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Ready or Not

Posted on 30 Jun 2010 @ 1:03pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

658 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions


After seeing most of the staff, Don not only met them, but had a clearer picture of some of the initial dynamics of the crew. For the most part it seemed the normal scraps and adjustments, but a few things concerned him. One departments was not *fighting fit* yet. Operations, and one man, the previous Chief of Engineering.

Finding Da'nal on the bridge, he walked over to him. "Captain," he announced himself and handed him his report. "The areas of concern are highlighted," he came straight to the point.

Da`nal of course knew all about the issues in engineering having been there during the incident. He had spoken with the man and was awaiting his decision on the options he had given him so that matter was in hand. Operations was a whole different situation entirely. "Has there been any recommendations from Mrs. Kelan?"

Don rechecked his reports. "No, it doesn't seem as if he had been to see her," he said, noticing that she was called Mrs and not Ms. ~Damn, I should still congratulate him..perhaps organize a party....Probably too late for that too~ He had been running around, and had not thought of that until now. Business first.

"Well." hefting the padd, "you've obviously talked to him. What do you think?"

"When I saw him, he was busy on a console at ops, running a diagnostic, and frankly he looked like shit," Don said, not really thinking, but of course he was talking to a Klingon after all. "His eyes were blood shot, like he had not slept in days, he was anxious....I sent him to rest, sleep, relax... and back to medical to be cleared," Don said.

Da`nal looked around the bridge at the XO's slip of the tongue. "Very good. Let us hope he gets checked out. But we need to keep things professional on the Bridge Commander." Adding with a grin, "After all this isn't a Klingon ship."

"Oh... yes, of course, I apologize Captain," Don said, clearly without real regret. "He looked *under the weather," he said dryly to rephrase the earlier comment. "Captain there is something else I want to bring to your attention," he said thoughtfully/

Grinning at the 'rephrasing' of his report, and his keen hearing picking up a slight snicker from the other side of the bridge. "What is it?"

"I went to see Lieutenant Silonez and he mentioned something I found disturbing. He said that someone in SF had forwarded him archives on the Kzinthi. There was no explanation. He thought it was a mistake perhaps, I said he should go through it anyway. I thought you should know.."

"No reason as to why he was sent the information?"

"Nope, he had no idea," he affirmed.

"Let's make sure. Have him pull any recent intel on the area to see if anything strange is happening."

"Will do, Don said, tapping a message to Silonez immediately to do just that and report to him the moment he had something. "By the way, Sir, Flaherty... he seems to be a little disturbed.." Don said trying to be a little more diplomatic with his description of his state of mind. "He needs disciplinary action .." he stated.

Breathing out slowly. "Agreed, I've spoken to him and he has evelcted to transfer to the station. I have filed my report with them as to what action need to be taken. That reminds me I need to head down to the brig. I was supposed to meet with Lt. Coombs; she need to decide if she is going to press charges or not. If you'll excuse me."

He turned to head to the turbolift. With all the transitions and new faces he had almost forgotten his appoinment. After the doors closed, "Deck....7" Shaking his head at his hesitation. He need to take study the deck plan again.


Captain Da`nal

Lt. Commander Donovan Killian


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