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It's Just You?

Posted on 24 Jul 2010 @ 11:59am by

554 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Corridor
Timeline: Two Hours Before Party

Wandella had been slinking through the corridors en route to her cabin, watching people and, of course, being watched and thoroughly enjoying it. She had yet to decide what to wear to the party that evening, but she had plenty of things to choose from, from the slinky to the almost non-existent, and she'd find the one that would catch the most eyes in her closet somewhere.

PO 3 Steve Lancaster had just come off of a short shuttle patrol and was on the way to file the usual post patrol report with the Chief when he bumped into someone, almost knocking both of them to the ground. He reached over and steadied the woman he'd bumped into, her face covered by her flying hair, "Oh, I'm sorry, Ma'am!" He apologized profusely.

"Is okay." Wandella giggled, steadying herself against the wall, "I hope you fly better than you walk, Lancaster."

"Oh!" Lancaster laughed, realizing he'd bumped into the very person he'd been looking for, "It's just you, Wandella. Hey, this is for you." With that, Lancaster handed her the PADD with the report on it and went on his way.

Wandella stood there for a second, stunned. Had he really said that? 'It's just you, Wandella.' Since when was it just Wandella? She tucked the PADD into her jacket and made her way to her quarters in a hurry, realizing she'd broken her cardinal rule, she'd let people get used to her, ~I fix this!~

Entering her quarters at warp six Wandella began removing her uniform until she was standing in only a red lace bra and matching panties. Reviewing Lancaster's report quickly, there wasn't much to review as he'd been out for two hours and had nothing of interest to report, she made her way to her vanity. ~Of course Tarryn isn't here! Okay, I do everything myself, surprise her, too!~

Looking herself over in the mirror she had a certain amount of hesitation; she wanted to make a huge change on the spot, but she wasn't exactly sure if it was a great idea. ~You're breaking rule two, Wandella! Letting yourself get stagnant!~ With a sudden, determined smile, she resolved it was time to shake things up, "It's just Wandella, my ass!" She giggled, as she grabbed her ponytail in one hand and the knife off of her nightstand with the other. Steeling herself quickly and laughing like a recently escaped mental patient Wandella sawed through the ponytail and threw it onto the floor, smiling at her changed reflection in the mirror as she found her scissors and continued her impromptu makeover.

An hour and a half later Wandella's long, dark locks had been replaced by a short, asymmetrical, blonde bob, and, as she stepped into the corridor, the satisfaction of eyes fixated on her again swelled her self confidence to it's usual Wandella levels. Adjusting her low cut, curve hugging, blue silk dress Wandella made her way to the party, passing Lancaster as she entered, who quickly dropped his drink.

Lancaster, unable to take his eyes off the Chief's new look stood there with his mouth hanging open before finally managing to mutter, "Damn!"

"What?" Wandella teased, "Is just me, Wandella."


Lt. JG Wandella Kristere
CFCO/Fashion Chameleon


PO3 Steve "It's Just You" Lancaster
Shuttle Pilot


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