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Change of circumstance

Posted on 30 Jun 2010 @ 12:55pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

571 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions
Location: Prior to departure

Jess stood nervously with John in front of the Captain's desk "Sir ... uh ... do you have a minute?"

Leaning back in his chair he looked up at the two officers. He was understandingly curious and nodded. "By all means Lieutenant."

Swallowing nervously Jess gripped John's hand "We uh ... we need to report a change in living circumstances sir." She blushed in embarrassment "It uh ... seems John and I are uh ... married ..."

"Well...", Da`nal stood, "Congratulations are in order. When did this all happen?"

John felt that Jess was uncomfortable by the hesitation in her speech and because he was loosing all feeling in the had that she was squeezing. "It happened the night before I reported for duty, sir." John chuckled, "We....just found out ourselves today. It was sort of a surprise to us, if you know what I mean."

The expression on his face was that of complete confusion. "Wait...wait ..wait; you 'both just found out'?" Then he realized what must have happened. "This is on of those...what happens on Risa stays on Risa situations isn't it? One that went a bit to far."

Jess nodded "We uh ... got a little drunk sir and one thing led to another ... and seems we thought it was a good plan to get married."

"And you have decided to keep your drunken nuptials intact?"

John nodded, "Subconsciously there must be a reason why we did it since or conscious selves had no clue what was going on. We have decided to keep it like it is and see if we can find out why we did it. We can always annul the marriage later if it doesn't work out. Just because we got married this way doesn't mean that its not right." John shook his head, "Damn, I'm whipped, before I even came on board." He look towards Jess and smiled, "This is all your fault." he teased.

Jess grinned back at him and quipped "Who was it that fed me the last two drinks by hand ..."

John chuckled,"I don't know, but I hope it was me."

Nudging him gently she chuckled and shook her head as she quipped "Hmmm maybe I should rethink this marriage thing... " She let him see she was teasing him. "I uh ... would also like to request a name change Captain.... I've thought about it and if it wouldn't be too confusing I would like to change it to Cole."

Shaking his head slightly at the good natured bickering. "Well lets just keep the lovers quarrels to a minimum please...At any rate congratulations on your marriage. Your requests for name and status updates are naturally approved. However...some promenade quicky chapel is no place for two of my officers to be married."

Looking at him curiously Jess asked "Sir?"

Having his hand dismissively as wheel turned in his mind. "Nevermind...doesn't matter. But we are going to start running out off family quarters if this keeps up."

"Sir, we don't need family quarters, the Marine CO quarters is quite roomy and I don't expect kids anytime soon." John gave a sideways glance to Jess.

"Well if that is satisfactory that is fine with me."

John nodded, "Yes sir, it's perfect."

"It's settled then, and again Congratulations to you both."

"Thank you sir." John replied.


Captain Da`nal

Major John Cole
Marine CO
USS Achilles

Lt Jessica Coombs
USS Achilles


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