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Rock Climbing Ahoy!: Part 2

Posted on 24 Jul 2010 @ 7:09am by

746 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Holodeck 2
Timeline: MD 1, 19:00 hours


Edom and Anara took off their gloves and boots and settled with their legs crossed on the blanket, looking to Jessica expectantly to show what food she had arranged for them.

Jess grinned teasing them and pretending she had forgotten it before pulling out cooked chicken on a plate, fried rice, an asian dish of vegetables called chow mein ... and then with a flourish a banoffee pie with icecream in a portable chiller. She also pulled out a couple of bottles of Appletise and Grapetise (Fizzy apple and grape juice). "I didn't think you'd want any alcohol considering your climbing."

Anara watched Edom's eyes light up. Anara fixed him a plate and reached for it eagerly, "First- what do you say?" He turned toward Jessica, "Thank you for the dinner." Once Anara handed him the plate, he began to happily eat it.

Anara turned toward Jess, "I don't drink while I'm around Edom." She served herself and ate the food at a leisure pace as she looked at the amazing view. "This is all so lovely..." She looked up at the five moons in the sky.

Wandella smiled and laughed watching Edom and Anara, ~If this is normal slow life it might not be too bad.~ She jammed a fork full of the chow mein and chicken into her mouth and nodded approvingly, "It is very good, Jessica."

Anara nodded in agreement with Wandella, "It is quite good. Could you tell Edom about your dessert again? I'm trying to remember all of the ingredients, but I'm coming up blank." Anara chewed and swallowed the noodles and then moved onto the chicken.

Edom pushed his vegetables around, but after a look from his mother, he ate them reluctantly.

Jess grinned and winked at Edom before handing him some sauce for the veges "If you smother them in sauce you wont realize what they are sweetie ... the dessert is a biscuit base with banana and caramel and then a cheesecake type topping ... really sweet but definitely comfort food."

Anara finished her meal up and began to clean up. When Edom finished, she cleaned his face and hands. "Are you ready for desert?" Anara gave a wide grin as Edom nodded excitedly and reached toward the desert. She nodded at Jessica to slice up the first piece.

She turned toward Wandella, "Not a bad way to end off a evening, huh? I wish we had time for more days like this, but I'll likely be too busy for more days like this.."

"Secret is to make time." Wandella smiled as she took the first bite of her dessert, "Oh my God!"

Jess chuckled "Glad you like it ... I have to admit when I've had a long day this makes everything right with the world."

Anara shrugged her shoulders at Wandella statement of making time. Anara was somewhat of a workaholic and it was difficult for her to pry herself away, particularly when a ship was on a mission.

Anara ate the dessert with obvious delight, "Great idea Jessica. Have you thought about what kind of honeymoon you and John might go on? Of course it won't be as early as one might expect...considering that we're on a mission."

"Haven't really thought that far ... it'll probably be where ever we go for shore leave." Jess took a mouthful of dessert and hummed happily.

"Are you more fond of the heat or the cold?" she asked. Once Edom was finished eating, he cuddled up in Anara's lap, laying his head on her lap and easily closing his eyes. Anara gently massaged his back.

Smiling down at Edom Jess lowered her voice "I prefer more tropical temperatures than really cold."

"Then you might have your answer," she smiled at Jessica. She lifted her sleeping son so that his head was on her shoulder and she moved to stand up. "Thank you for the wonderful day, ladies. I should get Edom to bed."

She waited to see if the women planned to leave or if they were going to enjoy the scenery atop the mountains.

Jess smiled "I should get back to John ... technically I'm supposed to still be on medical leave."

"Well, in that case it looks like party is over." Wandella sighed, "Jessica, thanks for meal, Anara, this was fun."


Lt. Meru Anara
Chief Science Officer
USS Achilles


Lt. Jessica Cole
Chief Engineer Officer
USS Achilles


Lt. (jg) Wandella Kristere
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Achilles


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