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Bridal Party: Part 1

Posted on 28 Jul 2010 @ 7:13pm by Colonel Stadi Andrus

1,843 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Holodeck 4
Timeline: MD 2, 15:30 hours


Anara and Talla were putting the finishing touches together for the party. Their gifts were on a table covered in silver table cloth, especially for bridal gifts. Anara hoped that the guests would all bring something. The room was decorated in silver and blue balloons, streamers and hanging wedding bells from the ceiling. It was a large room with a row of windows, letting in natural light and showing a green forest outside. There were a connecting bar with the bartender already setting the various bottles for drinks. There was also a large dance floor and a large dinning room table.

The table had a vibrant blue table cloth and was already set with white and silver plate ware and glasses. There were bowls set on the table that held heart shaped candies. By every setting was a small plate that held a chocolate truffle.

Appetizers were already set out at the buffet table with okoid bread and various dipping, uttaberries and swine meatballs.

"Thanks for your help, Talla," Anara said as she adjusted their gifts on the table and then moved over to the bar.

The Andorian science officer smiled at the Chief, "Certainly. I hope this night will be a lot of fun. Hopefully enough people will come to make it a fun party."

Anara responded, "That's what I'm hoping. Tam- do you have everything you need?" She asked the bartender.

Tam Hagen, a 25 year old Betazoid eager to see the Galaxy stood behind the bar wiping down glasses. He took the job as bartender after running out of credits on Star Base 515. "Yes ma'am, I have everything I need to keep everyone happy. The ship is very well stocked."

"Wonderful, now we're going to have a stripper come in about 19:30 hours. If he needs anything, please help him out. Hopefully the entire party turns out just as planned. Also- the guest of honor is Jessica. I understand that she hasn't been feeling well. There will be medical officers here. If they tell you to make all of her drinks virgin- do it. She may be on medication...I'm not sure. Alright?" she spoke to the bartender, hoping that they were both on the same page.

"No problem ma'am, I will find out before I serve her if its okay by Medical for her to have alcohol. Did you want me to contact the male entertainment at a certain time or does he know what time to arrive?"

"He should know what time to arrive, but if you are able to- that would be great. His name is Marco Russo, he's a staff sergeant with the marines. Let me know if there are going to be any changes, so I can make sure the women don't miss it," she grinned at the bartender.

"Okay ma'am, I will send him a reminder just to be sure." Tam smiled back.

"Thanks Tam, " she said to the bartender. Then she turned toward Talla, "Nothing else to do, but wait. Hopefully a few of them come on time and are here before Jessica is."

Hannah entered the holodeck next, spotting Meru she made her way over. "Hi, am I early?"

Anara moved to hug Hannah, "Nope- you're right on time. Help yourself to a appetizer or order a drink- anyone you like. Tam will make it for you."

Melanie walked in and immediately felt uncomfortable, she was grieving the loss of her own fiance and here she was at a bridal shower. Perhaps she could drop of the gift and leave quietly. She knew that Jessica would understand. Melanie moved to place the white lace tablecloth wrapped in blue ribbon on the table and started to leave quietly.

Anara noticed Melanie coming in. She moved over to the woman and put her arm about her shoulders, "Lt. Hemmingway! Thank you for coming. I wanted to speak to you for a moment. I understand that Jessica's condition may have gotten somewhat worse. Do you think you could keep an eye on her throughout the party? Should I have the bartender produce only virgin drinks for her? What do you think?"

Melanie groaned inwardly, "Her condition is stable and she is no longer in any danger, let her enjoy the party. I'm sorry I can't stay...I have to..." ~Leave.~ She thought to herself.

"Are you sure? Is something wrong? Are you feeling okay?" Anara's face filled with concern.

"I am sure...I wont be very good company here. Jessica will understand...I'm really sorry." Melanie explained as much as she was willing to explain at the moment. She wasn't even sure if she knew Anara from before the accident, although, the way the woman was acting perhaps she did. Mel pushed away tears that were threatening to form.

"I don't understand. Why wouldn't you be good company..? You can talk to me," she urged the woman to tell her more. She hoped to have a party with a good amount of people. "I really wanted this day to be special for Jessica, and I'm not sure if everyone will show up. I need you here if you can stay."

"Because I just found out my fiance was murdered..." She sighed, ''if people don't come call me discretely and I will come back...I am leaving so that I don't ruin this for Jessica. She knows that I lost someone I had been with for a great many years..."

