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Settling the issue

Posted on 30 Jun 2010 @ 1:05pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

440 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions

Jess stood waiting for the Captain outside of security, she was really hoping that she could find a way to work with Lt Flaherty in some form or other because it want good for the department to have this division between them.

Da`nal arrived at security. He had alreaady recieved the rely from the Lieutenat had taken the appropriate action. Any further action would depend on his new Chief Engineer. "Lietenant, he is no longer here, he was tranfered to the Starbase this morning. He will still face disciplinary action for insubordination and disorderly conduct, but he elected to leave the ship and face those charges on the Starbase. You are still able to press charges for assault....if you so choose."

Jess shook her head slowly "I'd prefer not to unless he makes it necessary ... I can see how he would be upset by being removed."

Da`nal nodded, "As can I. However that does not excuse his actions. Just to be clear though, I may have authorized you to handle things 'in house', but that does not extent to beating everyone into line." He said with one corner of his mouth slightly curled.

Smiling slightly Jess nodded "I promise not to beat anyone else up ... I much prefer giving them cleaning duties ... those scrubbers get awful dirty." She grinned as it was the worst job possible.

He knew well the assignment of 'shit' details as punishment. He'd give out his fair share in his time. "They'd better not be...not yet anyway." He shifted te subjec slightly. :How is the rest of Engineering handling the transition?"

"There have been a few rumbles but overall everyone is settling down ok ... Didnt help that most of them saw the fight." Jess shook her head "I wish it hadnt happened like that ...."

"Worrying about what you cannot control...the past especially, only wastes energy. All we can do now is deal with the present. Don't forget, they saw ME there as well."

"True sir ... " Jess grinned "I think they will settle down in a few days once they see what I expect from them. I dont expect perfection but I do expect them to do their jobs to the best of their abilities." She looked thoughtful "Although it might be worth running a few training sims to see where they are."

He couldn't agree more. "Good idea, but run your drills, if possible, before we depart."

"Will do sir." Jess was wondering how she could creatively do her job while following the Doc's instructions on no real work for two weeks.


Captain Da`nal

Lt. Jessica Coombs


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