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Posted on 14 Aug 2010 @ 2:06pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,141 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Chief of Operations Office

Tika sat behind her newly aquired desk which was already loaded down with paperwork. She needed to call a team together for her part of the mission. She'd finally decided who she'd need for this adventure, so she tapped her combadge. "Lieutenants Ericson and Meru, and Ensign Dawson. Report to the CoO's Office please."

Anara made her way quickly to the COO's office. She was aware that time was of the essence and she wanted to do the best she could from her department. She stopped in front of the Chief Operations officer, "Reporting as requested." She noticed that the Ops officer was a human woman of average height with brown hair and eyes. She waited to be told if she were to continue standing or sit down. She was anxious to go through with the meeting and hoped the others would arrive on time.

Silonez was scheduled to meet with the Captain and First officer when he got the page from the new Ops chief, he grabbed his duty vest and exited the intel office. As he walked through the corridors he was concerned with the attack on the Ballard, this was supposed to be possibly the first real attempt at peace in this region, as he walked into the ops officer he saw Anara and the new COO, "I assume this is about the Ballard?" Silonez said with out mincing his words.

Tika smiled at the two officers who just entered the room, but didn't answer the man's question. They still had one more officer to wait for. "Please have a seat...can I get you anything?"

"Just water, please. Thanks. I don't believe we have met before, Lieutenant Commander. I am Lt. Meru Anara. Feel free to call me Anara," Anara replied.

"Lahtikah Phoenix-Patil....but everyone calls me Tika....when not on duty of course." Tika said as she got the drink from the replicator.

Hannah was the last to make her entrance and she nodded to the other officers as she stepped inside. "I got a call that you wanted to see me, Commander?"

"Helllo, Ensign." Tika said as she sat back down behind her desk. "Now, I know that some of you have things to do so I'll make this quick. The four of us will work together to investigate the attack. We will determine who did it and take the saucer section to intercept them. Separation of the saucer will occur in one hour. Understood?" She asked as she sipped the lemonade on her desk.

Anara nodded. She thanked the woman for the water and took a long swallow of it before setting it down, "So we will be working as a team, sharing information with each other, etc...?" Anara was used to working in a team, so she didn't think this would be difficult for her.

"Absolutely..." Tika replied.

Silonez looked down at his notes, he was supposed to be meeting with the captain shortly so he cut to the point, "We just started to go over the Ballard's sensor logs and now you want to go on a wild goose chase?" Silonez was annoyed "while we're at it why don't we go find a borg cube, seriously the better our information the better off we are at finding the attackers." Silonez said with some exasperation.

"Right, sorry. I didn't think off that....because as a graduate of Starfleet academy as valedictorian, and a Lieutenant Commander at the age of 32, naturally, I am exceedingly stupid......." She said with attitude and sarcasm. Tika had spent her entire life as queen bee. Her parents spoiled her rotten, and she was by far the most popular girl in school. One thing she'd learned not to tolerate in all of those capacities long ago was decent. Now she was a starfleet officer and a Lieutenant Commander, and she sure as hell wasn't going to change now.

Her beautiful eyes grew cold, and her obvious arrogance became visible for the first time since she'd been on board. She met glances with the Lieutenant and arched a perfectly shaped eyebrow, having to admit through her annoyance, his sarcastic attitude had been quite attractive for her. "While you may find your sarcasm amusing and your bluntness as a staggering realism, I do not. I find your tone and your choice of words very disrespectful. I am a Lieutenant Commander and second officer aboard this ship. You will treat me with the respect that status requires. ...Is that understood?" She held the PADD in her hands very firmly, waiting for the only acceptable answer any Starfleet officer could give.

Silonez stood, he was bordering on full blown anger "The last time operations give intel direction we lost the battle of Chin'toka, care for a repeat performance?" With out waiting for a reply he then added "I'll discuss this with the captain." And with that he left the room bringing an end too that confrontation.

Tika was more angry then she'd been in a very long time. This was a power struggled that she'd just lost, and it had been one she was sure was in the bag for her. She tried her best to pretend that she didn't care but failed miserably, forcing a smile with all her might and turning to the remaining officers in the room. "....Would it kill him to say ma'am?" Was all she said as her heart pounded loudly in her chest.

Anara watched the argument with quiet reflection. She watched the man leave and then turned toward Tika, "He was completely out of line, Lt. Commander. If you plan to report him, I will give my support for disciplinary action."

Anara glanced at Hannah, unsure of what the ensign was thinking. She had given her two cents and she would stand by that. Tika had been giving the meeting their mission statement, and Silonez had insulted her by speaking out rudely. If he had a bad experience with ops before it shouldn't cloud his judgment as to how things would continue now. She had never met the officer, but she now had less respect for him and comparatively somewhat more respect for Tika.

Feeling more than a little awkward, Hannah wanted to keep out of the arguement so she cleared her throat and asked quietly, "Do you have specific areas you want us to work on?"

Tika. Looked up at the Ensign. "I'll have more information for you when we separate...dismissed."

Anara gave the Lt. Cmdr. a nod to those that were left and then she made her way out of the conference room. She had plans to go on the Ballard and collect some samples.


Lt. Meru Anara
Chief Science Officer
USS Achilles

Lt. Cmdr Lahtikah Phoenix-Patil
Chief of Operations & 2nd Officer

Lt. Silonez Eircson
Chief of Intelligence

Ens. Hannah Dawson
Security Officer


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