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Exploring the Bridge

Posted on 28 Jun 2010 @ 10:16pm by

1,194 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions
Location: Bridge


Once Meru had her department organized and working on inventory, she moved to the bridge to explore the science station. Her first step onto the bridge brought a rush through her torso. She didn't know why exactly, but there was something about the bridge that really showed how small you were, and yet how much you contributed to a huge universe. She moved to touch the back of the command chair, taking in the experience.

Wandella had been helping one of her staff make an adjustment to the ship's trajectory when she saw a hot Bajoran woman walk onto the bridge, ~Wonder who she is?~ Walking over slowly and flipping her hair sexily, Wandella found herself next to the Bajoran, who was even hotter up close, "Hi, I'm Wandella, I fly ship." She smiled, "Can I help you somehow?"

Meru moved out of her day dream of soaring through the stars, when she saw a human woman coming toward her. The first thing she noticed was the woman's ice blue eyes. She offered her hand to her, "A pleasure to meet you, Wandella. I'm Anara- the Chief Science Officer. I just arrived on the ship today, so I'm getting my bearings. Not every ship has a science station on the bridge. This ship just looks so new..."

She walked around the command chair to move toward Wandella's station, she took a deep breath, "It even smells new. Or is that just me?" She gave a nervous laugh as she looked at the controls.

"It is new." Wandella smiled, "Got to love that new ship smell, no?"

"Yes. Of course the smell of a ship this new is really the fumes that come off from the adhesive substances that connect the various parts of the ship. The fumes are pleasant and nontoxic," she spoke easily.

Anara grinned, "You must be excited to take off. Have you ever flown a Prometheus before?" It was odd, but this woman seemed to have a real casual presence, and it made Meru feel more comfortable in her presence. Feeling confident to explore, Meru moved to sit into the flight control chair. She moved her fingers over the control, imagining how the newness might feel beneath her fingers as she looked up at the view screen.

"No, first time on Prometheus, but Wandella is best pilot in galaxy. Can fly anything." Wandella smiled, placing her hand on top of Anara's, "Here, let Wandella show you how to use console right."

Anara laughed softly, "Does Wandella like to talk about herself in the third person?"

"Sometimes I do." Wandella laughed, "Forgive, please, but I did not hear standard until age of three, and sometimes is easier to talk in third person because it keeps me from lapsing into Romanian and confusing hell out of everyone around me."

"You are from Romania? If I remember my geography's located at the crossroads of Central and Southeastern Europe, north of the Balkan Peninsula, bordering on the Black sea," she recited from memory. "That must have been an interesting experience. Is there a Star Fleet station in Romania?" She didn't think that there was one, but she didn't want to seem rude.

"There is not one in Romania, but in region. Not Starfleet anyway, is a Marine training base, trains mountain and forest regiments." Wandella answered, "And, yes, Romania is beautiful, best place in galaxy."

Anara chuckled softly, "Well...I don't know about that, but I suppose it's a matter of opinion. Why did you decide to follow the Flight Control career path?"

"Uncle Vladimir was a great pilot, greatest in galaxy, legend, before Wandella was born." Wandella began, "I learn at his feet how to fly anything better than anybody, now Wandella is best in galaxy and on my way to being legend. Why you go into science, Anara?"

Anara pursed her lips as Wandella spoke, she would research the woman's family as it seemed a little off to her. She doubted that Wandella was the best in the galaxy, "Do you have evidence for being the best in the galaxy?"

"Aahhh, a doubter." Wandella smirked, "Well, when you fly with Wandella, you will know, Wandella is best."

She answered Wandella's question, "It seemed natural for me to move into the science department. My father had been a well known scientist, I was told- I don't remember much about him. Science has always fascinated me..." She stood up from the flight control chair and moved toward the chair nearest it, taking a look at the various OPS controls.

"Oh, be careful there!" Wandella warned, "Lt. Sir Oaksey doesn't like when people mess with console and has tritanium rod in ass this long." Wandella spread her arms to their full length to demonstrate her point, "Wouldn't want you to have unpleasant experience."

Anara grinned, "I wasn't touching anything...just looking. So what are you doing here? We're not moving.." She got out of the chair and then moved to the science station. Her face positively glowed as she moved into the chair. She began pressing the buttons on the console, bringing up an image of the ship's sensors.

"Well, this is worst part of flight officer's job, the sitting here and waiting part." Wandella sighed, "I hate it! We have new ship with four nacelles, all full of speed and ready to go and we're sitting here like bumps on frog and waiting for orders to depart. Drives me crazy!"

Anara grinned, not really understanding her perspective. She was used to waiting for things, patience was a quality in abundance- especially after she became a mother. "Perhaps you should find some fun activity on the holodeck. Jessica, Edom and I are going rock climbing later. It's a fun activity that really gets your adrenaline going, especially when you look over the edge of the cliff."

"I enjoy rock climbing actually." Wandella smiled, "Uncle and I used to climb mountains in Romania. Used to climb towers of old castles, too. Wandella has been to top of Dracula's castle as a child."

"Well..perhaps Wandella would like to come along. We're meeting in Holodeck 2, at 18:00 hours. Are you free then?" she asked as she continued looking through the ship's sensors and looking over specifications.

"I will be." Wandella smiled, "I look forward to it. If we enjoy this, next time I have holographic recreation of mountains in Romania we can use."

Anara's eyebrows rose up, "Sounds like fun. Make sure to wear shorts, t-shirt, good shoes and a hat. I can have the equipment replicated for our use. Jessica will be waiting for us at the top with dinner. I'll let her know that you're coming as well."

She got up from the science station, "Thanks for letting me look around your station. I'll see you tonight." She made her way off of the station. She planned to find Jessica to see if it would be okay to have Wandella join- since she had planned to bring the food.

JP brought to you by...

Lt. Meru Anara
Chief Science Officer
USS Achilles


Lt. (jg) Wandella Kristere
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Achilles


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