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A Stirring in the shadows

Posted on 30 Jun 2010 @ 4:39pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

404 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions
Location: Kzinti Homeworld
Timeline: Current

The Patriarch sat on his dais overlooking the council as the debate was nearing to erupting into full fledged combat. He was almost inclined to allow the combat as it could very well rid him of several opponents. However it could also result in a direct challenge to his leadership. His roar for silence carried over the assemblage and they each took their seats in turn, but there where several that had left their claws exposed as a warning to the others.

"General, your position is noted. It is true that an opportunity had passed us by while our enemies fought the Dominion, but the Human's defeated us in the past because we attacked before we were ready. That will not happen again"

"But we ARE ready NOW, Lord Patriarch..."

The Patriarch leaped from his dais with a roar at the interruption, as he took it as a challenge to his authority, gripping his general by the throat. "DO YOU CHALLENGE ME!?!!

Despite his Lord age his strength had not abated, a thing to remember. Unable to bow he softened his expression to show his submission as best he could and through the grip on his throat he replied. "Nooogh....Lorrda...Patricharch." As the hand dropped from his throat, "you are Sovereign and I obey."

"Do not forget that! I say when we are ready!" If he hadn't needed the General he would have lay'n dead at his feet. Instead he released him with a shove, then with a bound the Patriarch resumed his place. He knew that many felt as the General did; they ached for battle to avenge their ancestors, but they needed to be reminded of the bigger plan. "For nearly 150 years we have prepared. In the caverns below our feet our warriors train, and our fleet has grown.

"Over the long years, while our enemies fought their wars, we waited. From their wreckage we have gleaned their new technologies and incorporated it with our own. From the shadows we have watched there tactics. Our spies have gathered the harvest of information. Our newest weapons are near completion, our newest warships and cruisers lie in wait." Pointing to the General and the other military representative, "Soon your warriors shall taste man-flesh as we drive the Humans back and take what is rightfully ours."

As the room erupted the General thought to himself. ~No we shall take more than that...much more.~


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