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Holding their own - Part 3

Posted on 23 Jul 2010 @ 12:14pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

588 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: USS Ballard - as the Achilles is on the way
Timeline: MD 2 000 - 0200

[Larucian ships]

The two Larucian ships stayed within transporter range of the Ballard even as they were harassed by the three Federation craft. As soon as they made and attack run the ships would lower a shield grid an beam more supplies from the Ballard.

“How long do we have to keep up these games?â€

“…Until the Federation arrives.â€

“But we have our witnesses. The pilots can tell however that the Laruc attacked the ship.â€

“And they will also tell how three little ship drove of two Larucian cruiser, you FOOL! Continue beaming!â€

None of them expected the explosion that shock the ship and they had little time but to wonder as the exploding torpedo caused the detonation of the others. The erupted in a fireball as their own antimatter containment failed.

[Phoenix Flight]


A section of debris from the exploding ship slammed into the Flyer ripping through its shields and into the hull; shearing the top off the craft. The remaining section spiraled out of control before it to exploded.

[Lead Larucian ship]

“What the hell happened!?†the Commander exclaimed.

“Looks like a Federation torpedo detonated sirâ€

“Stop all raiding operations. Fire on that ship!â€


[Aft Torpedo/Phaser Control Room]

The sensors came back just in time from the to see the ship explode. "YEAH!!" Then the shockwave hit, knocking them from their feet. Dashar gripped the console and managed to keep his footing for the most part.

Rachelle rolled to her stomach and looked up, "Fire on the second ship!"

Dashar grinned, "With pleasure."

[Larucian cruiser]

The blast from the Ballard hit before they could fire, and caught them completely off guard. "SHIELDS TO MAXIMUM! RETURN FIRE!"

The phaser fire took the Ballard in her unprotected nacelle but with the warp core offline it did little but vibrate the ship.

"Wanna try hitting something vital next time!"

The jolt had thrown of the targeting but she re-locked and prepared to fire.

[Main Engineering]

"Phaser Fire from the Aft arrays, sir!"


"Cross your fingers..." pressing the buttom to activate the repairs. "OH-YEAH...SHIELDS COMING UP SIR! However they won't last long."

The blast intended for the impulse engines hit the shields instead and sparks flew from several consoles. Wiping the char from the diplay, "they're holding....barely."

[Phoenix Flight]

=^= They got the shields up! Two, Follow me in. We'll hit them with everything we have left! =^=

=^= Micros would do much against that. =^=

=^= Target phasers and micros at the same point. That should do enough. =^=

[Aft Torpedo/Phaser Control Room]

Dashar had never been to one to hang with the flyboys, but if they made it through this he was getting those guys a drink. "Ma'am the fighters are making an attack run."

Rachelle came around next to him to see what was going on. "Looks like they are going to...They are concentrating their fire. Target the same point..." The Ballard was rocked by another seies of Phaser blasts.

"Shields are gone!"


[Larucian cruiser]

The fighters came in hot and fast. Their concentrated fire did have an affect, of pissing him off. "Get those insects."

Howver as soon as the they broke off the Ballard's phasers lanced out stiking the same point the fighters had targeted.

"Sir the shield grid is collapsing..."

" their weapons!!"

With the Ballards shield gone once again the cruisers fire destroyed the Ballard's aft phaser strips.
"Their weapons are down...Sir a ship is approaching at high warp!"

The Commander grinned at the news, "Finally."


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