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When all is said and done

Posted on 01 May 2009 @ 5:29pm by

1,239 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M1: Prepare for Battle
Location: Deck 7 main lounge
Timeline: After the battle 1900 hrs

Silonez sat in the lounge; He was reading the last report from Intelligence. He was looking for a new intelligence officer; he also needed to fill the Assistant Chief Position. Janis was down in the office working on setting up the equipment room. The last report scrolled across the screen of the PADD, he looked up, sipping on an iced tea. His thoughts drifted to Rita, he was still hurting from how things ended, and he looked down at the table, trying to look like he was working, when he was really feeling sorry for himself.

A smirk was on T'Pal's lips as she walked into the lounge. As a half Klingon, not even her Vulcan side could suppress the exhilaration she had felt from the battle, not that she bothered to try to suppress those emotions. Though highly trained as an assassin, few things can beat the high of a space battle. The last time she had been involved in a similar battle was in the Gamma quadrant, but that felt like a life time away.

She had been otherwise occupied and had not been to the lounge since boarding the ship. Her second was on the bridge and she had some time to kill, bringing her to the hit she still had to do for Kretorg. ~Damn~ she thought and pursed her lips. Regardless of the reasoning behind it, she was not comfortable with it. Now those emotions of doubts she did suppress and knew that when the time came, she would pull the trigger.

As Silonez stood to leave, he saw T'Pal come into the lounge, "oh, hello Lieutenant" Silonez said awkwardly.

T'Pal glanced at him and merely nodded in his direction, uninterrupted in her walk to get to a seat close to the viewport.

Silonez knew she was pissed at him, he didn't need a betazoid to figure that one out. It was his choice to start work on the plan after all it was under his lead that the torpedo launchers were still not fully functional, but it was also his idea about firing the torpedoes like bombs. He started out of the lounge and stopped long enough to speak "For what it’s worth lieutenant I am sorry, but it was about getting the job done at that moment. Not about whose department it was." He then resumed exiting the lounge.

T'Pal stared at him, considering his words and apology. She inclined her head slightly. "I accept your apology. However, you’re "getting the job done" was an action unnecessary. Apart from implying that I can't do my job, it is against protocol and can seriously jeopardize our safety, the moment you log into tactical from your station, I am locked out. You cannot access the weapons systems from two consoles at the same time, as the weapons systems could then receive conflicting commands; accept in a situation so required and authorized by the Captain." Her tone was now neither accusatory nor with any other emotional content, purely explanatory and bluntly Vulcan. Perhaps he wasn't aware of this, but she felt she needed to inform him.

"I can't log into the main tactical functions on this ship, i can how ever log into specific back-up and secondary functions in a supporting role so while your firing weapons someone can run the torpedo room manually or bridge in any sensor data to the tactical display, I cannot how ever interfere in tactical operations, I was in fact logged into the second officers functions, that was my mission specific duties, this ship has a few features that your going to have to get used to, that’s one of them." he said almost quoting the manual verbatim.

"I know that Lieutenant," she said. "If you had read my personnel file as you said, you would have seen that this is not my first Sec/Tac Chief position," she said, getting rather hot under the collar again, but kept her Klingon temper tightly under control "Neither is this my first battle, Lieutenant, but as said, that kind of support function is only used only after authorization and that didn't happen today. Be that as it may, it is in the past, just see that you don't attempt to "assist" tactical when not required to so. You are obviously skilled and if needed, I will ask for your assistance if there are no other tactical officer available." she said, giving him due where it was due. There was something else she needed to clarify though. "Are you the second officer?" she asked slightly perplexed, referring to his earlier comment.

Silonez was straining under attitude he was getting, "I was acting in that capacity for this situation, or do you feel threatened by my presence on this ship?" he snapped "I've had to deal with more crap than one person whose trying to help out in an extremely dangerous situation should have to deal with. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go to engineering the captain needs an update on some repairs in case we have to depend on the under gunned little tug boat to fight that Norexan Class ship out there." He barked then left.

T'Pal raised an eyebrow at his reaction., and smirked. "It seems that you are threatened.... I merely needed to know, as that information is not on the crew manifest," she said half amused. She failed to understand what he was talking about. helping her. The torpedoes were already rigged before the battle at DS5, why did he go and adjust them again? Shaking her head she turned and resumed walking to the table at the viewport here she could have a cup of tea and work on her report and look at the emergency crew roster.

Silonez felt totally frustrated. Her almost arrogant demeanor was the last straw that thought had to wait. Janis called him on the comm.

"Sir there’s' a message from a Captain Carter Kellinger in your office."

"Thank you Janis, I'll take a look at it in the office." He hadn't heard from his former XO is 18 months, ~what could he want.~ Silonez reflected, his steps down the corridors too the intelligence office were still fueled by the confrontation with T'pal. as he walked into his office and opened the message he was dumbfounded. He actually was beyond dumbfounded. He'd met now Captain Kellenger during his time on the USS Chicago, the captain was a wing commander at the time, the two had a good working relationship, it was the contents of the message that floored Silonez. He'd been offered a position with a project that Captain Kellinger was developing, it was a promotion on a lot of levels. He would have to talk to Captain Da'nal as soon as time permitted; Captain Kellenger wanted an answer soon.

The confrontation itself was in the past for T'Pal now, but her thoughts did dwell on the relatively young Intelligence Chief. She sipped her tea slowly, staring into space. Rather than being annoyed over him snapping and standing up for himself, she respected that. Her attention went back to her work and she scheduled some drills for the different team... tactical, security, fire and rescue.. She needed to get to know them and build them into tight knit units, part of her job, she uncharacteristically enjoyed.

Lt.Silonez Ericson

Lt T'Pal


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