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Holding their own - Part 1

Posted on 23 Jul 2010 @ 12:03pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,193 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: USS Ballard - as the Achilles is on the way
Timeline: MD 1 2000 - 2200

[Attacking vessel's]

As the flash of the explosion faded Naroun stood and look to his passengers. "Let’s get started and be sure your people leave the correct evidence.â€

“WE know what we are doing. Just make sure you do your part.â€

With that the strike team head for the transporter to board the crippled Federation ship.

[USS Ballard - Main Engineering]

In engineering they were making some progress. From the upper level an engineer shouted down to another, "OK TRY IT NOW."

There was a short pause as he took a slow breath and then tapped the key on the main engineering console. The lights stopped flickering and monitor came to life. Outside the ship the Nacelles glowed back to life and the emergency thrusters fired to stabilize the ship.


Shouting from the upper deck, Close emergency bulkheads!â€

“The EPS conduits between the saucer and the engineering hull are fried. We can’t even get them auxiliary power!â€

Sliding down the ladder he nearly fell off the ladder as he leapt to the deck and ran to the ‘pool table’. “Transfer all command functions to engineering."

"There are still survivors up there…just sealed in whatever room they were in.â€

At least that was something…. His thought was interrupted at the sound of a transporter, turning he say several figures materialize. “Boy are we glad to see…â€, but his relief was short lived as a phaser of some kind was leveled that him. The last thing he remembered was the pain, he never felt himself land against the console or hear the other as they were gunned down as well.

“Watch that entrance….Start downloading what you can. There should be a weapons locker over there, take everything…â€

[Battle Bridge]

By now Rilor Yavin couldn't even remember which wound he had received when. The bridge was gone, the fire crews trying to get most fires manageable without damaging the working systems. He heard a groan and bend down under what was the OPS station on the battle bridge. "Over here!" he waved to the medical crew that just emerged from the jefferies tube.

Grevic pushed as hard as he could to tlift the debris that was on him as Rilor moved to help him. Looking up he waved the team away. "I'm ok...there are others worse than me."

Looking about at the damage. "So much for the diagnostics....what the hell happened?"

[Jefferies tube – approaching Engineering]

Lance Corporal Bellamy stopped on the ladder rung and looked at his wrist tricorder as it beeped. He then called up to Staff Sergeant Harper who was leading the squad, “Hey, got weapons fire in Engineering.â€

“Shit…ok ok. How many people?†Jensen asked.

“I’m reading 5.†Bellamy replied.

“Ok, we are splitting the squad. Sargent Green, take team 2 and get to the top of Engineering. I’ll take team one to the main entrance and divert their attention while you take them out.â€

“You got it. Team Two Lets GO…we got Three more decks…Lets Move!†Green said over the Marine secure com.

Sergeant Harper looked to the rest…we got a job to do…Let’s get these bastards.â€

[Else where on the Ballard]

Sargent Jensen led team 5 on deck 12, their primary mission was to keep the Sick Bays 1 and 2 secure and if possible, all of deck 11. Jensen looked at his tricorder as it picked up blips. The blips meant that intruders were boarding the ship. He couldn't worry about that now he main concern was the wounded and Medical staff. He waved Corporal Parker to take point. Parker moved forward, flipping out the monitor on her pulse rifle to track the intruders. Imputing commands on her monitor, she restricted its readings to deck 11.

Parker began moving forward, followed by the rest of the team. Turning around a corner, she pulled back and held up her fist. Immediately the squad dropped down and readied their weapons. Parker pulled out a rather large combat knife and readied it for an attack. Her back was to the wall as she watched to the side. She heard the targets approach. With a quick thrust, her knife penetrated her first victim. The second victim began to retreat back out of range of Parker. Using the first body as a shield Parker pulled the knife out of the corps and threw it with deadly accuracy, hit the second target in the chest as he turned to fire his weapon.

Gredal ran backwards along the corridor, calling back to the ship as othes fired down the corridor blindly. "We are taking fire from Federation troops....two down, we're unable to reach sickbay. Bring us back!"

[Attacking vessel's]

Looking to his bridge crew, he shouted. "Do it! We will just have to settle for what we can transport from the cargo bays."

[Main Engineering]

After a few minutes of waiting, team 2 had made it to the top level, moving into position, they waited for the go signal. "Okay, team 2." Green called out on the com, "Pick your target and wait for team 1 to give the distraction. Green to Harper, we are in position, waiting on you."

Ship wide comms were still down so they had to relie on their short ranger communication devices. Though less secure it was all they had at the moment. Harper and his team prepared to make their entry as he whistpered back, "Ready here...we need them alive if possible." Looking to his unit, "keep your fire low, the last thing we need to do is to blow the plasma coolant tanks." On his gesture the team attacked using smoke to provide cover they fired to drive the intruders into the sights of Green's fire team.

"Harper to Green, be ready we are going in, make sure you stun only....." At that moment Harper and several of his squad members tossed in some dynamic distraction devices. Explosions, flashes and smoke in concert with phaser fire could be heard and seen through out Engineering, causing the intruders to loose ground as the entry team led by Harper entered.

Green and his men began to see movement then the intruders as began to retreat slightly, right into the awaiting sights of the pulse rifles above them. "NOW!" Greens team open fire on the unsuspecting men below, unconscious bodies fell to the ground as energy met flesh.

But just as the attack began the intruders were veamed away. Slapping the wall Harper shouted out to Green; "CLEAR !! The Bastards were beamed away..." Turning to the rest of his team, he waved at the downed Engineers, “Check for survivors.â€

Green turned to Corporal Baker, "Get down there and get those shields up. We need them now!"
"You got it." Baker replied as he grabbed the ladder rails, smiling back at Green, he kicked his feet out and quickly slid down. In a moment he was three decks down and running over to a nearby panel.



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