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Surprising Developments

Posted on 29 Jun 2010 @ 2:36am by

2,387 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions
Location: Major Cole's Quarters


After Anara had explored the bridge a little, she made her way down the corridors. She thought of heading to main engineering to see Jessica, but it was possible that Jessica would not be there.

She paused and spoke, "Computer- please locate Lt. Jessica Coombs"

=/=Lt. Jessica Coombs is in Major John Cole's Quarters=/=

Anara blinked. That seemed odd. Why would Jessica be in John's quarters? Then it began to dawn on her. She had mentioned being involved with someone named John who was on this ship. Anara had never really connected the dots. She wondered if she should continue pursuing a conversation with Jessica- she might be....unavailable.

She tapped her com badge, =/= Lt. Coombs? Are you available for a quick chat? =/=

In the mean time, she made her way to the turbo lift to go to deck () toward crew's quarters.

Hearing the comm Jess tapped her badge =/= Sure Anara ... I'm in Major Cole's quarters in marine country ... anyone gives you any difficulty ... just point them towards me. =/= Jess sat back on the couch and made herself comfortable as she waited.

When Anara made her way through the corridor, many of the marines seemed to remember her from the last time she was there. She gave them a small smile as she made her way to John's quarters.

She pressed the chime, wondering in her head how far Jessica's relationship with John had become.

Moving to the door Jess opened it with a smile "Come in Anara ... John had to go deal with a marine issue and I was quietly planning a jail break."

Anara smiled at her friend as she came inside, "Oh...that's interesting... I didn't know you were staying in his room..." She gave a tone of surprise rather than one of condemn. She wasn't sure what was going on. She had heard that Jessica's experience with John had been akin to a one night stand. This all sounded pretty odd to her.

Blushing Jessica came clean "We uh ... it seems we got drunk the night before we left and uh ... we're officially married ..." She looked down not knowing what the other woman would think of her "I only found out a couple of hours ago."

Anara's mouth dropped open, "WHAT!? You''re married? You just met this man a day ago...and now he's your husband? Does that not seem....really strange..?" She sat in a nearby chair, trying to understand things in her head.

Jess sat down on the couch gingerly and nodded "Tell me about it ... I'm only just admitting to him that im in love with him and having him admit it back ... and then we find out we're married ... Major shock."

Her mouth dropped open when she heard Jessica say that she was in love with a man she just met. It seemed impossible to her ears. She had been with a man for 5 years and STILL didn't know if she loved him or not.

"In love? Are you sure that it's love? Could it not simply be amazing sex? I have been told that they can be hard to differentiate..." she said, hoping to bring clarity to the situation.

Jess shook her head in confusion "I don't know ... the sex is amazing ... but ... it feels like more. When I'm with him I either want to kill him or kiss him and it can change from minute to minute ... and I spend half my time at work wondering what he's doing and if he's ok ..."

Anara shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know if I would call that love. It sounds like just physical chemistry to me. But...what do I know? I don't think I've ever really been in I'm not exactly the expert."

"Are you sure that you're going to be up to going rock climbing? I mean..with your injuries and everything? I kind of have a change to tell you about," she said.

Jess smiled "We could always have a picnic instead ... I don't want to disappoint Edom ..." She leant back "What's the change?"

Anara looked up for a moment as if she was unsure of what Jessica would think of this. "I...invited someone to our little party. I don't know why. We were talking...and it just popped out of my mouth before I realized- What would you think...and how you would have to bring more food.. I'll help you with the food if you need to, but she's expecting to come."

"I understand if you don't want to go now..." she said looking down at the floor. She was usually good about social situations. She made sure that people were okay with inviting other people before she went about inviting others.

"I'd like to meet this other person ... If you still want me to come ... It's not much more to feed 4 than it is to feed 3 ... Would ... perhaps we could invite John too and make it a group outing .... Edom might like having another guy there?"

"Edom has actually already met John...and they seemed to get along quite well. Of course, Edom tends to get along with everyone. You can invite him along if you want? Then you won't be alone on the top of the mountain," she said with a positive tone.

Then she realized that Jessica thought the other person was male. She grinned, "I invited the Chief Flight Control Officer- Lt. (jg) Wandella. She actually kind of rubs me the wrong way a little bit, but I wanted to be friend her anyway. I must warn you though- she's a bit arrogant...and she talks in third person." Anara laughed a little.

Chuckling at that Jess nodded "I think that would be great having the 4 of us and edom spend some time together ... We're going to be working together for a long time. Should be interesting getting to know her ... "

"It's better that we're friends with her, after all- she's going to be driving us to wherever our next destination is!" she responded with a soft laugh. "I'm glad that you're okay with it.."

"So...about this marriage thing.. Have you guys decided what you're going to do? Did you think about getting a annulment?" she asked, changing the subject again now that she had brought up the news.

"We thought about it ... and decided we should give this a go for now ... we like each other ... and the sex is great so that gives us something to build on." Jess blushed a little."

Anara shook her head, "Do you know what you're getting into? I mean...John seems like a nice guy and all, but this whole thing sounds ridiculous. He's a marine- a man whose likely to be at the fore front of action, where..he might not come back. He might become overly aggressive... He might become controlling or push his values on you. Do you even know what his values are? Or what his expectations of marriage is?"

"Do you know what YOUR expectations of marriage are?" she asked. She was trying to get Jessica to think about the actions she was making. She could be putting herself in a very poor position.

