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Intel Archives

Posted on 14 Aug 2010 @ 2:09pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,537 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Intel Conference Rm
Timeline: MD 2 1100-1130


MD 2 0520

It was early in the morning and Silonez had slept at his desk the computer interupted his sleep as he found out that the video file had finally recompiled, he sat viewing the video log and was stunned. it was a video file of an inncident that had happend over one hundred and thirty-three years ago, the intial images were of the original Enterprise on a mission where they discovered an artifact and had encountered an unknown species, "What the ..... " Silonez stopped short as he saw a massive feline-oid.

He moved forward in the file it was another video log from a mission from the USS Lexington from over two hundred years ago, the same feline-oid species responseable for an attack on the ship, this was even more puzzling, "What the hell?"

Silonez sat back, three more videos' appeared followed by a sensor image of a redish ship on the outter edge of Romulan space. The time stamp was dated six weeks ago, he scanned the mission logs of what would have been in the region in question, he drew a blank.

As this data continued to flow from the collection of video files, he sceduled a meeting with the Captain and XO for 1100.

Don answered quickly, wondering why the Intelligence chief wanted to see them. He had a strange feeling that it had to do with those archives he had spoken to Da'nal about, but then again, it might not.

[Intel Conference Rm - 1100]

When Don walked into the conference room Silonez looked even more strained than the last time he saw him. "That bad?" he more commented than asked, getting himself a cup of coffee from the replicator and took a seat.

Da`nal arrived as soon as he could. He had just met with their new Chief of Operations and as he entered he could tell that his Intel Chief hadn't gotten the rest he had adviced earlier. No doubt this had something to do with the data he had been compiling, but he kept his assumptions to himself for the moment. "Whats the problem Mr. Eircson"

"This sensor image was in the latest collection of archives that arrived resently, its dated two days before this image would have been forwarded to the ship, the ship at extreme range matches common descriptions of Kzinti ships that are spread through out the files that have been sent to me in the last weeks."

While in the past the Kzinti HAD been a powerful warrior race they hadn't posed a tactical threat in over a hundred years. While he was certain that individually they were still strong and proud; technologically they were no match for the Federation. "The Kzinti ??! Their ships are no match the Ferengi let alone Federation technology. They do trrade with several neighboring races, perhaps it was just a cargo ship?"

Silonez looked at the ship "It doesn't look like it could be but its to hard to tell what its is at that distance, I've got a composite image from a simular scan I think its a long range patrol craft of some kind."

"Has there been any unusually activity in the region to suggest they were up to something?"

"Thats the strange part, there was a report of a battle in a system on the far side of Romulan space but by the time anyone could get there and there wasn't any indication of who was fighting or why either, plus there was wreakage of a ship investigated in the Dranora system but that report in somewhere in the system." Silonez read from some note he had.

"Are there any other similar instances we you had received information on?" Don asked.

"theres been a few, blured images of simular ships some at the extreme edge of Romulan space, other at the edge of Klingon space, and a few around the Wyn cluster, but none are clear enough, accept for this one, taken six weeks ago" Silonez keyed up the image, "It matches specifics on Kzinti ships that we have on file right down too the insignias on the hull and the redish hull color."

Don let out a breath slowly. "They were not much of a match for us before," he mused, wondering why he felt so damn uneasy.

"I've put a request to see the files on the Bonnaventure inncident to verify certain specifics about these images." Silonez said refering to the discovery of a prototype ship that was captured by the Kzinti back in 2244 that resulted in the Kzinti disappearing from known space. "if I can get get a look at that archive file we might be able to establish a pattern of behavior and make a rough determination of their intent."

Da`nal sat and looked at the images. While the Kzinti had been a power in the past they where not of any 'tactical' concern now. He had seen images of the old ships and these looks similar. "My question is why the concern? The Kzinti haven't been a concern or what, almost a hundred years. They weren't even approached to aid the Federation against the Dominion. I know they still trade with the klingon border worlds. Isn't it possible that These ships are just normal? Perhaps they are looking to secure a new trade route with a neighboring system. It could also be simply a relic from the past."

"Could be... but what about the battle there was a report on and then no trace..." Don asked a question, although he knew there had been no proof, his gut just bothered him.

"Short of getting premission to goto the Wyn Cluster there isn't a whole lot we can do, Derrick Patterson and the Serenity is scheduled to be going there after their refit, I could put in a call and see if we can go in there place."

Da`nal thought for a moment. He had assured Dr. Hemmingway that they would go to DS5 to retreive the embryo that she had left there. However if they wait on the Serenity's refit whatever was going on in the area might be over...or have even escalated.

The Kzinti were very territorial and if someone...even pirates had tried to use their area they would have taken great offese. Their technology aside, a Kzinti warrior would still be a fierce opponent especially if threatened. "Very well, I will speak to the Captain of the Serenity, if we wrap up our current asignment and the Serenity is still under going refit we will check things out."

Don nodded tightly. "I will see what I can find out... " he said grimly.

"Theres' a faster option, I get in contact with Intel ops we can get a list of ship missions and who is in the area." Silonez commmented

"As you should, Lieutenant," Don remarked a bit tightly. "What I meant was that in addition to whatever everyone else was doing I will use my own contacts to find out what I can..."

"I'd like to also ask the intel office at Deep Space five to check routing requests for these files, I don't think its a coincidence these are in my hands."

"I think that is a good idea..." Don nodded.

"Agreed. Anythung further Mr. Eircson?"

"I don't think there is at the moment. Other than a difference of opinion the the new Chief of Operations." Silonez said.

"I see.....well to be honest I had anticipated a little friction between the two of you. I was seriously considering discusing appointin you as 2nd Officer but before I could Star Fleet, in its infinate wisdom filled the position for me. Her appointment doesn't diminish your status in the slightest. You have served with me since I was given command of the Freedom and you have served under my command with Honor. You have been and remain one of my most trusted officers.

"Thank you Captain." Sionez replied.

"Now as to the investigation. The instruction I gave were that the Saucer section would seperate and remain in the area as the investigation continued. Once things were concluded here then the pursuit of the ship was to begin. Those were my orders to her....not her orders to you. If there was a be it. Clear the air and move on."

He knew that would most likely end the issue but he would keep an eye on things just ing case. "Now if there is nothing further, the was on issue I had....something that has been bothering me." Looking to Don knowingly. "Well Lieutenant I have a problem with my officers being out of uniform."

Da`nal stood moving to Silonez and placed a new pip on the the lieutenant's collar. "Their; much better. Congratualtions...Lieutenant Commander."

Silonez knew that his career was about to change "Yes sir."

Looking to his officers, "Well Gentlemen, I want a meeting of the senior staff in...30 minutes. Don if you can handle that. Commander Silonez, let me know as soon as you find out any thing on those files let me know."


Captain Da`nal

Lt. Cmdr Donovan Killian

Lt. Cmdr Silonez Eircson
Chief of Intel


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