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Crew Mixer - Part 2

Posted on 02 Jul 2010 @ 11:28am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Colonel Stadi Andrus

1,661 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Gym
Timeline: MD 1 - 1800

Several Marines arrived and as they moved throught the crowd a familiar Sergeant gave Da`nal a nod. The Captain returned the glance and put his dringk down. He needed to find Don and Ayren.

He found his XO first chatting with a pretty girl. "Pardon the interuption, but I need to barrow my first officer for a moment."

The pretty petty officer smiled and nodded at the captain, letting the XO get up and walk with Da'nal. He looked around to see if the were spotted by someone who might be too curious.

Pulling his XO aside he whispered; "The Marines are ready. Is everything else in place?"

Don grinned. "All is ready Captain," he reassured Da'nal. "All the players are in place and they know what to do."

"Good." He looked around to see if he could spot the subjects of his little plot. ~Good they still here.~ "Ok I'm going to go into the locker room and change quickly."

"I will be here, do you want me to get Ayren nearby?" he asked.

"Have her..." He he know if he thought of her directly she would know but that would have sprung things to the other Betazoids... "just have her keep them here."

Nodding as he grinned, "Will do."

"Alright I'll be back in a few minutes."

True to his work he stepped out of the locker room in full dress, his sash (Ha'quj) displaying the emblem of his house, his Klingon Ambassadorial status, and the various honors and awards he had accumulated of the years. Everyone look at him curiously as the mixer, though some were in their duty uniforms, was typically an informal event. Once he was in position he nodded to Lance who sounded the traditional call to attention.

As the sound carried over the din everyone turned toward the Captain and Lance activated the comm so that the upcoming address could be heard throughout the ship. "Thank you all for coming this afternoon and thank you to those currently standing in for their shipmates in order to allow them to attend. This is a Glorious day for all of us, those of you who transferred with me from the USS Freedom and those new faces that were assigned her to the Achilles, as we prepare to embark and create a history worth of this vessels namesake. However that is only a part of what we are here to celebrate today. It has long been a tradition and one of the highest honors for any ship’s Captain to be able to unite two members of his crew into the bonds of marriage. Today it is my Honor, my privilege to that very thing.â€

That was their queue and from out in the corridor everyone could hear… “DETAIL AAATTENSHUN; FORWARD MARCH!†From opposite side two columns of Marines in their Dress Greens marched towards each other, only to turn sharply and form a corridor in front of the Captain stretching halfway back to the door. “DETAIL Halt.â€

Lieutenant Tom Clancy led the detail in, smiling when he saw John's face. Captain Da'nal had approached him with the request and Tom was happy to keep it a secret.

The grin on his face was obvious. “Major John Cole & Lieutenant Jessica Coombs Front and Center.â€

Jess gaped at John and then turned to look wide eyed at the marines standing in formation before whispering to John "He's sneaky ... I didn't even get an inkling."

John took Jessica's hand and whispered to her as they started to walk, "Wow, I think we will remember this little surprise, don't you?" As they walked John smiled, inside he was nervous. This was like getting hit by a train. He held onto his bride and that seemed to make thinks better.

Nodding Jess looked at john for reassurance "You still want to marry me?"

"Its a little late for that, don't you think? We don't even know each other and we are getting married again, this adds a certain completeness to the how wedding issue. I am nervous, but I am not going anywhere." John whispered as they slowly walked towards the Captain.

"Me too ..." She stopped with him in front of the Captain and looked at him with a small smile.

Anara turned from Zachary toward the sound of attention. She listened to the Captain speak and then watched as the line of marines came in. She unconsciously wove a strand of her around her finger. Where were marines sooo hot? She gave a sigh as she continued to watch the men move. She grinned when they mentioned Jessica and John's marriage. She looked around the room to see everyone's response before she started applauding for the couple.

