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Space can be a small place

Posted on 06 Jul 2010 @ 7:07pm by Colonel Stadi Andrus

773 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD 1: After meeting the CMO


Melanie was in sickbay still processing everything that had happened over the past fews days and the conversation she had had with the Captain. Her memory still hadn't returned and rereading the test results from the starbase she knew that it was unlikely that it ever would. She let her work consume her so she didn't have to concentrate on everything else that seemed to be going on her life, Mel may still be processing it but she would do it on her own time and when she was ready...right now wasn't the time.

After meeting the CMO, Don looked for the other Doctor there. He didn't know her either, but he did know that she had amnesia. When he spotted her, she was engrossed in something or other. He had an above average kn of most ships systems and operations. But medical was his worst. He knew absolute basics, mostly related around fitness and diet and first aid. He knew the outside of people, mostly women, very well and also he had good interpersonal skills, but inside.....was over his head.

"Doctor Hemmingway", he said with his customary smile. "Commander Don Killian," he introduced himself, thinking that this day must the day he said his own name the most he had ever done.

Melanie looked up from her work and moved around her desk. "It is nice to meet you...have we known each other before?" She asked and blushed. It had become her customary question since waking up from the coma and not remembering much of her life after agreeing to return to Starfleet. "I'm sorry. I just don't remember people I used to know."

"I had read about your amnesia," Don said, extending his hand. "And no, we've. not.....wait" he interrupted himself, "I can tell you anything..." he joked gently to break the ice, grinning mischievously. He decided not to push that too far, as he didn't know her well enough. "But I won't today... we've not met before," he admitted.

Melanie took his hand and smiled. "It is nice to know that not everyone will walk eggshells around me." She laughed. "What can I do for you? Did you come for your physical?"

"Oh no... I had just had a physical, so mine should be up to date," he grinned, showing her the brace. "I am not scared of physicals though, I will report to you when I am due," he said. "I am Lieutenant Commander Don Killian, XO and I am here to give you your orders and give you your new clearance codes." he said handed her the Padd.

Melanie nodded and accepted the PADD. "I believe you are the first person I have met that wont fight me on receiving a physical." She smiled. "How is your sister? I remember meeting her while I spent some time on Earth..."

"Sarah? You met her" he asked confused. "You can remember that, I thought you can't remember anything..." he said. "But she is well, had a baby two months ago ..." he said still surprised.

"I remember leaving Earth to join the Freedom at DS5...everything before that I can remember..." Melanie frowned, "mostly...apparently there are a few things I am missing there as well...but I do remember Sarah. Not many people knew where I was when I originally left Starfleet, but she was one of them...her baby! That's great news!" She replied and her thoughts went immediately to the embryo that was in stasis on DS5.

Don decided to read up on this doctor a bit. "She calls him Carlin," he said. "How did you know she was my sister?" he asked curiously.

"I met after I was rescued from and escape pod and I had returned to Earth for debriefing. It is a huge complicated story." She laughed, "in the end we became fast friends, something that doesn't come easy for me but Sarah does have a way about her." She smiled. "I really like the name Carlin." Melanie didn't realise until her conversation with the XO how much she had missed his sister's presence in her life.

"She does, makes friends with everyone," he chuckled. "I will tell her that I'd spoken to you when I talk to her again. She and her husband are away on leave somewhere," he said trying to remember where they went to. "It was nice meeting you, Doctor," he smiled, still amazed that space could be so small sometimes.

"Same to you sir." Melanie smiled and went back to work.


Lt Cmdr Don Killian
USS Achilles

Lt. Melanie Hemmingway
USS Achilles


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