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Wanna job?

Posted on 29 Jun 2010 @ 3:12pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,098 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions
Location: Guest Quarters
Timeline: back post - prior to arrival at SB 515

Da`nal was in the best of moods. He was looking forward to informing his parent of the current 'situation'. He waited for the lift and his wait was short lived and when it arrived Dr. Montoya was there about to step out.

"Ah Captain, I was just on my way to see you."

"Its good to see you back on you feet. What can I do for you?"

"Well sir I was offered a job. I've been offerd a post back on the planet to oversee the research on our new friends."

Da`nal looked at his CMO for a moment, his head tilting slightly. "Well...our loss is their gain." Extending a hand to the broad shouldered Doctor. "Congratulations."

"Thank you sir. I can say my short time here hasn't been boring that's for sure."

Da`nal smirk a bit and he had to agree. Thing had been eventfully in his short stint on the Freedom. "Well we are not far from the system as yet, I will arrange for your quarantine clearance to be handled by the USS Xavier. You can take a shuttle and Report for duty."

"Thank you sir."

"I would ask one thing though..."

"Yes sir?"

THe creature that infected you."

Rico grinned knowingly. "I have already had its physical characteristics scanned into the database. There should be morethan enough for an accurate hologram."

The man know Klingons all too well. "You honor me. During your research on the planet if you have the opportunity to observe the creature. A proper hunt needs proper characteristics after all."

Nodding, "I'll see what I can do sir." Extending his soon to be former Captain his hand, "It's been a pleasure."

Rico stepped off the turbo lift and head to his quarters to pack the few items he had actually had time to unpack.

Da`nal turned his head and watched the offer move off down the corridor then stepped into the lift. "Guest quarters."

[Caecus Romehl's Quarter's]

Caecus sat at the desk that seemed to small to hold all of the PaDDs resting on top of it, along with several empty mugs and a few used stim paks. He was typing away furiously at the console while simultaneously reading a PaDD when the chime rang for his door, at first he ignored it and continued on with his work until it rang a second time, the El-Aurian doctor didn't stop typing or look away from his screen as he spoke "Enter."

Da`nal entered looking to either side until hr saw the Doctor. Whatever he was working on he was hard at it. "Am I interupting?"

Caecus looked up and then saved his work before answering "Nothing that a few more minutes would change considering everything that has happened what can I do for you Captain, would you like to sit?"

"Thank you." Taking a seat he continued, "I trust you haven't suffered any permanent side affects from your encounter?"

"Nothing a the inoculation won't clear up, though I'm more interested in the effects of the crew that were linked to the hive consciousness, even after the removal of the spore they exhibit from time to time an almost telepathic link to one another...but I'm sure your not here to be bored with medical jargon Captain." Caecus said sitting back in his chair as he looked at the Klingon, his skilled medical eye picking out the faint traces of his human lineage

"Good. A situation has come up that I think you can help me with."

"What is that Captain, I know I have a few strings I can pull even though I'm retired, living as long as I have comes with a few perks." The El-Aurian said, though his statement made him feel old.

Grinned he shook his head. "That's not what I had in mind. Doctor Montoya has been reassigned, to oversee the observation and study of our new friends. So, that leaves me without a Chief Medical Officer. Given your experience I was wondering if you might want the job?"

Caecus chuckled as he considered the offer and then smiled wryly "Don't think I'm going to be wearing a uniform, I've already done my bit for king and country, and if I make a decision about a medical matter it's the final word on it I'll have no second guessing from youngsters hear?"

Standing he needed to set things straight. "I had no intention of reactivating your commission. Like on the Weatherbey you would be a civilian Chief Medical Officer. And like any CMO you would have the final say...on medical matters. If there is an issue, inform the XO hand he'll deal with it."

The El-Aurian nodded and smiled at Da'nal "Just setting down the rules, something I've done since I started practicing medicine and I figured you would appreciate me being up front about the position, I haven't met the XO yet, but I'm sure he is an excellent officer or he wouldn't be your first know I remember when the Klingon and the Federation where all about posturing and baring their teeth at each other..." The much older man said as he thought back to his younger days and gave a sardonic smile "Mind if I ask what could be a personal question Captain?"

Da`nal nodded, "Granted."

"Were you raise Klingon or Human?" The El-Aurian asked arching an eyebrow

"I was raised on the Klingon Home World by my Klingon father, half Klingon half Human, mother, and my Human grandmother. Why do you ask."

"Just a curiosity, because you remind me a little of a Klingon Captain I once knew, though it maybe my memory playing tricks on me." Cae said with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Really?" Da`nal's curiousity was peaked. Perhaps he had known an ancestor of his, "and what would this Klingons name be?"

"Dra'thel, son of Tor..." Caecus said as he studied the captain closer, trying to remember the other Klingon better "Dangerous with both words and a bat'leth."

~Tor...? He had had a Tor in his family line but that would have made the Dra'thal his Grandfather's Grandfather. "There is a posibility You are in fact speaking of an ancestor of mne. I will look into it."

He stood. "At any rate I must be going. Welcome to the crew Doctor."

"Thank you for the opportunity captain." Caecus said in reply as he returned to his work.


Captain Da`nal
CO - then the USS Freedom

Retired Admiral Caecus Romehl
CMO - Then USS Freedom


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