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Complicated report

Posted on 24 Jul 2010 @ 7:24am by Colonel Stadi Andrus

1,279 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: CDO's Office
Timeline: Current

Melanie sat in her quarters and stared at the PADD in front of her. How was she supposed to write a report that spanned over the past ten years of her life? Getting up from where she sat she decided to visit Ayren like the Captain had suggested. Grabbing the PADD she left her quarters and went in search of Ayren, wondering the whole time if she knew the woman from before the accident or not.

Standing in front of Ayren's quarters she rang the chime and waited to be admitted.

The presence was familiar and Ayren smiled, when she recognized Melanie. Getting up she ordered the door opened. She was well aware of the fact that she had impaired memory, and would keep that in mind when dealing with her.

When Melanie stepped through the door, Ayren smiled warmly. "Come in..." she said.

"Ayren? The Captain asked me to ask you if you could please help me write a report...if you aren't too busy?" She asked completely unsure of herself.

Ayren sensed the uncertainly and indicated for her to sit down. "yes I am Ayren." She let comforting emotion wash over Melanie "Of course I will help you, Melanie" she said. "We used to know each other on DS5," she offered the reason for her own familiarity.

"I'm sorry I don't remember you." She frowned slightly and sat down. "Did you know of Talar and of his death?" She asked.

"I know you don't and it is ok," Ayren replied. It seemed she was more used in her old counseling capacity than as Diplomat. Not that it bothered her, in fact she welcomed it. "I know only a little about Talar," she venured, "But I do know of his death."

Melanie nodded. "He and I were on the USS Alberta when it was attacked. He pulled me into an escape pod. I was furious with him. At that point I hated all Romulans because of what one sick sadistic Romulan did to me when I was 16 years old. Talar was different, he showed me that not all Romulans were the same. There were some out there that genuinely cared and were good people. He showed me not to blame a whole race on the actions of one." She sighed and began to pace, not an anxious pace but one nonetheless.

"Through the traumatic events in the escape pod and waiting to be rescued, nearly running out of air...I started to fall in love with him and he with me. We went back to Earth with a plan that he would become Vulcan and completely disown his Romulan heritage. The war was chaotic and no one knew the difference. Talar is a more common name on Romulus than on Vulcan but it didn't matter. I surgically altered him so he would appear more Vulcan. We lived together for ten years." Melanie looked down at the bracelet that had once belonged to Talar's grandmother. "He gave this to be as an engagement present.''

Melanie slowly returned to her seat. "No one found out that he was Romulan until the Captain contacted DS5 when I was in a coma. They realised that there was an embryo he and I created in case something happened to either one of us...that is when Starfleet found out..."

Ayren listened attentively, also judging the emotional content of her words. "What of this is memory?" she asked curiously.

"I remember everything...I don't remember being on DS5, his death or the embryo. I fear Starfleet is going to judge me more harshly because Talar was with me on Earth when I was at Starfleet Medical. I had left Starfleet completely after he proposed. I walked away from everything I knew to be with him..."

Her story concerned Ayren deeply. Of course she saw the beauty of love against all odds, but she had to remain objective. Starfleet would not see romance here, they would look at the actions taken and view it as criminal, or worse treason, considering the time it took place. "What is the situation with Starfleet right now?" She was surprised that Melanie was not arrested yet.

"The Captain simply wants my report...and to tell him of all the times that Talar was off planet. I only remember one...and that was to avenge me against that other Romulan. I asked him to leave it be, that I didn't need him to take revenge against what was done to me...but he wouldn't hear of it. Instead I simply asked that he blocked all memories of it when he was around me because I didn't want to see what he had done. The Captain will forward my report onto Starfleet but he doesn't think anything will come of it because Talar was working with Starfleet during the War."

Ayren sighed a sigh of relief, hearing that he had worked with Starfleet. There were a few things that confused her still, but it was not the issue. "What is it you want me to do?" she asked gently.

Melanie sighed, "help me write the report...a medical report no problem...but this, I don't want to lose my career or the embryo because I stepped the wrong way."

Ayren nodded in understanding. "I do have a few questions, si I can make sure I understand perfectly. Is that okay? I am asking questions those reading the report could ask," she explained gently.

"Ayren I am so tired of keeping the lies straight, it feels good to let it out...even if it will brand me a traiter." She replied. Already talking with Ayren a weight felt like it had been lifted off her. There were very few people that knew her whole story. Melanie wasn't sure if it was the calming effect that Ayren was sending her or if it was simply that she was done with all the lies and she was finally telling someone the whole truth.

"Firstly, you said that you did the alteration to his appearance when you were on earth, during the war. You also mentioned that he was working with Starfleet. Why did you not go to Starfleet directly for help?"

Melanie shrugged, "Talar wanted it to be like he had died...the records weren't kept thoroughly during the War so it wasn't difficult for him to be listed missing in action. I don't remember much of our rescue from the escape pod...just that he said his name was Talar. He looked more Vulcan than Romulan...I just took away the last hints. He didn't want Starfleet involved...I never fully understood why...he never spoke of it and I didn't go into his mind without his permission."

Ayren took a deep breath and nodded slowly. How Starfleet would view this, was still a concern to her. "You do have proof that he did work with Starfleet?" she asked tentatively.

"Yes, right here. We were both working in Sickbay together." She replied handing Ayren another PADD. "I'm sorry Ayren...I didn't know who else to turn to and The Captain said to come and talk to you as he has to review my report."

Ayren took the Padd and reviewed the data on it. Once finished, she smiled. "It is my job to do things like this," she said gently. "I will compile a report and when I am done, I will let you know and you can have a look at it before we submit it to the Captain."

"Thank you." Melanie smiled softly. "I really appreciate it."


Lt. Melanie Hemmingway
USS Achilles

Ayren Kelan
CDO/ Counselor
USS Achillis


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