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Foe or Friend ???

Posted on 02 May 2009 @ 10:55am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

2,577 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Freedom / Vrelnec



5 tapped his commbadge while punching in the last set of numbers "Captain I have found them..."

[Ready Room]

Da`nal was about to continue when 5's call came it. Looking across the table to his XO. "Lets go....."


As the two officers stepped on onto the bridge the Freedom dropped from warp and approached the coordinates of the Romulan ship. Briskly moving towards the command chair, "Battle Stations! Status of the torpedo launchers?"

T'Pal looked down on her console and reported: "The torpedoes are armed and ready to be deployed..."


Jo'el nodded and did a little prodding

"How 'bout it, old timer?" the young Bajoran teased his tormenter.

"There- there's a Federation starship heading in our general direction. I computer does not recognize the designation..."

Jo'el leaned forward slightly and checked.

"It's the Freedom," he said, looking up at Isha.

Isha was quite enjoying herself. “Oh dear. Nniol, I really think you’re short on options. You!" she pointed at one of the officers [I'll use Tal'veek if he's with us :)], "Increase power to the forward shields, and drop the cloak ... this is your one chance to pick a side. Choose the wrong one and I'll have him ask you," she jerked her thumb at Opaka.

[USS Freedom]

Da`nal watched as the Romulan decloaked. He didn't care why that ship was in Federation space and had already committed an act of war. Interupting T'Pal's report, "Lock phasers and Fire!"

The console beeped as the Freedom confirmed a lock and T'Pal fired at the Romulan vessel. The phazers blazed forward, hitting the shields with everything the Freedom had.


=^= Commander Da'nal, hold your fire. This is Ensign Opaka Jo'el, onboard the Rihansu Imperial Ship Vrelnec. Ambassador t'Khellian and I have the situation under control. I repeat: hold your fire.=^=

As red phaser fire lanced across the Vrelnec and flooded the viewscreen with crimson light, Jo'el gripped the command chair for support.

=^= Commander Da'nal, please stand down! This ship is no longer your enemy! =^=

"taH pagh, taHbe', son of Ral'nath..." Jo'el mused aloud, hoping to reflect the authenticity of a rather questionable transmission from Da'nal's perspective.

Da`nal raised a hand to T'Pal. "Cease Fire."

Turning to Kestal aat Ops. "Contact DS5 and confirm that Opaka and the Ambassador are missing. And open a channel to the Vrelnec."

The Freedom was still no match for the Vrelnec, but his voice held no hint of that knowledge. As the screen changed from the external view o fthe Romulan ship to that of its bridge.

=^= OK Ensign, just how did you end up on that ship? =^=

"How we were abducted really isn't the most pressing issue right now," Isha interrupted. "If you want one of the persons responsible for the attack on DS5 I have him. His name used to be Nniol i-Ihhliae tr’Illialhlae," she smirked slightly at her husband's brother who still lounged in the command chai a little too smug for comfort as be pointedly continue to ignore the fact that she still had a disruptor pointed at him.

Da`nal stiffened and his face tightend at the mere mention of the man's name. His House had a long history with that family. Through gritted teeth he replied. "I will be more than happy to to custody of any prisoners you have taken, when ever you are ready to transport." In a calmer tone he continued. "How did you manage to take the ship?"

"Ruwon, status?" Isha asked.

"Little objection thus far, Ihhei, I will be with you in ten minutes."

"I assure Commander, I'll explain everything as soon as this chaos is resolved," Jo'el said.

Isha spoke again to the Freedom. "The Vrelnec is almost secure, Da'nal. As soon as I am satisfied, myself and Opaka will come aboard so that you may return us to DS5. I'm sure they'll find Nniol most enlightening."

"As will I..."

"Nniol shook his head, "No, no, no, Isha. You really haven't thought this through have you? Why would I allow myself to be taken? I thought you had more common sense than that."

"I'm not the one with a disruptor pointed at my chest."

"No, but you are the one who was exposed enough to get kidnapped, and that didn't happen to your lip when you walked into a door." Nniol grinned happily, "I don't think you have any idea how vulnerable you are. By the way, how is your family, Da'nal?" he asked.

His heart began to pound in his chest as the images of his children came to mind. "If you have harmed a single hair of another member of my House I will swear a Blood Oath and it will take you months to die....but not before you see me eat your heart!"