Zach turned to watch the marines. He never liked marines, he figured they are all muscle and no brain. Zach looked around the room and smiled ~Of course a marine would be no match for the Achilles.~ When he heard the news he was generally happy for them and applauded with everyone else

Hannah picked up a drink then turned to see what was going on, smiling as she realised. Hearing the applause start, she joined in.

Da`nal looked at the couple that now stood before him, whispering to them; "I told you that 'promenade quicky chapel' wasn't good enough." His smile of satisfaction wide across his face. Then he addressed the crew; "The union of two hearts, of two people is a tradition in many cultures. Of those cultures today we have a Human and a Betaziod." Forcing himself to remain serious he asked, "So I ask you both, which 'traditions' do you wish represented today?"

John swallowed hard when he realized what the Captain was asking. He was proud of his body, it was cut and lean. He had worked hard to keep it perfect, but he was a little shy about stripping in front of this crowd. Never the less, if Jessica wanted the ceremony to be Betazoid then he would comply willingly, it after all was her

Jess looked at him with love in her eyes and turned to the Captain "Human .... He has already bared himself to me body heart and soul and I would never ask him to do that again unless it was his wish. I love all of him including his humanness."

"You're sure...?"

John looked to Jessica, "Up to you darling this is your wedding, I do not want you to have any regrets about it. If you want to do Full Betazoid wedding or partial, I am willing to please you."

Taking his hands she nodded "I'm positive ... " She grinned impishly "Besides I have a purely selfish reason of wanting to hide the fact your hot from the other women here."

"Okay sweetheart." John smiled at her before turning to Da'nal and nodding.

"Very well. Take each others hand. "

John took her hands in his and gazed into her eyes unable to see anything else in the room.

As Da`nal spoke two tables were cleared and the main cake and several additional cakes were brought in while everyone was watching the festivities. "Major John Cole, do you take this woman, whose hands you hold, choosing her alone to be your as your wife? Do you swear to honor her and protect her against all that might oppose you?

John nodded, "Yes, I do."

Then turning to the bride. "Lieutenant Jessica Coombs, do you take this man , whose hands you hold, choosing him alone to be your as your husband? Do you swear to honor him and stand with him against all that might oppose you?

Nodding misty eyed Jess swallowed and said in a clear voice "I do."

"Now you will feel no rain, For each of you will be shelter to the other. Now you will feel no cold,
For each of you will be warmth to the other. Now there is no more loneliness, For each of you will be companion to the other. Now you are two bodies, But there is only one life before you.

"Inasmuch as you have consented together in this ceremony to live in wedlock and have sealed your vows in the presence of this company, it gives me great pleasure to pronounce that you are Husband and Wife."

Stepping forward he put a hand on each of their shoulders, he paused a moment saying nothing. He then turned the to face the assembled crew. "Crew of the USS Achilles. I present to you Mr. and Mrs. John and Jessica Cole."

Jess looked up into John's eyes as she smiled at him encouragingly and whispered so that only he and the captain heard "I love you John Cole."

John gazed back into her eyes, "I love you too, Jessica Cole." John scooped her in his arm and kissed passionately as if it were their first kiss, dipping her as they kissed.

Falling into the kiss Jess forgot about the people round them until someone wolf whistled and then she pulled back reluctantly. Reaching up to cup his cheek she smiled at him.

John smiled and faced the crowd and waved as he grinned. Turning back to Da'nal, "Thanks for the surprise, that was unexpected and I am grateful."

Turning to the Captain as well Jess kissed him on the cheek "Thank you sir ... It means a lot to us both to be able to remember it fully this time."

Anara cheered and applauded with the crowd. She was in awe of the kiss as well as confused. There seemed to be a strong feeling in their eyes, but she couldn't understand how that could be... They clearly didn't know each other well. Still- she smiled in happiness for the couple.

"It was my Honor...Now Lets Celebrate!!" Turning to where Ayren stood with Akhil and his childern. AKHIL! MY Best Barrel Of Bloodwine!"

Bowing her head slightly. "Yes my Lord."



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