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Getting under way

Posted on 02 Jul 2010 @ 11:17am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

796 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Bridge
Timeline: MD 1 - 1300

"Cptain's Log, Stardate: 650106.2

"The last of our crew additions and supplies are aboard. For the duration we will be on a standard shakedown cruise. I don't anticipate any issues as our new chief engineer was included in the ships construct. Any small technical issues that due arise, with her intimately familiar with the ship, should be a minor issue. Once underway there will be crew mixer to allow everyone to get acquainted."

Handing the PADD to Lance who nodded and headed into the ready room to file the report. Da'nal sat in the center seat for a moment, admiring the layout of his new Promethus class ship. There was a traditional feel to bridge. The Captain sat central to everyone and everyone had a duty station. Even the ships XO.

Tapping a panel on his chair he opened a channel to Engineering. =^= Bridge to Lt. Coombs, Are we all ready to go down there? =^=

=^= Coombs Here ... All the systems are in the green Captain.=^=

He turned his chair towards Don. "Ship's status Exec, are we ready to get underway?" he asked formaly.

"All systems report ready," Don said checking his panel and then up towards the view screen. "We are good to go, Captain,

Grinning he spun forward. "Helm, clear all moorings, thrusters at station keeping."

"Aye, sir." Wandella nodded, making it happen with just a few quick finger motions, though the real fight was inside of her as she desperately wanted to see what this thing could do.

"One quarter impluse. Take us out."

"Going to one quarter impulse in" Wandella grinned as she felt the first indications of the ship's true power surging around her, ~Oh, yeah, that's the stuff!~

From the outside the Achilles' impulse manifolds glowed as they powered up and the ship began to move out from the docking frame that surrounded much of the vessel.

The familiar voice of Ens. Logon sounded off as the ship cleared the framework. "We're clear sir."

"Helm, set a course for Deep Space 5, Full impulse till we clear 515's control zone then take us up to warp 7."

"Aye, sir, full impulse." Wandella replied, even at impulse power she could see this new ship had a lot of ponies under it's proverbial hood. She watched in anticipation as she waited for the signal beep that would indicate they had left SB 515's control and were on their own. She tingled when it beeped, and set the ship's velocity for Warp Seven, "Going to Warp Seven, Keptin." Her whole body trembled as she punched it, if God had made anything better than speed he'd kept it for himself.

It wasn't long until they were in free space and the blur of energy flashed as the ship jumped to warp.

"We are at Warp Seven, Keptin, en route to DS5." Wandella smiled, then turned to face Da'nal, "So when does Wandella get to see what new toy can really do?"

"The next time you are on the holodeck. Or when the time comes...Don you have the Bridge, see you all in an hour or so." With that Da`nal stood and stepped into the lift.

"Acknowledged," Don said and took the command station, something he didn't mind doing at all.

Jess turned from her Ops station and looked to the Commander after the Captain was gone. A huge smile on her face. "Sir, we could always have an unscheduled drill. Or better yet a malfunction, '...the docking latches just let go...honest'."

"That is actually a very good idea.. " Don said and looked through some scenarios on his console. "But let's get in open space first..." he answered.

The anticipation on the bridge was palletable at the prospect of getting to put he ship through its paces. Jessica's face was light up with a huge smile as she turned back to here station.

Wandella turned and blew Don a seductive kiss with a look that said 'I'll pay you back for this one later.' "Ready for your non-command, Sir." She laughed, her fingers twitching in anticipation over her console.

"Helm, how far are we out?" Don asked after a few minutes at warp.

"Several thousand kilometers, Sir." Wandella replied, "Far enough where we can do anything without arousing any attention from Starbase 515."

Before any reply was posible the Comm sounded. =^= Captain to the Bridge. Commander could you join me in the Gym. We need to wrap up a few of those arrangements we spoke about earlier.=^=

"On my way, out" After the channel had closed he stood shrugging. "Looks like out 'fun' will have to wait.


Captain Da`nal

Ens Jessica Logan
Acting Chief Ops - NPC

LtCmdr Donovan Killian

Ltjg Wandella Kristere

Lt Jessica Coombs


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