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An Engineering Nightmare

Posted on 17 Aug 2010 @ 9:01pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Colonel Stadi Andrus

827 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: on the Ballard
Timeline: Back Log to 0400-1000


Once Gunny caught sight of the others, he called out, "Marines, stand down!" He lowered his weapons as the Ballard's Marines stood. =A=Rosewood to Achilles, Engineering secured, you may begin transporting Engineering teams over=A=

[USS Achilles]

=^= Acknowledge. =^= Opening a channel to Engineering. "LT. Cole, Engineering is secure, your and your teams are a go."


"Understood sir." She looked to her helper come bodyguard "I guess your coming with?"

Lance Corporal Susan Damascus nodded, "Yes Ma'am, the Major would kill me if I didn't." Susan said as she fell in behind her.

"How much experience do you have around engineering equipment Corporal? Would you recognize it if I asked for it?" Jess smiled to show she wasn't upset, it was actually nice John and the other marines cared enough to want to look after her.

"I graduated the academy and spent one year on the Santa Fe as an Engineer before I joined the Marines."

"You may find yourself put to work then ... I only have a couple of people I would trust, the ensign is good but we lost a few good engineers when the ex chief left."

"That's why he chose me, any Marine could have been you body guard, but I am the one with the experience in Engineering."

[Ballard Engineering]

Gunny Rosewood met the Engineering team as they materialized in Main Engineering.

"Hello everyone, Engineering is secure with the exception of the jeffieres tubes, they is a lot of interference that's keeping up from getting accurate readings. If you need to go crawling around the tubes take a Marine with you."

Nodding her agreement Jess looked at him and suggested "Perhaps we should pair each engineer off with a marine gunny?"

"That's only if you go crawling around ma'am, Main Engineering is secure. I will only leave half the squad here to keep an eye on you guys, the rest of us must continue to secure the ship."

"Understood Gunny ... be careful out there."

Scarlett stood at her station attempting to get power back up to the saucer. She kept getting alarms that the back up power was draining and it would be critical in a few minutes.

She hit her commbadge =^= Blaire to all Saucer personnel, prepare for evacuation if I can't get the power back up. Give me five minutes and then you will all have to get out of there!=^=

Scarlett worked furiously, there wasn't much she couldn't do when it came to an engine or any kind of machinery. Shaking her head she wasn't sure how she was going to fix this mess.

Jess looked round and tapped her comm badge as she asked "Blair, status report ..." She scanned the area looking for signs of someone in over their heads as she wandered with her escort over to Ensign Mythyis.

"I can't get the power back up on the saucer!" Scarlett hit her commbadge again, =^=Saucer section this is Blaire, start the evacuation immediately!=^=

=A=Major Cole here, understood, there is a lot of wounded so it will take sometime to transport them all using the Achilles transporters.=A=

Jess changed direction and started tapping controls "Scarlett I'll keep life support stable ... feed me what energy you can ... we wont be able to salvage much of the ship so don't worry about down and dirty ... we can fix any issues later as long as they are alive to evacuate."

"I'm feeding you what I can...I can maybe give ye ten more minutes tops!" Scarlett replied, her fingers flying over the consoles of the screen.

Ensign Zach was trying to salvage what was the of the warp engine "I am trying to cold boot the warp engine to generate power that way but I could use some help this thing is in bad shape."

=A= Major Cole to Achilles begin emergency transport of all the survivors in the saucer section, I will walk out any that are capable of walking, if we are lucky we should be able to get everyone.=A=

<<<<10 minutes Later>>>>>>>>

John materialized in Main Engineering alone holding a bandage to his forehead. =A=Cole to Achilles, the Ballard saucer section has been searched and evacuated. Wounded have been moved to Cargo Bays in the drive section and the more serious have been transported to the Achilles or Southerner.=A= John looked to Jessica, "How are you feeling?"

She smiled at him trying to hide her tiredness and reached out to check his head "You ok hun? I'm fine honest.." She heard her bodyguard cough and sighed "Ok Im exhausted but I'm ok honest."

=^= Acknowledge Major. Gather our people and come on home. A crew from the Southerner will be arriving to relieve you.=^=

=A=Aye Skipper, we'll be ready, Cole out=A=


Captain Da`nal

Major John Cole
Marine CO
USS Achilles

Lieutenant Jessica Cole

Ensign Zachary Mythyis

Ltjg Scarlet Blaire
NPC - EO played by Melanie Hemmingway


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