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Anicipation and Arrival

Posted on 29 Jul 2010 @ 2:16am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,489 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Altarian Star system
Timeline: MD 2 - 0200

******** ANTICIPATION ********

The ship was at Battle stations and Da`nal sat in command of the Achilles from the primary Battle Bridge. His First Office was also manning his post in the lower Drive Section should the order come to separate the ship. Above them both, on the Main Bridge, Lt. Ericson sat likewise ready to take command. The Saucer Section on a Prometheus class starship was usually commanded by the ships second officer, but as the Achilles had no such officer...officially, Da`nal had given the task to his Intelligence officer. As Da`nal waited...the thing he hated most, he called that there had been something Silonez had wanted to discuss with him. However he had said it would have to wait, at least, until the current crisis was behind them.

[Primary Battle Bridge]

Ahead of him Logan sat at Ops while the ship streaked at her topmost velocity to the damaged starship. Repeated hails had been sent but there had been no reply. "Anything, Ensign."

"No sir...nothing."

Da`nal stood to pace the bridge slightly.


"4 minutes to sensor range." came the reply that was heard on all three bridge locations and in the Marine HQ and staging areas.

Anara stood at her post aboard the science station on the bridge. She monitored what she could and looked for ways to extend the reach of their sensors.

"I can make it in three, Keptin." Wandella said, making subtle adjustments to pull off just that feat, "Do you want me to go ahead and program an attack vector in case?"

Da`nal grinned inside at her eagerness. "Not as yet...but be ready, lets wait to see what we have to deal with first."

"Aye, Sir." Wandella nodded, though she wasn't going to hide the fact that she was ready, damn ready for a fight. She had friends on the Ballard, two former Nova Squadron mates, and she wasn't about to let someone get away with attacking them, maybe worse... ~Don't even think that, Wandella.~

[Marine Country]

Lieutenant Tom Clancy stayed in the Marine HQ area with his 12 man squad. He would be backup for any other squad that need it or even could send out 2, 6 man teams to reinforce or rescue. More than likely he would not be leaving the ship, but coordinate things from there.

[Marine Staging Area Primary Drive Section]

John Cole sat in the Marine staging area with his 12 man team waiting and listening. He looked around at the faces of his men, they were itching and ready to go and face what there was on the Ballard.


Jess stood with her bodyguard in Engineering as she looked round to check everything was ready. "Ensign Mythys ... status?"

Zach smiled at the chance to see what the Achilles was truly made of "everything is ready to go sir."

[Saucer Bridge]

Silonez looked at the tactical display for the second time, "Goto standby helm, tactical, put the sensor readouts on the main viewer, over lay the tactical displays."

The nervous boilian keyed up the display the way Silonez requested, "Ready down here Captain."

[Marine Staging Area Saucer Section]

Gunnery Sergeant Paul Rosewood stood by the transporter pad with his twelve man squad waiting orders as they heard everything everyone else was hearing. Most sat around eagerly waiting and putting the final touches on their weapons and gear. Gunny check over his PADD as he continued to familiarize himself with the schematics of the Galaxy class ship.

[Lower Drive Bridge]

Don hated waiting, and was short of pacing. His station was ready and his officers at their posts. He spoke through the comm link to D'anal. "We are ready here if you are..." he said.

[Marine Staging Area Lower Drive Section]

Staff Sargent Marco Russo had his team ready in the staging area of the lower drive. He was chatting with a young female Sargent by the name of Stacy Reed. This was actually her first time boarding a ship and she was a little nervous.

******** ARRIVAL ********


Those 4 minutes seemed to drag out for an eternity… “Captain we're entering sensor range.†Before Da`nal could even voice his question the report continued. “SIR, weapons fire! I’m reading multiple vessels and some smaller craft. Looks like the Ballard managed to launch a few fighters sir!â€

The comm was still open so he knew every command area could hear him as he gave the order,and at their current speed they were due to intercept very soon. “Engage Multi-Vector Assault Mode!â€

In the Lower Drive Section, Don almost shouted *yay!* bit of course it would be inappropriate for the XO to behave like a teenager, so he only said "yay" and put his serious face on again.