Jess looked thoughtful rather than angry "I know that neither of us are ready for children yet ... but we would never get rid of them if something were to happen. We both value family and know that time can be short but its what you make of it that counts ..."

"I'm just....a little scared for you, Jessica. Not every member of Star fleet is safe. There are dangerous people out there. You do know that, right? By marrying someone that you barely know- you're connecting yourself intimately to another being who could potentially physically, emotionally and mentally harm you. Have you considered this at all?" as she spoke, her vocals quivered a bit.

Jess nodded "I know ... I'm a little scared too ... " Jess gave her a look with her lip quivering slightly as she admitted "We could both screw this up so badly Anara ... I don't want to hurt him or get hurt either ... but I don't want to give up before we've even tried ..."

Anara moved to sit beside Jessica. She held her hand, "I don't understand. If you're so afraid...why are you going through with it? What would be wrong on giving up on a marriage that was a mistake? If you want to explore a relationship with him. You can still do that and then you can marry once you know each other well and are sure of your feelings. "

"I ... I WANT to be married to him ... but there's this little voice in the back of my head that keeps telling me he could do so much better .. that all I'll do is bring him down." Jess shook her head sniffing a little and rubbing her eyes. "It was like love at first sight for me ... Bam and I was gone."

"What does he think of staying married to you?" she asked plainly.

"He says the same ... I can't help worrying that I'm trapping him though. He told me he loves me and would wait til the end of time for me." Jess looked at her letting her fear and confusion show.

Anara rubbed her hand comfortingly as she shook her head, "He told you he loved you? He said those exact words? Do you think that you can depend on a love that has the foundation of sex and one day of knowing a person? I understand that your feeling a lot of emotions, but you need to engage your head too."

"Do you think a marriage founded on trapping someone is going to end happily?" she asked calmly.

Jess shook her head "I ... I'm just really confused ... I didn't expect to wake up in medical to find I was married to him. I don't regret marrying him but ..."

Anara's nose wrinkled a little, the ridges on her nose crinkled up a bit before straightening out. It was a sign of confusion. She didn't understand why Jessica wouldn't regret marrying someone she barely knew. Anara refused to give herself to a man she didn't know..who she couldn't trust to take care of her and nurture her and help her raise her child.. Of course Jessica didn't have to worry about caring for a son.

"But what?" she asked.

Jess sighed "I know how it will look to people ... we jumped in too quick but sometimes ... you just know and you have to go with your gut feeling."

"And sometimes that quick decision can end up being the worse decision you ever made. Are you willing to handle the consequences of that?" she asked quietly.

Jess looked thoughtful and then she nodded " I am ... Life is risk and sometimes you just have to go with it."

"Not everything in life is a risk and it doesn't have to be if you to make it that way. You make the decisions in your life. You can decide to make a logical decision where the chances of a positive result are likely. can make a decision that is devoid in logic and common sense where the chances of a negative result are likely," she spoke with a firm tone.

Jess smiled "Sometimes you just have to have faith Anara ... and trust in others ... not everyone lets you down."

Anara shook her head, "The results of my experiences have shown that to be false. Most people let you down and most people cannot be trust. That is reality."

She gave a soft sigh, "I think you are making a big mistake, but I respect your decision even if I do not agree with it."

Nodding her thanks Jess smiled "That's ok ... friends don't have to always agree ..."

Anara nodded, "That's true. And as your friend- it's my responsibility to help you celebrate what should be one of the best days of your life. Which means- a wedding party is to be in order!" She grinned at Jessica.

Grinning back Jess chuckled "So what trouble can we get up to?"

"What would you like..? A bridal party with all women...? Or a party where everyone is invited with champagne in a first dance for you and John as husband and wife?" she asked excitedly. It was true that she felt Jessica was making a mistake, but people need to make their own decisions and she was going to support Jessica- right or wrong. After all- that was what friends were for- support.

"I'd love a bridal party ... get to know the girls on board ... and have some fun without the guys." Jess grinned at her friend wickedly.

"Sounds like fun! I'll arrange everything for you. I'll even speak to the Captain to reserve the Mess Hall for you, " she said. " much to do already! I better put a list together."

She hugged Jessica, "Congratulations. I hope you and John have a very happy life together."

Hugging Anara back Jess nodded and whispered to her "I hope you find someone one day that makes you as happy. Thank you Anara ... your a good friend."

"You're very sweet Jessica. Edom is all I need. I think I'll be content just knowing that he turned out into a responsible healthy Bajoran," she spoke back. She stood up, "I'll let you know about the party once I get everything organized."

Nodding Jess smiled "When do you want John and I to meet you all in the holodeck for the climb?"

"Did you forget? It's at 18:00 hours today. Your were going to bring roasted chicken and rice and that dessert that you were talking about. Remember? Make sure to let John know," she added. "Holodeck 2 - it's already been reserved." She headed toward the door.

"We'll be there, and thanks Anara ... " Jess watched her walk out the door as she stood up and headed for the replicator to make the meal.

Anara nodded, "Thanks for handling the food." She made her way out of John's quarters back toward the science department. She needed to check on the progress that the crew was making.


JP brought to you by...

Lt. Meru Anara
Chief Science Officer
USS Achilles


Lt. Jessica Coombs
Chief Engineer Officer
USS Achilles


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