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First Impressions

Posted on 14 Aug 2010 @ 2:10pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Reva Madhava

1,593 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Timeline: MD 2 1135

[SB 515]

Wallace leaned back as he called for his aid, "Commander Hashir. Have the USS Southerner prepare for immediate departure and have all crew transfers to the Achilles re-routed to that vessel."

"Understood sir."

It wasn't long before the station was filled with scambling crew members that had been recalled or transfers that were now altering their arrangements.

One of those scrambling crewmembers was a young female Ensign. She was being recalled from a short, post-graduation vacation. 'Scrambling' wasn't really what she was doing, though: she had a passel of men around her, eager to do her bidding. She had no problem with sending them on her errands. With a smile at one and a touch for another, the Ensign had everything managed quite well, particularly the men. It was easy for her: it was all in the genes. Orion genes.

At the same time, one new crew member was walking onto the ship, like he was taking his time. He wore the command red uniform, and carried a wooden pace stick. He stepped like he owned the ship. With all the confidence in the world. After all, he was on his way to the Achillies, His new boat.

[USS Southerner - 1000 hours]

As the ship dropped from warp the all call was sounded followed by an orders to the crew. =^= All medical crew report to you designated transport sites. Marines from teh USS Achilles have already secured the Ballard and transport will begin as soon as we are in range. All non-medical or Command level crew transfers stand by until the medical teams have deployed. Bridge Out =^=

Reva Madhava, no longer surrounded by a passel of men, stood, surrounded by fellow crewmates, in the Southerner's forward lounge, watching as the Ballard came into view. Reva chewed at the inside of her cheek, glad she wasn't among the first to be transported.

Raymond Sharpe entered the Southerner's forward lounge. he sat, and waited to be called to transfer over to his new assignment. Then, he smelled a scent. A scent he had not smelled in a long time. He looked over, and noticed her. It was an Orion female. " Great, I hope she is not one of mine. " Sharpe wispered to himself.

[Bridge USS Achilles - 1135]

Da`nal had just returned from his meeting with his XO and Chief of Intel, as soon as the lift doors opened his sences were assaulted by pheromones. Looking about the bridge he saw the source of the orion female under escort by a female security officer.

"Let go!" The Orion demanded, frowning. "I'm telling you he started it!" Her long black hair was loose and roughly tousled; the top of her tunic was unbuttoned. Something physical had happened with the young woman.

The Security officer rolled her eyes and commented, "Yeah, tell it to the Brig Master." On seeing the Captain, the officer snapped to while still holding the Orion's arm. "Sir!"

Reva quickly tossed at him, "I swear, I didn't do it!"

"What is going on here!", the Klingon demanded.

The security officer frowned at her quarry and explained, "This one got a few people riled up as they transferred over from the Southerner, Sir."

"That is to be expected crewman she is Orion...if you haven't noticed." Turning to the other unfamiliar face that was there. "Are you one the those that got 'riled up'?

" I beg your parden? " Sharpe said. " I was the one who made sure that security was called, and she be placed in custody. I did it for her protection. She was beginig to cause quite the disturbence in the Southener's lounge. " Then Sharpe turned to the young Ensign. " We will NOT have this kind of problem on MY boat, will we ENSIGN! " Sharpe said sternly. tapping her chest with his pace stick.

It was to Sharpe's advantage that a security officer was holding onto Reva's arm - otherwise, Reva might have attacked him on the spot. As it was, she grabbed the stick, threatening to take it away, and growled, "If you ever touch me like that again, it'll be you being held by Security, Chief."

Sharp just glared at the Ensign. " And IF you talk to me like that again, I will personally slap you in IRONS and throw away the key. " He grabbed his pace stick away from her hands. " Lets get one thing straight right here, right now. Ensign. " He held his hand above his waist. " You come up to about here on me. This is MY boat. I WILL not have you, or ANYONE else cause what you caused in the Southerner's lounge. It was an embarasment to this ship. You will control your pheramones, OR I will persoally throw you out an air lock. Do we have an understanding ENSIGN? " He said with all the confidence in the world.

