said the Master Chief.

"I've called for a meeting of the senior staff for approximately 10 minutes. In addition to dealing with the current situation there are a lot of new faces to ge everyone aquainted with, youeslf included, and there will be a promotion as well. Also our new Security Chief was supposed to have arrived on the Southerner as well but it appears she missed the boat. I need to see to a personal matter so if you could use one onf the bridge stations and check with SB 515 to see what happened to her and let me know. After that we will head to the meeting."

" Aye sir, I'll do it right now. " The Chief headed out the door to carry out his task.

Da`nal nodded and watched as the Master Chief left to carryout his instructions. After he left he quickly pulled up the reply to another promotion he had submitted. His eyebrow arched slighlty as the file had been marked denied. Another thing for him to deal with...but later. Deactivating his terminal he rose at it sank back into the desk top, and got himself a quick bite to eat. After all it had been a busy 36 hours.

Just then, the door chime to the ready room went off.

~Never soon as I get a mouthfull of food...~ After swallowing hard he replied to the chime. "Enter."

The door to the ready room opened, and in walked the Master Chief who entered like a man on a mission. " Sir, I just got in contact with SB 15. They toldme her shuttle is on route. So, I contacted the shuttle. It's E.T.A. is about 20 miniutes sir. It should arrive just after our meeting is called. Speaking of that, we should be on our way sir. " Said the Chief.

Igniting one last fire skin he popped it in his mouth befire snuffing out the candle. "Very true." Wiping his hand on a napkin an dropped it on the tray he grabbed his padd and they headed off."


Captain Da`nal

Master Chief Raymond Sharpe


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