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Gasp! A runaway!

Posted on 30 Jun 2010 @ 5:46pm by

1,120 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions
Location: Mess Hall
Timeline: Around 15:00 hours


Anara and Edom were sitting at a table across from Edom's new nanny. She seemed like a sweet woman and so far things had been going well. Of course the agency had throughly checked her refrences and her background. The woman had over 10 years of experience working with children.

While they were talking, Edom was bouncing a red ball on the table. He had exchanged it for his teddy bear after they took a look at their new quarters. When the ball fell off the table and rolled onto the floor, Anara noticed and called out to Edom, "Stay in the Mess Hall."

Edom nodded as he chased after the ball. There were some people in the Mess Hall who didn't seem to notice him. One of them ended up accidently kicking the ball out toward the door.

Edom hesitated, but then seeing as it was his ball- he went after it. Just as he went to pick it up, another officer brushed him as one came in and the ball ended up rolling out into the corridor. Edom glanced at his mom and then chased after the ball- thinking that he would be able to get it before his mom would know he was gone.

Hannah was in the middle of a conversation with another security officer when she noticed the boy running into the corridor. Assuming he was accompanied, she went back to her conversation. A few moments later she started to make her way back down the corridor and spotted the same boy still alone. Frowning slightly she walked over to him.

"Hello," she said with a small smile. "Are you by yourself?"

Edom finally picked up his ball and began bouncing it against the floor. He looked up when he saw a woman he had never met. His mother told him not to speak to strangers, but sometimes Star fleet officers were okay to talk to. He starred at her for a moment and then gave a nod. He then turned around and started running in the wrong direction.

Meanwhile, Anara was beginning to feel confident with Edom's new nanny, "He likes to have his back rubbed before going to sleep at night and...." She stopped talking when she noticed that Edom wasn't nearby. "Just a moment..." She stood up and searched the Mess Hall. She looked under tables in a panic.

She pressed her com badge, =/= Security! My four year old son is missing. Has anyone seen him? =/= She continued searching frantically for him.

Hannah easily caught up with the little boy and tried again. "Have you lost your parents? It's OK, I'm wih security, you can talk to me."

Edom stopped running and then blinked for a moment. He nodded, "I was just looking to for my ball. I didn't mean to walk out of the Mess Hall. I...don't know how to get back."

"Would you like me to take you back to the Mess Hall then?" Hannah offered. A moment later her com badge chirped, someone in the security office informed her of the missing child.

"It's OK, I think I've got him," Hannah replied with a smile. "We'll head back to the Mess Hall."


Edom nodded, "Can you please tell my mommy that I was getting my ball? I don't want to get in trouble. Please!!" He reached for the woman's hand.

Hannah took his hand and smiled, trying to reassure him. "I'll tell her, don't worry, she'll just be happy you're OK."

They soon arrived back at the mess hall and Hannah noticed a frantic looking Bajoran officer nearby.

Anara was heading toward the door to look outside of the Mess Hall when she saw Edom. She moved to her knees and urged him to come in his arms. He let go of Hannah's hand and moved into her arms. "What I did tell you about not leaving the Mess Hall?" She asked as she covered his forehead and kisses. Tears ran down her eyes, "I was so worried..."

"I was chasing my ball, mama. I'm sorry," he said as he hugged her back.

Anara looked up at Hannah, "Thank you so much for finding him. I don't know what I would do without him. He's the only family I have." She hugged him tighter.

"Mama...mama...too tight," he said through his mouth. She laughed and loosened her hold a bit.

Hannah couldn't help but smile at the reunion. "Not a problem, ma'am."

After giving him another kiss, she tells Edom to go and speak to the nanny. Then she turned toward Hannah, offering her hand, "I think I've made quite a first impression. I'm Meru Anara- Chief Science officer. That was my son- Edom."

"Does security know that my son was found? Perhaps I should tell them?" she said, as she moved to tap her com badge.

Hannah shook her hand. "Ensign Hannah Dawson, security officer. I already informed them he's been found, don't worry about it. Just glad I could help."

"Thank you," she said as she glanced over her shoulder to see the nanny and Edom rolling the ball back and forth over the the table. "He means everything to me. He's actually a lot like I was when I was younger...always exploring, always looking to learn. I hope he never let's go of that..."

She turned back toward Hannah "What can I do to repay you? Maybe you can have dinner with us tonight? If you don't have any plans. What do you like to eat?" she asked in a rush.

"Oh..." Hannah said in surprise, she opened her mouth to object, after all she was only doing her job but she really wanted to start getting to know people onboard. "Well... anything really, I'm easy to please, thank you."

"Actually...I just realized! I'm actually busy tonight. How about tomorrow morning? Breakfast!? Do you like french toast and sausage? Or...pancakes?" she said after slapping her forehead. She was about to invite this woman to something that she would have been unable to uphold.

"Tomorrow morning works for me," Hannah replied. "And whatever you serve I'm sure will be fine."

"Wonderful. I'll see you tomorrow morning then," she said smiling. She then made her way over to the nanny and her son. She began telling Edom what he should do if the ball rolls out of the room. "Next time- you will come to me and I will go find the ball with you."

Her son nodded his understanding.

Hannah smiled. "I'll see you then, thank you."


JP brought to you by...

Lt. Meru Anara
Chief Science Officer
USS Achilles


Civilian Meru Edom
Little Escapee


Ensign Hannah Dawson
Security Officer


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