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Posted on 06 Jul 2010 @ 7:12pm by Colonel Stadi Andrus

789 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent

Jess sat at a table and looked round in curiosity as she ordered lunch. She had been good all morning and had only been sitting doing paperwork in her office but she was finding even that tiring and was planning on going home early while she was still healing. Looking round with a sigh she hoped someone would come sit with her as it was pretty boring being under doctors orders.

~Are you upset with me that I am keeping you off duty for another week?~ Melanie projected coming up behind Jessica and sitting across from her. ~I would let you go back but I am worried about that brain injury and I don't want you to be stressing out.~

Smiling at her Jess shook her head ~I'm not upset ... It scared John when he found out and he wanted me off longer ... I have to admit I'm still getting tired easily ... but the headaches seem to be going. You were right to put me on limited duty.~

~No duty.~ Melanie replied eyeing the younger woman. ~Just one more week...unless the headaches back worse than before and you start sleeping a lot more.~ She said before turning to the waiter. "Just a strawberry tea please."

Jess smiled impishly ~It was worth a shot ... paperwork is boring ... although I have to admit John has been great.~ Smiling at the waiter Jess asked "Lasagna and vegetables please ... and a vanilla milkshake." She turned back to Melanie ~I was lucky you caught it.~

~You scared me Jessie...You were my first major case since coming back to work and I am still blaming myself for not catching it sooner."

~It wasnt your fault ... I was being stubborn. I ... I had a bad experience with a doctor and tend to avoid them as much as possible ... If anyone was to blame it was me.~

~Well you wont be avoiding me anytime soon and if you do then I will recruit John...the XO and the Captain.~ She smiled devilishly.

~Thats just cruel and unusual punishment ... ~ Jess grinned happily and took a mouthful of her meal once it was in front of her.

Melanie shrugged and sipped her tea. ~I do what I have to to keep my friends safe.~

Smiling at her Jess nodded ~Thanks.~

~Don't even think about it...I need to ask you something if that is ok...~

~Sure?~ Jess looked curious.

~I am almost certain I have made up my mind, but those who knew me before the accident that took my memory question my motives. If you and John created an embryo and kept it in stasis, and Fates forbid that something happened to him would you retrieve the embryo and have the child?~

Jess looked thoughtful as it wasnt something she wanted to answer on a whim. ~Given how much I love John? I would do anything to keep a part of him with me if it was possible.~

Melanie nodded, ~I am glad to hear that. I feel the same way, I wouldn't of known of the embryo unless the Captain had told me about it...apparently that is also part of my memory that I am missing.~

Jess looked curious ~Can I ask what happened?~

She folded her hands on the table just behind her cup of tea. ~He didn't want me to come back to Starfleet...I asked him to come with me. I suppose he was there to meet me on DS5 and when the Romulans attacked he was killed in an explosion. The Captain told me I had originally told him of Talar's death....and he was the one to tell me that I had lost him all over again. I was wondering why Talar hadn't contacted me or was there when I woke up from the coma...~ Her body trembled slightly as she spoke.

Jess sent out calming thoughts ~I'm sorry ... I dont know what I would do if I woke up to find John gone.~

~I've cried my heart out and it feels like there is a hole in my chest that will never close. I am alive but I feel like I am empty.~

~I'm not sure that the hole ever goes ... But sometimes you can find things and people that make it less sharp ...~ Jess looked sad as she thought of her friend Cass.

~I am surrounded by friends, I will survive difficult as it has been I know I can make it through.~ She had been through much pain in her life and survived, this, she determined would be no different.

Nodding Jess smiled at her ~I'll help as much as I can.~

Lt. Melanie Hemmingway
USS Achilles

Lt Jessica Cole
USS Achilles


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