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Posted on 30 Jun 2010 @ 2:52am by

904 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions
Location: Sick bay
Timeline: Current


Once again Don almost got lost, but the walking around from department to department helped him memorize the layout of the ship, not schematic could. not even using turbo lifts, he climbed between decks, using jeffreys tubes. He even found a hypospanner and some other tools, someone had forgotten there. He grabbed it to give it to engineering when he got there.

But not now, it was sickbay first. Idly... not so idly, he wondered when last he had a medical checkup. Anyway, that was not the reason for his visit to sickbay.

Entering the large and well equipped medical facility, he raised his eyebrows. "Wow" he formed the word silently. Looking around he saw their CMO near his office. A nurse passed him and smiled shyly and he smiled back politely, looking after her. ~Pretty is pretty~ He had to think of Montoya and the effect his pheromones had on him, resulting in a chuckle.

"Doctor," said politely as he got to the El-Aurian man. "Don Killian, Executive Officer I am pleased to meet you finally."

Caecus turned around and knew that he was probably not what most people expected to find in a person holding the position of Chief Medical Officer on a Starfleet vessel wearing a plain white button down shirt untucked, a pair of brown slacks, and a pair of two tone blue and white sneakers and awhite lab coat on instead of the traditional teal most other CMOs wore. His hair was well groomed looking but a tossled mess and he gave Don a welcoming smile as he tucked a tricorder away in his coats pocket "Doctor Caecus Romehl, good to meet you Commander what can I do for you today?"

"I have your orders and security clerance codes with me for this vessel and I wanted to see if there was anything I can help you with," Don explained handing him the PaDD for him to activate the new codes. He himself was not in uniform, but in a track suit as he made his rounds walking, climbing and getting to know this ship.

Cae took his hand back and grabbed the PaDD, smirking as he looking over "You know I've seen so many incarnations of authorization codes, it'd make your head spin." he pressed his thumb onto the PaDD to activate the codes then looked at the other man with a smile "Now then you can help me by setting an example for the crew and allowing me to get your physical out of the way, feel up for it Don?"

"I had one a few months ago, I think, but sure, I don't mind," he said smiling. "Where do you want me?"

"Just over here Don." The El-Aurian said motioning to the nearby biobed "Any unusual aches or pain recently or any physical ailments out of the norm for you recently...well barring take over by the fungal hive mind of course."

His comment made Don smile. "I am only taken over by woman," he assured the Doc. "But other than that, nothing to complain about Doc," Don said amicably as he hopped on the biobed. "Oh wait, I sprained something in my hand when I did rock climbing, and it doesn't bother me, until I ride my horse, " he said, flexing the fingers of his left hand.

Caecus moved the sensor wand over the Commanders left, then replaced the wand in the tricorder before he held up a finger and walked over to one of the medical cabinets. He returned with a black hand brace, an osteo-regenerator, and a loaded hypospray "Well Mister Killian it seems what you thought was a mild sprain is actually a hair line fracture of your wrist, I'm going to administer a dose of asinolyathin, a mild painkiller, and then fit this brace to you any allergies I should know about before administering this to you Don?" he ask with an arch eyebrow as he held up the hypospray.

"Nope, Doc.." he said half dismissively, his eyes were on the brace. "Do I have to wear that?" he asked worried. "I have to ride..." he explained. "Can't you just fix it?"

"Yes commander you do have to wear it, despite what marvels of technology we have to fix our ailing bodies, sometimes the best medical technology after it gets a helping hand is our own bodies," He looked sternly at the other man before administering the pain killer "the brace will be on for just a couple of days, after that the bone should heal fine after I treat it with the generator."

Don grumbled under his breath, but flexed his fingers once the brace was fitted. "You are cruel, and you looked so nice " he complained good-heartedly. "Doc I am done?" he asked and hopped off the bio-bed.

Caecus smiled and shook his head "You are commander just come back in a couple days, as for cruel I like to think of it as a necessarily cruel...though remember I could be practicing Klingon medicine on you...that would be cruel." he chuckled a little as he moved back to let Don leave "Remember leave it on."

Jon laughed. "Yeah, you could have chopped my hand off," he commented dryly. "Thanks Doc, and have a good day!" Don said and went to look for the other doctor.


Lt Cmdr Don Killian

Retired Admiral Caecus Romehl


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