The Orion's black eyes flicked to the Captain. Were he not standing right there, she'd continue the pointless debate. Instead, she shifted her attitude: she smirked at the NCO and let all trace of anger slide away from her expression. "I understand, Chief," she looked him up and down then met his eyes. It was clear she didn't think he measured up to her standards. "I understand that you have delusions of grandeur. Last I checked, this was Captain Da'nal's ship. Add to that that you seem to be over-stepping your authority."

Sharpe just glared at her, then looked at the security officer holding her. " Take her to the brig, I want her to cool in a cell for a bit. I will think about charging her with conduct unbecoming. But for now, I think she needs an attitude adjustment. " Sharpe said with a slight smile. " And according to tradtition Ensign, The Captain may be the Ship's master, But it's the COB'S Boat. " And he watched the security officer take her away.

Actually, he watched the security officer raise a brow and look to the Captain for direction. She didn't know this Non-Comm and wasn't going to blindly follow his orders. The Ensign was one of the Captain's new officers and would face discipline from him or the Science Chief, not from a Master Chief. She asked Da'nal, "Sir?" The single word, with her intonation, sought guidance from the ship's CO.

Reva gently pulled her arm from the Security officer's grip (a move the officer allowed), and straightened her tunic. Rebuttoning the top shoulder and smoothing the fabric, she, too, watched the Captain and paid no heed to the pompous Master Chief.

Da`nal had let the situation progress further than he probably should have but the exchange had given him an insight into both individuals. Reva’s movements had gone unseen to Da`nal the unfortunate security officer was the first recipient of his anger. "RELEASE HER! ...and you are dismissed crewman.

The security officer had paled slightly. Even being a Klingon it was rare for the Captain to vent his anger in public and she complied immediately. "Aye sir!"

Da`nal opened his hand out towards the Master Chief for the stick that had, for a time, been used in the exchange. As it handed over his hand closed around it and his skin creaked over its surface and his knuckles popped as his grip tightened.

Reva's heightened emotions had cause her pheromones to elevate as well and his keen senses had easily picked up on that fact and his action where more to help him focus that anything. Though his actions were no doubt being interpreted differently.

As he handed the polished stick back to the Master Chief he didn't release it when he took hold...not right away. "Let me make a few things perfectly clear. This is MY SHIP Master Chief and NO ONE on MY ship will be arrested for being what they are. No Vulcan will be arrested for being logical, no Betazoid arrested for be telepathic, and no Orion...or Deltan for that matter...shall be arrested for having elevated pheromones.

" My Appologies SIR, I was having her charged for what she did, NOT what she was. But you know best Sir. " The chief said scouling.

"Another thing, your service maybe extensive and you may have achieved much in your enlisted career; She may be a raw, wet behind the ears cadet straight out of the Academy but she is a Starfleet Officer and You Will Treat her as such. Do I Make Myself Clear Master Chief?!"

" Sir, YES SIR!!! " Said Sharpe snapping to attention.

With the Captain's attention on the Master Chief, Reva risked giving the Master Chief her smallest, smuggest smile.

“GOOD.†He then turn to the Ensign. “Now Ensign; while you may not have intentionally done anything, and for now I will assume that is the case, you are ordered to control your bodily function to the best of your ability, is that clear?â€

Having quickly erased any trace of smugness from her face, a doe-eyed Reva nodded and answered, "Aye, Sir, perfectly."

He nodded, “Then ensign you are dismissed. Report to your Department head and we will talk later.â€

"Will do, Captain," Reva, playing the Perfect Starfleet Ensign, responded and left the Bridge.

Da`nal didn’t wait until she had gone before turning back to the Chief. “Master Chief you’re with me,†and with that he turned to his Ready Room.

Sharpe put the pace stick under his arm, and marched into the room.


Captain Da`nal

Master Chief Raymond Sharpe

Ensign Reva Madhava
Science Officer


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