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Medical misadventures

Posted on 03 Jul 2010 @ 5:08pm by Colonel Stadi Andrus

1,374 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent

Jessica lay on the bio bed watching the XO depart as she gripped her ribs. He had certainly made his point clear on not getting clearance from the medical staff before going back to work. Lying back she sighed and waited for the doctor to come over and see her, hopefully she wouldnt get another lecture or if she did it would at least come with pain meds.

"Now what happened here?" Melanie asked as she came up along side the biobed and began reading the chart. Her mind was still a jumble but she was determined to focus on work.

Blushing guiltily Jess admited "I sort of had a fight with the ex chief of engineering ... and ... forgot to follow up with you like the duty doctor told me to last night."

"Sort of had a fight?" She asked smiling, "Well let's see." She grabbed her tricorder and began her scans, "where are you hurting?" She asked.

"It hurts to breath ... and I'm still feeling dizzy and nauseous. My wrist has been aching as well where he caught me." Jess coughed and curled up in pain, panting she told her "Hurts when I cough too."

~You don't seem to be one that would of gotten into a fight.~ Melanie projected to the younger woman. ~Your ribs are broken, you have a grade two concussion, and your wrist is strained. It must of been some fight Jessica. Melanie placed a hand on Jessica's shoulder. ~I want you to stay as you are, I know it hurts to breathe and that is the first thing I will fix, I will then ease the pain in your head.~ The head injury was a concern to her but she was more worried about the ribs. If Jessica coughed hard enough she could puncture her lung. Melanie motioned to the nurse for her tray and set straight to work. She soothed Jessica as much as she could with her mind.

Jess relaxed back on the bed ~It wasnt something I planned on ... He got drunk and attacked me in front of the CO ... I tried to just defend myself, but damn he was strong.~ Her breathing relaxed as Melanie soothed her ~I know I should have come see you but ... I thought it would be ok ... and then John and I had a fight and I buried myself in work.~

~What did the Captain do?~ She asked shocked that the former CEO would attack a woman, especially in front of the CO. ~I hope the fight with John wasn't physical?~ She asked.

~The Captain had him arrested and placed in the brig ... and it was a verbal fight with John ... he ... he's not sure how to deal with the fact that im here after our one night stand 2 nights ago ...~

Melanie nodded and could understand why thought would upset a man. ~Are things alright with you now?~ She asked cautiously.

Sighing Jess shrugged ~Better ... I just have to get him to realise I mean what I say and he cant run me off ... He would never hurt me.~

~Honey, as much as I would like to tell you that is the truth, at some point someone is always hurt and if you two are strong enough to survive then it ends.~ Mel spoke from experience, what she said was not meant to hurt Jessica but to help her, even in a small way.

Nodding Jess reworded ~I guess what I mean is we may hurt each other with words at times ... but I've felt inside his head ... He would never do something like this and put me in hospital ... its not in his nature.~

Melanie nodded, ~I understand that too. More than you would probably know. How are those ribs feeling?~ Mel asked as she put the tool down.

Smiling in relief Jess took a deeper breath ~Much better ... I dont feel like I'm stabbing myself when I breathe now.~

~Easy will still be tender and there is still a risk that you will reinjure hard activity for the next two weeks minimum...that includes John.~ She winked and went to work on repairing the damage left by the concussion.

Chuckling at that Jess nodded her eyes glinting with humour ~Yes ma'am ... I learnt my lesson courtesy of the XO.~

~You didn't tell me about the XO...what happened there? You seem to be getting yourself into a world of trouble on the Achilles...~ She laughed.

~I'm a trouble magnet ... seems he found out that I was working when I was supposed to be resting and decided to show me WHY I was supposed to be resting ... ~ She gave an impish grin ~ I actually made it up 3 rungs of the jeffries tube before I ended up in here.~

~Lieutenant Coombs!~ Melanie responded in her most authoritative voice but she still smiled. ~That's it! Off duty for the next two weeks...I will confine you to your quarters if I must!~

Giving her a smile that had a guilty look behind it Jess nodded ~I'll behave doc ... no work for 2 weeks. I dont want to be grounded by the doctor my first week on the job .... wouldnt look good for my rep.~ She grinned and winked.

~I'm serious...I would like to be your friend but I will pull rank if I must.~ Moments later she said;~ Hold still...your head is worse than I thought.~ She grabbed another tool and the nurse and went to work. She sent calming thoughts to Jessica as she worked. Mel worked quietly and quickly. How could she have missed the bleed before? Melanie had been so concerned about Jessica's ribs and the possibility of piercing the lung that she hadn't noticed the bleed. It was minor but if it has been missed completely she knew that there would of been some serious trouble and the damage could of been permanent.

Closing her eyes sleepily Jess nodded ~I really will be good ... I'd like to be your friend too.~ Jess's breathing evened out as sleep became almost irrisistable and she barely heard Melanie trying to get her attention ~.....Mmmmm?.....~

~Stay with me honey, no going to sleep...I need you to stay awake.~ She called out to the nurse to stimulate Jessica with a hypospray to keep her conscious if she fell asleep. Melanie grabbed the wand and started to dissolve the clot.

Jess dragged her eyes open tiredly ~S... sorry doc ... jus ... just tired ...~ She blinked and tried to focus ~You married doc?~

~I almost was Jessie. You're ok now...but you are staying here overnight to make sure you are ok.~ Melanie stroked Jessica's head and she was near tears for almost losing her. Everything was fine one moment and the next...She nearly shuddered with the thought. Melanie turned to the nurse blinking away tears and gave orders to wake Jessica up every two hours to ensure she didn't fall into a coma. "I'll stay with her for now...but when I leave you need to keep an eye on her."

~I'm sorry Jessie...I'm so sorry.~

~S'okay doc ... should have come back this morning or told John I wasnt feeling well last night ..~ Jess smiled at her ~Thank you for saving me ...~

~It's all part of the job, just don't ever scare me like that again. If you fall and hit your head you come see me immediately alright? That isn't even a request...~

~I promise Doc ... And John will make sure I keep it.~ Jess smiled at her ~Sorry I scared you ...~

~Shhh...don't even worry about it. Sleep now, I will stay with you.~ Jessica was only a couple of years younger than Melanie but she could of easily of been a younger sister. Her mind was so full of the events over the past few days. She needed a break from sickbay to get her thoughts together. It was late and sickbay was quiet, so she pulled up a chair next to Jessica's bed and worked while she kept an eye on the younger woman as she slept.

Sighing in relief Jess finally let herself drift off to sleep.


Lt. Melanie Hemmingway
USS Achilles

Lt Jessica Coombs
USS Achilles


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