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Meeting Donnie

Posted on 18 Aug 2010 @ 1:32pm by

816 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Executive Officer's Office
Timeline: MD: 2, 1300

Tika exited the turbolift and walked slowly toward the first officer's office. She was going to take this opportunity to meet him and knew for a fact it was going to be interesting. She never put to much faith in reports at times, but his was promising for her. She'd read his personnel report and saw a long list of demerits and demotions. He'd been described in ways that suggested he didn't always play by the rules...despite her Starfleet officer status and rank, she loved people like that. Especially men.

She arrived at the door that was indicated on her PADD and pressed the chime, waiting for an answer with her usual aura of impatience one would compare to a teenager.

Don was behind his desk engrossed in the administration relating to crew changes. "Will it ever end?" he mumbled to himself. Just as he wanted to get up to take a walk, he heard the chime. "Enter!" he said and looked up to see who was his visitor.

The doors parted, and Tika entered slowly, her healed boots touching the carpet with a thud. Her well toned legs streached out in front of her as she looked over at the man behind the desk. She didn't bother with attention as the door closed behind her and she opened a pair of glossy lips to speak. "Lieutenant Commander Lahtikah Phoenix-Patil" she said calmly and with great attention to each silable.

"You certainly look different that the previous Ops Chief," he said appreciatively as his eyes took her in. He got up and stepped around his desk, stretching out his hand. "Welcome aboard, Commander," he said smiling.

She took the hands, which were larger than her own for obvious reasons. She smiled at him. "Glad to be here.."

"Sit down, please," he said indicating a chair, while stepping towards the replicator. He really needed a whiskey, but that would be rather inappropriate. Coffee would have to do for him. 'What can I offer you to drink or eat for that matter?" he asked.

Being on duty was a lot different then the being off. "Lemonade would be great." She said, her slight Hindi accent sounding. She watched him as he got the drink and took it when it was offered. "Thanks." She said, putting the glass up to her lips.

Don sat on the side of the his desk, with his mug on coffee. "I have your clearance codes here," he said and stretched backwards to reach the padd and the and then handed it to her so she could activate her code. Don was never one to be at a loss for words, but for some reason he felt a bit tongue tied to say the least. *So what brings you here* seemed silly. He cleared his throat and tried something more official. "Have you been allocated quarters yet?" he asked.

"No," she said, placing her hands on her well toned crossed legs. "I haven't had time yet. The first thing I did was report to the Captain who gave me an assignment immediately. I just thought I should meet you before I went about that."

She put the glass to her lips again, drinking the liquid. It was her favorite day time drink.

Don watched her intently, and had to blink to get is attention back. "Good," he said grinning. ~That you came to meet me first~ he thought to himself. "Do you have any questions so far?"

"Where's a good place to get a drink around here?" She said with a grin.

Don's grin widened. "Apart from my quarters, I think you could try the Captain's too..." he laughed. "He keeps good stuff there too I think," he mused with mirth. "We we have a bar on the ship, run by Rhys. I could introduce you to her.." he offered.

She grined, runing her fingers atop each other. "Your quarters doesn't sound to bad." She said grinning. "It would be a great way for us to get to know each other."

"Well then, come around 1900, and dress casually...." he said smiling.

She bit her lip, looking up at him for a second and standing up. "See ya then...uhm...can I call you Don?"

Don liked her more than he had expected and the smile reached his eyes. "Definitely when we are in private," he replied. "And when we are alone...." he said warmly, as he stood up.

"Good. You can call me Tika." She said, grabbing her things and heading toward the door, her shapely hips swaying from side to side as she walked. "Seeya later, Donnie." She said with a grin. The name sounding strange coupled with her Hindi accent.

"Donnie...." he laughed. "I had not been called that since ... well...not for a ling time.. see you then..."


Commander Don (Donnie) Killian

Lieutenant Commander Lahtikah Phoenix-Patil


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