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Bridal Party Preparation

Posted on 30 Jun 2010 @ 3:37pm by

458 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions
Location: Anara's Quarters
Timeline: current day, afternoon


After Anara had made sure that everything was running smoothly in the science department, Anara came to her quarters to put Edom down for his nap. As usual he went right to sleep. She turned on her computer to start organizing things for the Bridal party. She wanted to have the party a few days from today, so that she could easily prepare everything. However- technically the party was already late, as a bridal party was supposed to be before the wedding. Still- she was excited to put it together for Jessica.

First she needed to start on the invitations. She began looking through a variety of different graphics and decided to go with something that was neutral but elegant: silver and blue. Those were colors that she hoped Jessica would enjoy. She decided to use a silver background that had fancy flowers in the corner and a dark blue script that would make the words pop out.

She then began looking at the manifest to figure out who should be invited to the party. She added the proper recipients, then added herself and Jessica and clicked send. She began writing up a list of all the things that she would need to bring the party together.

- Decorations
- Bartender
- Food
- Entertainment: Music
- Gifts
- Dessert
- Reserve Holodeck 4
- Games
- Area for Dancing

Anara got up from her computer to check on Edom. He had his eyes closed and his mouth was slightly open as he slept. She caressed his cheek lightly and then moved back to her computer in search for silver and blue decorations.

The invitations read: (The computer will inform you that you have a message)
Dear Female Officer,

You have been cordially invited to the bridal party of Lt. Jessica Coombs in celebration of her marriage to Major John Cole. The dress is semi-formal. Be prepared to enjoy fun games, dancing and dinner. Please bring a appropriate gift. RSVP is welcomed but not mandatory. The Bridal Party is located at Holodeck 4.

Party Starts: 17:00 hours
Dinner Served: 18:00 hours
Gifts/Games: 18:45 or so..
Dessert Served: 19:30 hours
Dancing afterwards

Lt. Meru Anara
Chief Science Officer

The invitations are sent to: Lt. Meru Anara, Lt. Jessica Coombs, Lt. JG Wandella Kristere, Janat zh'Bol, Tarryn Marks, Ensign Hannah Dawson, Jessica Logan, T'Mandlin, Scarlett Blaire, Talla P'Trell, Lt. Melanie Hemmingway, Lt. JG Casiday Taylor, Lita Wilkinson, Janis Cortice, Ayren Kelan, and Civilian Rhys.


OOC: For the players who were not invited, if you have ownership over any of the female npc's and you wish to participate in the bridal party- send me a PM so that I can add you in the joint post.

Lt. Meru Anara
Chief Science Officer
USS Achilles


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