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Breakfast with the Meru's

Posted on 23 Jul 2010 @ 5:13pm by

1,214 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Anara's Quarters
Timeline: MD 2: 07:10 hours


Anara was thankful that she had been able to unpack everything before she and Edom went to bed for the night. She woke up in her bedroom and stretched out in the empty bed. For a moment she thought about Ren. Would she had gone through with it? Married him..? Would he be in bed beside her now? She wasn't sure.

She slipped out of the bed and put a robe on over her night gown. She walked the short distance to her son's room. Edom had never been an early riser- he was like his father in that way. Hannah would be coming over soon, and she wanted to make sure Edom was ready for breakfast.

She sat on his bed and kissed his head, "Time to wake up, Edom." She shook his body a little. He opened his eyes and smiled at her. He stretched his arms above his head and then sat up and hugged and kissed her good morning. "What are we going to have for breakfast?"

Edom moved the covers off of him, exposing his blue and white plaid pajamas. Anara stood up and led the way out of his bedroom. "How about pancakes and sausage? Go ahead and brush your teeth and I'll start getting everything together. Hannah will be here soon."

Anara moved to the kitchen and took out the right ingredients. She had known how to cook since she was about 7 years old. The Bajoran family that she lived with had owned a farm and they made sure that everyone knew how to cook, hunt and eat well.

Anara hoped that Hannah would be okay about their relaxed atmosphere. She and Edom enjoyed eating breakfast in their pajamas and then playing video games for a while before making their beds, cleaning the kitchen and then getting dressed.

Hannah fidgeted with her sleeves as she reached the lieutenant's quarters, one of her annoying nervous habits. Pressing the chime she waited for the doors to open. She had been surprised at the invitation but also secretly pleased at getting a chance to make some friends onboard.

Anara called out softly, "Come in," The door opened immediately. Hannah could smell sausage cooking on a frying pan. "I hope you don't mind. Edom and I tend to take our time getting dressed, especially since we're not on a regular rotation right now. Repairs are still being made in the Science department."

"Oh, it's not a problem," Hannah assured her with a smile. "It smells delicious."

"Thank you. Are you new to the ship?" she asked as she broke some eggs to start making scrambled eggs.

"Not really, I mean I haven't been here for as long as most of the others but I'm not exactly new," Hannah replied. "What about you?"

"Edom and I just recently came on board. The Captain was in need of a CSO and I was in need of a new position. This will be my first time being Chief Science Officer," she replied.

Edom came in and greeted Hannah with a "Hello". Then he moved to the kitchen, where he picked up one plate at a time to the table to set the table.

Hannah smiled at him and then started to help him set the table. Speaking to Anara, she asked, "So where were you before you came here?"

"Before we came here we were on the USS Ares. We were there for 2 years. Things were alright there, but Edom was pretty lonely. There weren't any other children. I programed some holographic children that he could play with, but even at the age of 2- he could tell the difference," she said as she began putting food on a plate. She set a stack of pancakes on the plate, sausage and eggs on another. Then she brought them to the table.

Edom settled in his chair and waited patiently as she served him first, giving him 2 small pancakes, 2 sausage and some spoonfulls of scrambled egg. Anara handed the serving plates to Hannah, so she could serve herself.

"What about yourself? Or is this your first ship?" she asked curiously. She got up to get apple juice and orange juice.

"I was on the Jackson before this," Hannah replied. She helped herself to some food, it looked and smelled delicious so she took a full plateful.

Anara set the apple juice and orange juice on the tables. Glasses were already on the table. She also set a bottle of syrup on the table. She began serving herself, "What do you think of the breakfast so far?"

Hannah smiled at her and poured herself a glass of orange juice. "It's delicious, thank you. Usually I just grab a piece of toast or something before I go to work, this is much nicer."

"Breakfast is a important part of the day. I find that after having a good breakfast, I have a lot more energy. Edom behaves a lot better as well," she said. Edom nodded with his mouth full of food.

He chewed and swallowed and then spoke. "Remember what God mom always says- 'He's a growing boy!' and I am!"

Anara laughed softly, "Right you are."

She turned back to Hannah, "Did you receive the bridal party invitation? I hope you'll come. I really wanted this to be special for Jessica."

"Yes I did," Hannah said with a smile. "It's a really nice idea, I'll definitely drop by. I have to admit that I don't have any ideas for a wedding present though."

Anara nodded, "Think about things that a married woman would enjoy. Perhaps lotions? Oils? Specially scented oils? A robe or a robot that does house hold chores." Anara finished off her eggs and bacon.

Hannah nodded thoughtfully. "Thanks, I'm sure I'll think of something before the party. So uh... does Edom go to school here?"

Anara shook her head, "No...I've been teaching him a little on my own. I've been thinking of getting him a tutor. I should probably speak to somebody to see if they think he's ready for it. Do you know if the Captain's children go to school?"

"I don't know, sorry," Hannah replied. "But if you asked around I'm sure that someone would know about it."

"That's alright- I'll speak to him about it later. Thank you again for watching after my little one," Anara said as she finished up her breakfast. She noticed that Edom had finished as well. She wiped his mouth and watched as he moved to clear the table.

She turned back to Hannah, "Do you have a big day planned? I don't want to keep you if you have other obligations. Don't worry about cleaning up. It's no problem at all."

"Actually I probably should be getting back," Hannha said reluctantly. "Thank you for inviting me, the food was great."

"Any time. It was great having you. Send me a message if you want to hang out," Hannah said. She watched Edom run to the woman and hug Hannah's leg. Then he moved off to start on his chores.

Anara waved her goodbye and then began turning toward starting her day.


Lt. Meru Anara
Chief Science Officer
USS Achilles


Ensign Hannah Dawson
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Achilles


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