Nniol chuckled, "Do you actually think I care about your petty oaths and blustering threats? The quadrant would be a better place with fewer Klingons in it and whatever noteworthy deed did the House of Veral ever do anyway ... you should save others the trouble of having to put up with your stench and ... what is the name of that ritual anyway, the Klingon tongue is so unweildy hegh'bat or one of the numerous other ways you can top yourselves when you get bored with living."

"Commander," T'Pal said calmly. "Now is not the time, We can contact the station to check on the status of your children, right now we need to secure the prisoner," she suggested softly, but firmly in an attempt to refocus on the at issue at hand.

"Captain," Mari said respectfully, "Consider what the Lieutenant has said. There are other things to consider here as well, Señor."

Silonez just looked up, this was definately not how his first day on the job was expected to be, in retrospect it could've been ten times worse, ~the ship was in peices when we left dry dock it could be in bigger peices if we hadn't pulled together.~ Silonez mused.

"I Don't Make Threats!...but my officers are correct, there are 'other' things to consider. As there has been no decaration of war between the Federation and the Romulan Empire you will be treated as a terrorist."

Turning to T'Pal. "Lieutenat make the necessary preparation for transport and confinment."

T'Pal nodded. "Acknowledged" she said and called her replacement to the tactical console. As he took her place, she left the bridge. She never thought that the brig would have to be prepared on the first day, but she would have some satisfaction in it to see a Romulan Ha'DIbaH [animal] in it.

Turning back to the view screen. "Ambassador, I assume the Romulan Empire will be wishing to extradite the criminal to face chaerges there as well?"

Isha tightened her grip on the disruptor as Nniol shifted again. "Criminal is such a pejorative term," she observed, "as is terrorist. I request that you make no further efforts to prejudice events and accept Nniol for what he is; a traitor to his House and one of the key aggressors in this specfic event."

Da`nal dismissed her complaints. "Use whatever term you wish Ambassador. He still took part in, and more than likely led, an attack against a Federation installation. Which cost the lives of Federation citizens. Obducted a Starfleet officer," nodding at Opaka. "Unless your government wants to officially support his actions, which would then be concidered an act of war, by interstallar law his actions fall under terrorism." As arrogant as Nniol was he had probably been convinced he would have succeeded. There was a good posibility that there was a record of whoever he had been in contact with. "I will need all communications logs from that vessel as evidence."


Jo'el nodded at the communications officer, who seemed to be most accomodating considering the circumstances.

"It's en route, Commander."

The Bajoran shook his head, almost disappointed at soon the excitement seemed to have evaporated.

"Terminate that transmission!" Isha snapped breathing only when she saw that it was done. "For your information Da'nal, if my government supported Nniol's actions you would now be dust. NOTHING will be released from this ship without my express command, you may make a formal request for assistance to the House Illiahlae and I will release what is necessary and nothing more. Standby to receive our prisoners. End communication.â€

[USS Freedom]

"Request?! Ha!! She'll be lucky if I don't have that ship dissected. Hail that ship!"

Jessie scrambled to comply. "They not responding sir."

"Keep Hailing." Turning to Silonez. Who was obvisouly keen on his idea of taking that ship apart one piece at a time. "Do you know any intel officers that would like to get their hands no the newest vessel in the Romulan Fleet?"

Silonez thought quickly, "Captain Carter Kellinger from the Sydney ship R&D yard, hes' the most knowlegable officer on Romulan ships I'm sure he'd kill for that kind of chance."

"Well in case he doesn't get his chance get detailed scans of that ship."


Isha did not wait for acknowledgement. She was furious, it was hard enough to convince her people without the added challenge of a Klingon and a federation officer trying to throw their weight around. As the screen faded she turned an icy gaze on Opaka. “As for you, Ensign, please do not show any further initiative."

"See what happens when you start associating with Klingons," Nniol said. He pushed to his feet. "Well, I might as well be comfortable while your drama plays out, Isha. Why don’t we move into the office … oh bring your puppy if you wish,†he added.

"Woof woof," Opaka said sarcastically. He sheathed his sword and unholstered his phaser again as he followed.

Nniol ambled across the bridge and up the step that led to the ready room. As he paused for effect in front of the double doors Isha fired the disruptor aiming about two inches from Nniol’s head.