They could all hear and feel the separation of the Prometheus class ship. "All systems stand by!"

"Killian to D'anal, LDS (Lower Drive Section) successfully disengaged and ready!" he said

[Larucian Cruiser]

Yalla was looking at her readings as she monitored the approaching Starship. "Sir they are moving at an EXTREMELY high warp....SIR The's breaking up! They must have been pushing it too hard."


Moving to the console he saw the same readings the ship was breaking apart. Then the truth of the situation dawned on him. "That ship is intact."


"It's not breaking up. It's separating. That's a Prometheus class ship."

[Upper Drive Section]

The Achilles dropped from warp between the Ballard and the Star and the three sections of the starship moved rapidly on the Ballard’s position. Ensign Logan sat at Ops, she remembered her first engagement under the Captains command. In that fight the ships construction hadn’t even been completed and they still came out on top. Then she had been a nervous wreck but now she had the combat experience and she knew what to expect from the Captain and what was expected of her.

“Captain the Larucian Cruiser is altering course.â€

~Larucian? That doesn’t make any sense.~

“Sir, we are being hailed.â€

“On screen.â€

“We are Member of the Larucian Liberation Front! We will no longer tolerate Kyarian oppression nor will we trade one oppressor for another! The mighty Federation has felt our sting and it will again until they leave this system and sever all ties with the Kyari!â€

The channel closed before a reply could be voiced, but a shot was fired towards them passing over Da`nal’s section of the Achilles. Irritated and without hesitation, “Hail the other sections.â€

“Channel open.â€

=^=Don, secure the Ballard. Mr. Eircson and I will move to engage the Cruiser. =^=

=^= Acknowledged =^= came Don't reply.

Logan interrupted the XO. “SIR, they just went to warp!â€

“Heading? “

"The Berath system…unless they change course."

The Berath system was the nearest star system to the present location, and had two massive asteroid belt. Providing ample hiding places. “Very well. One thing we won’t do is follow them into a trap or leave the Ballard unprotected. This systems internal problems are their own….for now. Let see to our comrades. Re-integrate the ship."

"Aye sir."

=^= Medical Teams stand by to transport to the Ballard. Major Cole, Secure that Ship. Engineering, get me a full Damage report on the Ballard. Don, I want away teams over there as soon as possible. Mr. Silonez, cordinate with security and begin an investigation once the ship is secure.=^=

Turning to the science station. "Lt Meru, if you could assist in the analysis."

"Right away, sir," Anara responded.

~Shit!~ Don grumbled. He wanted action. "Yes Captain," he said grudgingly and started to assemble the teams.

=A=Aye sir.=A= Jessica looked at her engineers "Let's get to it people ....we need informations stat!"

"Aye captain." Silonez grabbed the chair arm slightly thinking that something wasn't right.

=A=You heard the Captain, Marines, prepare for transport!=A= John and his team stepped up onto the transporter pad and readied their weapons, =A=All weapons to stun, snipers, use your sidearm. Team 2, Gunny, secure engineering so we can get a repair team there ASAP. Team 3, Russo start at deck 42 and make your way up. Team 1 will start from the upper most level and work their way down=A= John looked to the transporter chief, "How high can you put us?"

"Decks 1 through 11 have decompressed and have no atmosphere, I can get you on deck 12. Sick Bays are there and I am reading lots of life signs."

"That sounds good." John replied. =A=Transporter rooms, Energize!=A= In a sparkling light, the three teams were gone....

[Bridge - Upper Drive Section]

He came forward and put a hand on his helm officers shoulder. “Better luck next time, Re-intergat the ship.â€


Captain Da`nal
Commanding Officer

Major John Cole
Marine CO
USS Achilles

Lt Cmdr Don Killian

Lt. Meru Anara
Chief Science Officer
USS Achilles

Ltjg Wandella Kristere

Ens Zachary Mythyis


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