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Crew mixer - Part 1

Posted on 02 Jul 2010 @ 11:26am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Colonel Stadi Andrus

1,598 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Gym
Timeline: MD 1 - 1600

Now that the ship was underway the traditional mixer was already underway. The main gym had been completely reorganized, and all the equipment had been stowed and replaced by tables of food and drink. The noise of conversation and laughter could be heard well down the corridor for all to hear. Those would had to stand shift were being relieved by those off duty to allow everyone a chance to attend.

The teamwork being displayed was pleasing to see to a ships Captain and was evident in his mood. He and Ayren approached the entrance together arm in arm and paused as they stepped in. Taking in the scene before them.

It was the first time since they had taken the oath that Danal and Ayren appeared together socially. "Looks and smells inviting," she said, but her mind was distinctly not on the menu. She still had to pinch herself that she was actually married to the large Klingon that stole her heart at first all those many months ago.... or was it the twins... hard to tell now. A smile formed on her lips at her thoughts.

Zachary was sitting at a table in the far side of the gym alone; he did not care much for events such as this and was trying to seem occupied with his PADD in an attempt to avoid a conversation.

Wandella walked in next, arriving a little late and damn near unnoticed having made a couple changes before coming to the party, ~Almost let them get used to me.~

Casiday walked into the gym and smiled "Captain I have a request to make?"

As he took the goblet that an eager crew man had brought he drank the bloodwine, turning to face the doctor. "What is it?"

"If possible I would like to return to the Marine Corps that where I belong not in fleet medical." Casiday admitted.

Glancing a t Ayren. "Have you taken this up with Dr. Romehl?"

Ayren caught Da'nal's look. She was surprised too.

Da`nal took her express as a no. "Lieutenant you know that all crew transfer requests are to through the XO by way of the current Department head. I doubt either of them will appreciate you bypassing the chain of command. I suggest you take this to them." He paused slightly, "but do so after the party...and enjoy yourself."

Silonez decided to make a rare appearance at a crew gathering, he stopped at the bar and ordered a drink, the bartender handed him a large coffee smelling beverage, he took a long sip then walked over to a view port, this newest orders from the fleet left him feeling that he should have resigned instead of moving on, and now there were was a new wrinkle, new ship, and yet another mystery hiding in the shadows that he wanted solve.

Jess stepped into the room with John, it was their first major outing as a married couple and she was just a little nervous.

Don walked in and after getting himself a stiff drink, he pulled up a chair to the side and sat down. Usually he was quite happy to engage the crew one on one and on work related issues, but off duty he was more comfortable watching everyone.

Anara arrived not far after Wandella. She looked around the room, taking note of all of the officers there. She greeted the Captain and his mate, giving them a nod of her head. She acknowledged Wandella with a polite smile. She took notice of a human sitting at a table with a PADD. [Ensign Zachary]

Excited at the prospect to look over the inventory that her crew had put together, she sat across from the man. If he happened to look at her, she would give a polite smile. She turned on her PADD and began eagerly looking through the list. Her eyes were wide with excitement. She was still amazed that she was in charge of it all. It was all so much!

While looking over the blueprints for the USS Achilles for the tenth time in the past 48hrs Zach couldn't help but notice he was no longer alone. He looked up to see a women sitting across from him. He contemplated on what he should say or if he should say anything at all.

Anara almost missed the fact that someone was looking at her as she looked over the inventory. She raised her head and then offered her hand, "Hello- I'm Meru Anara- Chief Science officer."

Ensign Zach smiled as he realized he was inadvertently staring "I couldn't help but notice that you weren't part of the original USS Freedom's crew" Zach than politely took her hand "I am Ensign Zachary Mythyis, just your average engineering officer."

Anara shook his hand lightly, "Good to meet you. No..I just came on board. Just in time- I see. I was told that the Captain has been waiting anxiously for a Science officer. I'm glad to oblige."

Zach retracted his hand and sat his PADD on the table as he realized his attempts to avoid a conversation have been futile "I am new here as well. Somehow I managed to convince the Captain to allow me to serve on this new ship of his... I actually have not seen many Science officers around beside one or two that got lost and managed to find there way to engineering." with a smile he said "I am sure you will have a tough time ahead of you getting everything in order."

Anara gave a soft laugh, "I appreciate the confidence you have in me, Ensign. I memorized the schematics of the ship and haven't gotten lost once. I suppose I will have to speak to my department to make sure they have done the same. I would rather they avoid wasting time by wandering the corridor."

"I heard that the past Chief Engineer was really upset with Lt. Coombs coming in. Do you know anything about that?" she asked, leaning in. "What do you think about the situation?"

Zach smiled "Oh, I have all of the confidence in you I just don't envy you and your job."

"I actually don't know a lot about the current Chief Engineer or the previous one. All I do know is he was really upset about the fact that he has been threw so much with the Captain and in the end he was simply replaced." Zach then looked around the gym and then back to Anara. "Actually I have not seen him in a while I don't even think he's part of the crew anymore. Maybe its for the best after all supposedly he was a heavy drinker."

Anara nodded, she didn't know why, but she was becoming protective of Jessica. Perhaps it had something to do with the conversations they had had. Although there were some differences between them- she felt like Jessica could become a good friend. And now she was putting a bridal party together for her. She was glad to know that Jessica wouldn't be getting hurt by the guy who hit her before.

"I love a challenge and I'm ready for it," she responded easily.

Da`nal had left Ayren several minutes ago as the two of them mingled with the crew. His bloodwine in hand he stopped by a table and looked down as his Chief intellegance Officer sat moving from one PADD to another. "Mr. Eircson...still hard at work I see."

"Sort of, another stack of those 'x files' turned up in the cargo run today, one has a video file we're attempting to recompile it right now." Silonez said as he put down the PaDD.

"Well while the computer attempts to recompile the data. Get you some food something to drink and mingle a bit. The data isn't going to compile any faster with you sitting her watching it."

Silonez moved a small saucer with a tall narrow glass over and a small spoon with a sugar cube on it, he produced a small metalic object from his pants pocket and pushed a button and a small flame appeared, he pointed the fire at the drink and a greenish blue flame appeared, he then lifted the spoon and the sugar cube, stiring it in slowly, he looked up at his CO who was facinated with the ritual. He took a long drink then looked up, "Data may take a while to compile but somethings are worth the wait."

"This can be true, but you also need to relax from time to time. Even the Kahless took time for fellowship and song with his warriors. Take a break; I don't need you to have a breakdown, so enjoy yourself. Thats not an order...just a suggestion.

Lawrence walked in seeming depressed but trying not to show it; though not succeeding.

Hannah made her way in just after him, not planning to stay long but she thought she might as well show up.

Lawrence ordered a bottle of high end wine and took it to a table in the corner away from the crowd and began drinking.

Wandella, ever the minx, sashayed over close to Lawrence, but not to his table, standing just far enough out of the way where he'd have to look up and see her, ~Wonder how long it take him to recognize me?~ She laughed to herself, days like this always made her giddy.

It didn't take Lawrence long to look up at Wandella the sight cheered him considerable.



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