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Holding their own - Part 2

Posted on 23 Jul 2010 @ 12:08pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

994 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: USS Ballard - as the Achilles is on the way
Timeline: MD 1 2200 - 2400

[Aft Torpedo/Phaser Control Room]

As she was picking himself off the floor the lights cam back on. She tapped her commbadge but there was nothing. Moving to her console she was able to get intermitant sensor readings, but phasers were offline.

Rachelle was head to the emergency med kit to go see if she could help when an alarm sounded. Rushing back to her console she saw that the ship torpedoes were being beamed right out of their magazines. She tried isolating them but the computer wasn't able to establish a containment field.
Suddenly there was a noise at the door to the control room as someone or something tryed to force the door. Grabbing a phaser she took up a positon to fire at who ever came through. The door finally flew open and a team of Marines came bursting in.

Rachelle almost fired pulled pulled up at th last minute and yealled at the Corporal. "Ever heard of IDENTIFYING guys scared the HELL out of me!"

"Sorry miss but we detected transporter acti..."

Rachelle was already on the move pulling a panel off the wall. "Yes I know...we've got to get these phasers back online."

[Auxillery sickbay - Deck 17]

There was a never ending stream of wounded coming in. Even the medical staff had their own injuries, but those were set aside as the flow of men women and children continued to arrive.
Patients lined the corridors, filled the various labs and the CMO was nowhere to be seen. Fortunately they were able to get the medical backup generators up and running to get the EMH online.

Derrick was moving down the row of wounded followed by several crew that were relatively unhurt. As he moved from on to the next he gave his instructions to those with him.

"Critical ger her to surgery!" Two of his minions moved in to get her to the EMH.

"Minor, he can wait."

"Broken leg; Hypo for pain then set it with a splint and move him to the Hydroponics bay."

Then Derrick came to his next patient, a mother holding her child in her arms gently rocking the now dead child. He swallowed hard as his teeth clenched. Looking to the others behind him he shook his head and they moved on down the row.

[Attacking ships]

"Sir we have most of our people back. Four reported killed."

"Hmm better than expected. Ok, continue raiding with the transporter. That ship isn't going anywhere so let’s take our time; we need to wait for some witnesses to arrive. "

[Shuttle bay 2]

Sanders and his pilot had been trying for the last hour to get into the shuttle bay. The main group of fighters had been in the main shuttle bay, but there was no way to reach them. After finally bypassing the final lockout the doors opened.

The inside of the bay was a shambles. One of the three fighters had either been thrown from it berth or the couplings had failed. Either way, the shuttle was upside down and laying atop what had once been a class 9 shuttle.

“ GREAT…â€

Sanders looked to the pilot, “Stow it…we need to get outside and secure the ship. “

“With what , two fighters…talk about a wing and a prayer?â€

Sanders pointed as he climbed the ladder to Fighters cockpit platform, “No two fighters and the Flyer.â€

Gibson looked over at the Ballard Delta Flyer class runabout. “Well its better than an EV suit and a hand phaser.â€

Moments latter the bay was filled with the sound of engine powering up. From his fighter Sander contacted his team. “Phoenix Flight, Comms check.â€

T’san pressurized his cockpit, “Phoenix 2 here.â€

Gibson was transferring as many controls to his panels as he could, “Phoenix bus ready and waitingâ€.

Sanders shook his head at his wing mans smartass comment, but that was Gibson. Anything else and he’d think something was wrong. “Opening bay doors.â€

The three craft waited for the shuttle bay’s door to rise, but nothing happened.

“Well that was a short trip...â€

“Shut up Gibs and blow the door.â€

“Don’t have to tell me twice.†A micro-torpedo leapt out and utterly destroyed the door and each craft burst from the bay each taking a different vector.

Sanders vector took him on an inverted path over the saucer section allowing his a view of the damage. OH my God…â€

[Aft Torpedo/Phaser Control Room]

Two marines had remained to help Rachelle hotwire the Ballard’s aft phasers. “THERE LOCK THAT IN!â€

At the command the Lance Corporal Dashar locked the bypass in place as Rachelle ran to the console to check the power levels

“Well we have minimal phasers but still no way to target them.â€

“Then How the hell are we going to hit them…â€

Rachelle brushed the hair out of her face equally frustrated, as her panel beamed again at the decreasing torpedo count. ~Why didn’t he think of that before,~ She thought. “WE hit them from the inside! Follow me!†Together they all made their way into torpedo storage.

[Main Engineering]

The Marines and the Engineers that had arrived after the intruders had been beamed away were working frantically to get systems back online.

A shout came up; IMPULSE IS ONLINE!"

Lt. Sopan had been anticipating his promotion to Lieutenant Commander today but events had obviously altered those plans. "I have short range sensors online as well." he said calmly. Stepping around the console, "I am plotting a course out of the system." As the ship slowly altered course he looked at the sensor readings.

Two Larucian cruisers...two attack fighters and a Delta Flyer run about where keeping pace with the Ballard. The sensors also told him to what extent the ships were raiding the Ballard. "What is the status of the shields?"


"That much is obvious, how close are you to getting them online Lieutenant?"



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