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A wolf in sheeps clothing

Posted on 10 Jul 2010 @ 6:13pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

756 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: The Altairan System
Timeline: MD 1 - 1800

Captain Garret looked at himself in the mirror, smoothing out his dress uniform. Soon representatives of both the Kyari & the Laruc would be arriving and then the fun would begin. He really disliked the tit for tat petty squabbling that had preceded this stage of the negotiations. But now that they were to this final stage it was quite likely that they could actually reach a mutually satisfactory settlement to a dispute that had destabilized this area of space for nearly xx years.

The chime sounded to his quarters, and he stepped into the living area, "Enter."

The Ballard's XO and Diplomatic officer stepped in, both in their dress uniforms for the reception. "Everything is ready I take it?"

"Yes sir, Ten Forward is prepared, the senior staff is waiting in the main shuttle bay and the shuttles carrying the Kyari and the Larucian delegations should be arriving shortly."

"Good, well then let get this done. I wanna get out of this thing as soon as possible."

Both the XO and the DO grinned and nodded in agreement. The sooner the reception was over the sooner they could change and get down to business.

[Main Shuttle Bay]

The Captain and his senior staff stood and watched as the shuttles arrived, per agreement, at the same time and were guided into the shuttle bay by tractor beam. Both shuttles were landed at the same time and at the pre-designated moment both shuttles opened and both delegations emerged. Though externally pleasant the Captain was mentally rolling his eyes and the need for such trivial measures. However for diplomacies sake this ensured neither party was shown preference over the other.

The Captain, putting his best diplomatic foot forward, greeted the delegates and their staffs. "Welcome to the USS Ballard. It is the Federation's hope that these negotiations will end the hostilities that have divided your peoples and pave the way to formal Federation membership for both your worlds."

The leaders of the opposing parties looked to each other then back to the Starfleet Captain. It was the Kyarian ambassador that spoke first. "Thank you Captain, and please pass on our gratitude to the Federation for providing neutral ground for the final treaty negotiations."

"The Laruc are equally grateful to the Federation."

Garret nodded, "I will pass your combined gratitude on to the Federation. Allow me to introduce my senior officers, my First Officer...". Once introductions were made the Captain led both ambassadors to Ten Forward followed by his XO, the other delegates and finally the ships senior officers.

[A while later]

The reception seemed to be going great when several members of the Kyari delegation approached the XO. "Excuse me Commander, would it be possible to see more of the ship?"

"Certainly, I would be happy to give you a tour."

A Larucian heard the request, spoke up. "Could I join you as well?"

Though there was distrust on the faces of the Kyarian’s the ships XO moved quickly to head off any objections. "Absolutely; the more the merrier."

The tour went on without incident. Filled with the typical ohhhs and ahhhs that came with it. Though both cultures were warp capable they were both behind the curve when compared to Federation technology.

The turbolift doors parted and they all filed out as the XO waved them forward. "This is our last stop, the bridge; command center of the ship."

The delegates fanned out over the bridge looking at the various bridge stations; all but one. One moved down the ramp to stand in the center of the bridge, just standing there looking at the main view screen.

In order to provide a neutral location the Ballard was currently orbiting the system's star. The other areas of the system had been claimed by one or both parties, but neither could lay claim to the Altairan star. The Ballard’s XO stepped down to stand next to the lone delegate, "Magnificent view isn't it."

"That it is." He slowly reached into his pocket and triggered the detonator.

Explosions rocket the starship! The bridge and the surrounding areas disappeared in a blinding flash only to be replaced by the silence of space. In Ten Forward the combined explosives carried by the delegates was enough to carve a crescent shaped void in the Ballard’s saucer section. In the main shuttle bay the shaped detonation of the shuttles power core, combined with the force of the bridge explosion blasted a crater 6 decks deep into the ship.

What followed was utter chaos.


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