Anara's mouth dropped open and then she covered her face with her hands, "Oh my...I'm so sorry. I'll let her know that you stopped by." She gave the woman a hug before allowing her to leave the party. She wished Melanie could have stayed, but she understood how personal reasons could interfere with a good time. She didn't want anyone crying at the party.

Wandella had been here the whole time, trying to stay out of sight of that loony security chick, ~Last thing I need is to get arrested for something here at party.~ She thought, though curiosity about what was going on between Anara and Melanie Hemmingway was about to overtake her.

Ayren couldn't make it earlier, but then came in with an apologetic smile. "Hi girls, I am sorry I only come now.... work," she said walking towards the women. "I hope I haven't missed too much..."

Tam approached Anara and Melanie, he could sense her pain, "Hello ladies, care for a drink or some finger food? This is very delicious wine." Tam said holding out the tray. ~I know that you are in pain, but perhaps this party is just what you need.~ Tam projected to her.

Melanie turned and faced Tam. ~No...I wont ruin this evening for Jessica with my own tears. I am controlling the pain enough so that I am not projecting it to those around me...I won't remain in control of them for long. I won't hurt anyone else here...I'm really sorry.~

Almost everyone was here, but they were still missing he guest of honor. Once she arrived, dinner could begin.

Approaching the lounge Jess took a nervous breath ... she was excited but at the same time nervous that the other women wouldn't like her. Walking in the door she stopped in the entrance and stared round in wonder before going over to Anara and hugging her as she whispered in her ear "Thank you soooo much."

Anara grinned and turned around to hug Jessica back. She whispered back, "You deserve it! Help yourself to some appetizers."

She then turned toward the group, "It's an open bar, ladies, so help yourself and Tam will fix you up anything you want. We will have dinner in about 10 minutes, then we will open gifts and play a game or two. Have fun, ladies!"

Wandella was quick to get to the bar, getting herself a large Margarita and finding a nice place to sit and people watch.

Ayren didn't know many of the new crew, but decided to stay anyway also making her way to the bar. Sensing that the barman was Betazoid, she got his attention. She was still enjoying the newness of her own, rather quiet bonding with Da'nal and was in a contemplative mood. ~Can I please have a glass of dry red wine?~ she projected to Tam, seeing that she was not involved in a conversation with anyone.

Tam nodded, ~Of course, ma'am~ Tam stepped behind the bar to the wines that he kept chilled, searching till he found what he was looking for.~Here we go~ He projected as he popped the top with a corkscrew.~Nothing like the real thing, I always say~

10 minutes later, Anara called for everyone to come to the long table. She made sure that Jessica was at the head at the table. Male servers in tuxedos came and served each woman a serving of rack of lamb with a cherry glaze, roasted vegetables, and corn.

Glasses were filled with whatever beverage each woman desired. Anara raised her glass, "To the newlyweds, John and Jessica- may their relationship get stronger day by day." She started off the toast. She looked to the other women, encouraging them to say a few words if the wished.

"To Jessica" Wandella smiled, "Better you than me!"

Jess chuckled at that "Just wait til you find the right person Wandella ... You'll see."

Ayren lifted her glass and toasted the bride, worrying a bit about what her own wedding ceremony would entail.

Tam and crew that we helping him made sure that all their glasses were full.

Once it seemed that those that wanted to say something had spoken, she clinked glasses with everyone and took a sip. Then she began digging into the delicious food. "You're going to love dessert, " she told Jessica. "That's going to be a surprise, but I have a even better one for you later." She giggled mischievously.

Jess looked at her in curiosity and gave her a pleading look. "Surprise?"

Tam walked over to Jessica, taking her hand lightly in his as she held her glass, "Let me refill you ma'am." He poured more champagne in her glass. "There you go sweetheart." Reaching for Anara's hand, he did the same, "There you go beautiful."

Anara smiled up at the bartender and gave him a soft thank you before turning back to Jessica, "Yes...the entertainment..and that's all I will say about that." She laughed. She turned back to the dinner and ate a piece of the lamb, "What do you think of the food? I spoke to our chef about making it fresh for us."

Jess grinned at Anara "It's incredible ... thanks for going to so much trouble."

"You're worth it," Anara squeezed Jessica's hand. "I thought it would be a good way to bond with the other women as well."


Lt. Meru Anara
Chief Science Officer


Lt. Jessica Cole
Chief Engineer Officer


Lt. Melanie Hemmingway


Lt. (jg) Wandella Kristere


Ensign Hannah Dawson
Security Officer


Aryen Kelan


Tam Hagen
npc by John


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