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Silent Wedding Bells Things Not Remembered

Posted on 01 Jul 2010 @ 12:04am by

1,378 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions
Location: SB 515
Timeline: Back Post

Almost 2 days ago......


John sat at the table across from Jess, he was eating a nice juicy steak with a well cooked baked potato. He picked up his glass of champagne and took a sip. His other hand went across the table to Jess's hand. He gave it a little squeeze, "You okay" John asked.

Jess nodded with a wonky smile "Just ... I wish I didn't have to give this up is all." She looked at him ... the last day has been amazing and I'm reluctant for it to end.

"You knew it wouldn't last, we have to go our separate ways, John smiled warmly. "I would like to take you out dancing and drinking to night."

"I'd like that ... one last fling before we split up ..." Jess's smile widened slightly.

John chuckled, "Yep, I heard they have a really nice bar here with a huge dance floor of to the side."

Eating a bite of baked potato she nodded "I love dancing."

"Good." John smiled, "I'm looking forward to dancing with you."

Taking another sip of wine she smiled as she relaxed an made small talk with him over the rest of dinner and dessert.

Once the bottle of champagne was gone, so was their food. Now it was time for the fun to begin. John escorted Jess to the bar and began ordering some very good tasting , but strong drinks.

Jess had downed several mixers and was starting to feel giddy on her feet as she dragged him onto the dance floor before draping herself over him.

John had drank several drinks that had up to 7 shots of liquor involved. He began to feel the effects of the drinks. Holding onto Jess on the dance floor, kept him stabilized. He held a fresh drink in his hand as he danced with her,their bodies moving well together.

Jess snuck a mouthful of his drink and holding it in her mouth kissed him sharing it. By now she was feeling a lot bolder and she had a plan in her head.

John eagerly took the drink from her mouth, the couple continued to dance until the drink was finished. John left Jess on the dance for watching her dance alone while he went to get a refill. One man approached Jess, noting her level of intoxication and figure he could have lots of fun with her until John came back. He commenced to using his cheesy pick up line to take her back to his quarters since time was of the essence. "Hey beautiful, I have been watching you all night. I want to take you home with me right now and see what type of fun we can get ourselves into."

"I'm not interested mate ..." Jess brushed past him and headed towards John draping herself over his arm.

John turned around seeing his girl holding on to him, he grinned and kissed her, "Okay, ready."

The couple went back to the dance floor and continued to drink the very powerful drink as they danced, their level of intoxication clearly evident.

Falling about and giggling Jess had an idea pop into her head and she leant into John and whispered in his ear "Lets get married ..."

John laughed, "Sure, why not." Not real sure what he was saying, they continued to drink and have a good time.

Gently being ushered out of the bar on closing Jess saw an all night chapel on the strip and gently tugged him in that direction.

Being overly drunk, John simply allowed himself to be pulled that way. "Where are you taking me?" John asked.

"Mmm the pretty building over there.... "Jess was pretty out of it herself and couldn't be toatally held responsible for what she was planning.

"What are we going to do in there? John asked as he was being pulled inside.

Looking at the man coming towards them she looked at John when the gentleman asked "Are you two looking to get married?"

John looked around the room, "We are here, so I guess we are ready to do this, what are we doing here?"

"Looks like we're getting married?" Jess looked at him wide eyed "Um ... rings?"

John noticed a display that had rings for sale, Lets take a look over there." John pointed to the display."

Jess looked over the rings and found one that she loved the look of for John ... It was simple yet elegant and would be able to be worn no matter what he did.

"Did you find something darling?" John asked.

Nodding Jess pointed to the male band in white gold to the side with a Celtic protection engraved in it. "There ... that one."

John had brought a bottle of whiskey and was sharing it with Jess. "Okay, that one it is then."

"Mmmm ... " Jess took a gulp "You see anything you like John?"

"I would like to get the matching mate for this one if you can find it." John smiled.

Smiling in pleasure she looked around until she found it and pointed it out "There."

John smiled, "Okay, that's the one."

Watching the man take them both she looked at John with a broad smile "We ready?"

John to a bib swig from the bottle before nodding to his bride to be. "Yep." He said as he swayed slightly, "As drunk as I will every be....ready....."

Giggling and swaying with him drunkenly Jess nodded "Me too ..."

John offered his looped arm for her to take as they got ready to walk down the isle.

Reaching a hand through she looked up at him with a dewy smile.

John and Jessica swayed together as they walked to the man waiting at the front for them. Once they stopped he cleared his voice.

Jessica looked up into Johns eyes and held his gaze as they waited.

"We are gathered her today to witness the union of these two lovely people in holy matrimony. Mr John you take Ms Jessica Coombs to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love, cherish, honor, and be true to for as long as you both shall live?"

John continued to gaze into her eyes as he held her hands. "I do"

"Do you have the ring?"

John looked up at the man, "Oh...yes.. I do." He said as he pulled it out of his pocket.

"Very well...repeat after me, with this ring I wed thee."

"With this ring I wed thee." John slipped the ring gently onto her left ring finger.

"Ms Jessica Coombs, do you take Mr John Cole to be your lawfully wedded husband to love, honor, cherish and be faithful to death do you part?"

Jessica smiled up at him "I do."

Taking the ring she had chosen for him she said quietly as she slipped it on him "With this ring I thee wed ..."

"By the power vested in me and the Little Red Galactic Chapel.....I pronounce you as husband and wife. You may kiss your bride Mr Cole."

John slowly leaned to Jessica, their lips touch as if it was their first time, fireworks shot off in his head as the passionate kiss deepened.

Jess wrapped herself around him as she melted into the kiss. "Love you Mr Cole..."

"Love you too Mrs Cole. Now....lets go have a honeymoon, I need to get to know my wife." John said as the began to leave.

Grinning at that Jess nodded "Mmmm sounds like a mission there ..."

John grinned, "A mission of love."

"I can definitely help with that one ... " She grinned and snuck a hand under his top rubbing his chest.

John giggled, "Why don't we wait till we get to your room, people are watching us."

Chuckling Jess pulled back "Ok ... Ok ..."

"There...we will do whatever come to mind." John grinned.

"Mmmm My mind is coming up with all sorts of interesting ideas ... " Jess grinned impishly and licked her lips.

"Good, cause we got all night to have all kinds of fun." John laughed as they walked towards her quarters.

Walking with him she bumped hips with him gently "Sounds like my kind of good time."


Major John PsYchO Cole
Marine CO
USS Achilles

Lieutenant Jessica Coombs
USS Achilles


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