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Fun on the Farm

Posted on 09 Jul 2010 @ 12:11am by

1,346 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Holodeck 1


Casiday walked up to holodeck and entered the program to used it was a farm in rural Leicestershire. Casiday tapped her comm badge =/\=Lieutenant Meru are you and your son free?=/\=

Anara had been playing a game with Edom in her quarters. There was a bulls eye on the wall and she and her son were throwing little balls that expelled a green glob substance onto the wall. The object of the game was to hit the middle of the bulls eye. Unfortunately, this was difficult to do when you couldn't tell where the blob would hit.

She paused after throwing the last blob to hear a communication from one of the medical officers. She tapped her comm badge, =/\=We are free. Is there a problem?=/\= she responded.

Edom giggled when her blob ended up completely away from the bulls eye.

=/\=I have a surprise i would like to share with the both of you. Please meet me holodeck two as soon as possible.=/\= She replied

=/\=Oh, how sweet of you=/\= Anara asked as she quickly cleaned off the blob substance from the wall. Although it looked disgusting, it was quick clean up. =/\=We'll see you soon.=/\=

She had Edom clean up, and then they made their way out of the quarters, down the corridor to the holodeck.

=/\=Okay Taylor out.=/\=

Casiday was waiting out side with a huge smile on her face

Anara scrunched up her nose in slight confusion, "What is this all about?"

Edom looked up at her suspiciously.

"I thought this would be a great way to get to know the new crew. My name is Casiday. Who are you young man?"

Edom held out his hand, "I'm Meru Edom, I'm 4 years old."

"The pleasures mine Edom. I want you explore this farm." Cas smiled.

The doors opened to show the farm

"My mother grew up on a farm," Edom said excitedly. He moved into the holodeck room and Anara followed him

She turned toward Cassidy, "Thank you. This is an interesting program."

"Its one the that my ancestor used to have." She smiled "I spent six years on the farm before I joined the Marine corps."

“Bajorans were known as a farming community before the Cardassian occupation. We were forced to labor harder on our farms without profit during the occupation," Anara replied.

She walked forward and watched Edom rush over toward a pig pen. He reached out his hand and let the pig's back.

She turned toward Cassidy, "I assume the safety protocols are on?"

"Of course I never take them off."

"He's a great kid you have done a great job raising him." Casiday sighed.

"That's good to know," Anara laughed a little nervously. She blushed a little at the compliment, "Oh- thank you. I didn't know my mom for very long before she passed away..and I only have a few memories of my father. Edom's dad passed away before he was born, so I've been doing this alone for a while."

"I see." a lone tear fell down Casiday's cheek

"I guess...I just naturally have a maternal instinct. He's all the family I he means a lot to me..." she said while watching Edom call out to the piggies.

She turned toward Casiday, "Oh...don't cry. It's alright...we all turned out alright, somehow. You just...learn from your experiences..and you become stronger.."

"I was told i could never have children of my own after I was injured towards the end of the Dominion War. I was lucky survive the blast. "

"I've wanted children of my own. I've missed out on being a mother."

"Oh, wow...that must have been difficult to take. I hadn't planned on getting pregnant, but I think I would be devastated if I learned such a thing.." she spoke softly. She put her arm around Cassidy's shoulders and rubbed her shoulders lightly.

"Have you considered adoption?" she asked.

"I have but i could not put a child through the pain I've just been through loosing my mother who was an Admiral."

Anara nodded understandingly, "I understand your perspective... This seems like a child friendly ship, though. Have you met the Captain's children?" she spoke with an optimistic tone.

Casiday shook her head. "He's lucky to have you in his life... He seems very very grounded for child of his age." She smiled.

Anara cocked her head lightly, "I'm lucky to have him in my life. He's very intelligent for his age. His father was a Chief Engineer on USS Ulysses, graduated first in his class."

"If I had been able to believe in the Bajoran religion, I am sure I would be thanking some omnipotent being for his presence in my life."

"Currently...I just thank Ren's memory," she finished.

"Wow, encourage him to follow his dreams no matter what they are. Edom, can i ask you something?" Casiday asked.

Edom turned around and smiled at the pretty woman. He glanced at his mom, but he nodded at her.

"Promise me you'll never stop dreaming. I know you can reach your dreams, whatever they are," she smiled back

Edom nodded his head, "I don't really know what I want right now. I'm only four.... I want a girlfriend some day."

Anara laughed softly at Edom's response. She rubbed his head.

"Come here sweetheart and give me hug." she knelt down and held out her arms.

Edom grinned at his mom and moved to hug the woman. He kissed her cheek, "Maybe you can be my girlfriend." Anara covered her mouth to keep from laughing again.

"I'll be your honorary aunty. If you would like that?" Casiday asked.

Edom shrugged her shoulders, "I guess". He was obviously a little disappointed. "Can I feed the chickens? Are there chickens here?" He spoke excitedly.

"Yes this way," she lead them to the coop. "They are due for a feed. Here take this corn and scatter it across the ground."

Edom took the corn and began scattering them toward the ground. He laughed out loud when the chickens began making a odd sound while rushing toward the food.

Anara followed behind them and watched Edom feed the chickens. He moved into the fenced in area.

She watched as some of the chickens began chasing him. She laughed out loud as he ran and threw food at the chickens.

Casiday laughed the family made her feel like staying was the right thing

Casiday laughed and smiled at Anara. "Edom, Anara, do you think I should stay as a medic or rejoin the Marines?"

Anara shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know... Are you enjoying being a member of the medical department? Do you feel like you're making a big influence?"

"I'm not sure i am making an impact at all. I was the one who suggested using modified nanites to save her life."

"I do miss being a Marine though."

"To save whose life?" Anara asked. "What do you miss exactly?" she added.

"Melanie's life and i miss being out there protecting the everything the Federation stand for."

Anara nodded, "It sounds like you want to rejoin the marine department. Is there anything that you would miss from the job you are doing now?"

"The friendships I've made and the chance to make a difference in someone life. Once a Marine always a Marine."

"I'm gonna talk to the CMO."

Anara nodded, "Have you spoken to the CO about this?"

"I will do when I get the chance. Sweetheart are you enjoying yourself?"

Edom managed to capture a chicken. He brought the chicken to them both, "I caught a chicken, auntie! Do these lay eggs?"

"Yes the do shall we go see if there are any in the coop where they stay at night

Edom nodded excitedly. He handed the chicken to Anara and then moved to enter the chicken coop. The group continued to enjoy their time on the farm.


JP brought to you by...

Lt. (jg) Casiday Taylor
Medical Officer
USS Achilles


Lt. Meru Anara
Chief Science Officer
USS Achilles


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