“I take it that means no,†Nniol said with a glance at the patch on the door, “very well.†he said as he wandered back towards Isha, his tone casual, “there was someone I wanted you to meet.â€

“I’ve had enough of this, Nniol. Opaka would you …†her words faded as the doors to the ready room opened.

Isha stared at the young officer who stepped out, the twist of his lips so very much like her own. The heavy feeling of sickness crept from her stomach stretching its fingers all over her body and tightened on her throat; there was one final betrayal.

“Fveirrolh!†Isha gasped.

Her son. Here. With him.

Nniol was fast to take advantage of Isha’s shock. With one hand he twisted the disruptor from hers grabbing her hair with his other hand and aiming the muzzle of the weapon at her temple.

“Get that Starfleet nei'rrh out of here. Try anything, boy and I’ll kill her now,†he warned Opaka.

Jo'el face sunk as his eyes met Isha's. "You should have trusted me..." he said, the hurt in his voice impossible to miss.

“Shields up, I want weapons charged.â€

Isha could feel his breath on her face as he spoke, and smell it, “It won’t work,†she said with more confidence than someone in her situation ought to possess.

“Release your override,†Nniol demanded twisting his fist in her hair.

“I’d sooner allow myself to be blown to pieces,†she replied, “None of us are going anywhere except hell.â€

Isha did not see the blow coming, not that she could have stopped it.

Nniol released his hold and brought the disruptor down across her face. Her eyebrow burst and her vision blurred as Isha dropped heavily to the floor.

Its over, Isha thought – that acceptance was oddly reassuring. She had nothing left to fight with except obstinacy, so she lay where she had fallen, resigned to waiting out whatever Nniol could do to her until the Freedom realised something was wrong and destroyed the Vrelnec.

Above her Nniol signalled for the channel to the Freedom to be re-established. “I’ve got what I came for and your little friend as hostage, klivam,†he said. “Be a good dog and run home now. I’ll return the boy later, maybe I’ll even send you a new ambassador,†he finished by kicking Isha sharply in the ribs before resuming his seat.

This is exactly what I was afraid of. Jo'el thought. I'm a bargaining chip. She seemed so hurt that I didn't trust her, she just didn't understand it wasn't her that I was worried about...

[USS Freedom]

The Freedom's view screen once again shifted to the bridge of the Vrelnec. But this time it was that dog Nnoil speaking and not the Ambassador. As the Romulan on the Vrelnec's bridge took his seat Da`nal stood. Huffing at the man's arrogance. "Is that the best you can do? Weak curses and empty threats. Our weapons are targeting you vessel, your shields are down, your cloaking device is damaged, and there is a Federation Fleet moments away at Deep Space 5. They saw your retreat and our persuit. Do you really think they would not send ships to assist." Da`nal was bluffing at this point he had no idea if ships were on the way, but it made sence that someone would show up soon. "But what can one expect from a Romulan kllhe (shit eater) such as yourself.

"You will surrender that ship back to the Ambassador. Make any movement, try to raise shields, or arm weapons and you will die today."

"The Ambassador is indisposed," Nniol said turning Opaka's comm badge between his fingers, making quite certain that they would see it. "You know what, Veral, I really miss your brother," he said.

Da`nal ignored the cowards baiting him by the mispronunciation of his family name, but noticed the comm badge he was arrogantly toying with. Turning his back to the view screen he made his way to his seat. Glancing to his XO and mouthed the word 'comm badge'. "My bother died in battle, though he died due to your cowardice he died with Honor. Though when you die it will be like the coward that you are. I will waste no more time with you, though I must thank you for making my task easier."

She raised herself a little, biting her lip as something inside moved and a bolt of pain lanced down her side. She couldn't see Opaka from where she lay.

Oh! she thought, her eye catching the glint of Opaka's commbadge in Nniol's hand; he didn't know - the tiniest difference in technology - their own devices contained an element linking the device to the identity signal of the individual to which it was issued; a precaution of the paranoid preventing it from functioning if used by another ... but a Federation device ...

Though it pained her to do so, Isha chuckled softly to herself; the Elements were playing games again.

"I'm beginning to grow bored with you, Klingon," Nniol said banging his hand on the arm of his chair, the comm badge flat beneath his palm. "You have two minutes. Leave or we will destroy you."



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