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A Unusual Request

Posted on 30 Jun 2010 @ 6:52pm by

713 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions
Location: Marine Department
Timeline: Current


Anara let out a slow breath as she came to the Marine Department. She had called the nanny to watch after Edom while she gathered things for the party tomorrow. She almost couldn't believe what she was doing. She wanted to get entertainment for Jessica's bridal party and the Marines seemed to be the best department in order to get that done. She wasn't sure who to ask, however. And how did one ask such a thing?

She came into the department and moved down the corridor, she looked around for a marine officer that didn't seem overly busy.

Sergent Marco Russo was walking out of the barracks with a skin tight Marine t-shirt on and a tight fit bike shorts. He was heading for the holodeck to get in some mountain bike riding in, one of his favorite physical activities. He was stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the beautiful Bajoran Brunette approach. "Hello gorgeous, please tell me you are looking for me." Marco had no lack of self esteem, he was quite the ladies man.

Anara smiled, attempting to keep her eyes from looking at the marine's impressive physique. "Yes...well...I am looking for someone to help me. I was looking for..."

She licked her lips and sucked them in for a moment and her face blushed lightly, "Entertainment for a all female party. you know what I mean?"

" are looking for a male entertainer." His light Italian accent coming through. "Before I joined the Marines, I use to dance in Venus for a ladies club, so if I please you?" He waved his arms and flexed in different poses, "You have come to the right place, me"

Anara's face brightened even more, surprised that she had actually found the perfect marine. She nodded, " please me...yes. I would need you to come to Holodeck 4 tomorrow at 19:30 hours. The party is in celebration for Jessica. Would you be able to stay for a couple of hours? We'll be having dessert at that time and then doing some dancing on the dance floor."

That sounded like a lot of fun to Marco. He would have beautiful women gawking and lusting over him and he might just get lucky. He found this particular women to be very attractive and hope that the others would be like her. "That sounds like fun, I could even give private dances if one likes. I will be dresses as a 'cowboy' unless you prefer a different theme."

Anara grinned widely and she nodded, "Yes..that would be...wonderful. I could probably come up with some country music for your dance. I've never actually paid a stripper before. I'm sure we can come to some appropriate amount."

"Nah, think of it as a favor, I don't mind doing it, I think it will be fun." Marco smiled.

Anara moved a strand of hair behind her ear, "Are you sure? I could probably afford to pay you some credits." She wasn't sure exactly what the going rate would be.

"I'm sure, unless a date with you would be payment. In that case you would have over payed me a great deal, but no, it's quite fine the way it tiz." Marco assured her.

Anara gave a soft giggle and she shook her head, "Oh..that's very sweet. I would love to go out with you, but..I have a son and I need to think of him. How about this? I will look for a date for you at the party? I'm sure I could find an attractive woman that would enjoy going out with you."

"It's not necessary, really. No payment is needed. I will be there." Marco extended his hand to her.

Anara shook his hand, "Even so- I'll let the other women know you're single. Thank you for your help again." She waved goodbye and made her way out of the Marine Department.

"You're quite welcome, my beautiful angel." Marco said softly as he watched her leave. She was quite the eye candy which he knew he would tomorrow. He smiled to himself.


JP brought to you by...

Lt. Meru Anara
Chief Science Officer
USS Achilles


Sergent Marco Russo
Sexy Stripper
USS Achilles


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