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Behind the scenes

Posted on 02 Aug 2010 @ 3:34pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

806 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Current

[Altarian 3 – Home of the Kyari]

Darian had returned home and now walked the halls of the Priminister's sub-terranian complex. The operaton had been an unmitegated far.

[USS Achilles]

Da`nal sat in his ready room and watch as report after report came in none of them bearing anything that impoved his mood over the situation. He had gone over the Ballard's mission reports. the level that the negotiations had reached. None of this made any sence.

At the beginning of the negotiations the Larucian factions had issued several threats but had appearantly had several key issued resolved to their satifaction and had been quiet...until now.

He prepared a statement to both The Kyari and Larucian governments.


From Captain Da`nal of the Federation Starship USS Achilles

I regret to inform you that a massive attack was brought down on the USS Ballard, site of the ongoing negotiations between your two worlds. Casualties are high and the situation is currently under investigation. At present I am unable to assertain the fate of your delegations, however as soon as we know their fate governments will be contacted.

There has been a claim of responsibility by the Larucian Liberation Front. I have attached a the message we recieved and a visual record of the ship seen attacking and raiding the Ballard when we arrived.


"Computer transmit this message to central government of both Altarian 3 & 4 and send a copy to Starfleet Command.

[Altarian 4 – Home of the Laruc]

A clerk in the communcation room for the central government looked at the message as it came in and nearly jumped out of his chair. Downloading it he ran straight for the ministers residence on the next wing of the compound.

An aid was summoned to the entrance by security and after the clerk explain the aid jumped into action, head straight for the ministers chambers. All formallity was gone and he bardged right in on the Minister as he slept. The noice from the door slamming open wake the minster with at start. "WHAT IS..."

"...Sir my appologies but is a communique from the Federation. There was an attack on the summit and the LLF is being blamed!"

"WHAT!" As a former member, at least officially, of the Larucian Liberation Front the minister was well aware of the organizations activities. To his knowledge that was nothing planned at all against the summit....let alone the Federation. He looked over the message and the attached files. "Dispatch medical aid immediately and wake the Ministry Council and get me Tayeth...he has some explaining to do!"

There was no reply the young aid bolted from the room to impliment the Ministers instructions.

[Altarian 3]

A similar set of events began to unfold on Altarian 4's sister planet. "Send an Immediate relpy condemning the attack and send a relief ship at once!"

""Yes Minister."

However once the orders had been issued the minister dressed and headed through a secret access panel and after a few moments in the lift hidden their he found himself in his personal bunker.

The guard saluted and informed him that his 'guest' had arrived. "He arrived half an hour ago, Minister."

On his way down he had review the transission from the Federation. ~Darian had used a recorded message...the fool.~ Not that it would have mattered his fate was already sealed. Entering the bunker area his saw Darian waiting for him, a large satified grin on his face. "Things went well?"

"We did loose one ship but the Larucian...particiants were on board so there will be plenty of DNA to find. Per the plan we waited until a starship arrived to transmit and warped ot toward the old Laruc area of operations in the Berathan asteroids belts."

"Excellent." Turning towards the counter he pour both of them a drink, and handed one to Darian. "To finally ridding ourselves of the Laruc...with the help of the Federation."

Taking the glass he lifted it slightly. "To you sir; seeing the opportunity that others didn't...and taking it." He then downed the drink in a gulp.

The Minister watched his accomplice and waited. He didn't have to wait long.

Darian's throar caught at first, then he began tp gag. He moved to the minister. knowing what had been done to him but he doubled over in agony at the cramps in his gut. As he collapsed to the floor he managed to look up....."wwwwhy."

Squating down to speak to him the minster explained. "You use a recording from an attack two years ago...but honestly you were dead the second you accepted the assignment."

Standing he turned and head towards that door. As he reach his guard, "See to it that the rest of the the crew and that other ship are never seen again."


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