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The Pursuit

Posted on 01 May 2009 @ 3:19pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Colonel Stadi Andrus

1,215 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Freedom/Vrelnec


Fveirrolh t'Illialhlae swung himself into his uncle's chair though his eyes remained on the display. The way out was clear, straight across close to the hull of the Freedom, through the wreck of the Rhianndhaell and over the station; not the easiest of rides, but with a ship this manouvrable it could be done.

"Take us out of here, now!"


Jessie wiped her brow with a trembling hand. "Captain the Romulan's are breaking off heading into Federation space! They're cloaking."

"Lay in a pursuit course along the last tragectory. Sensors to full....Find that ship."


Da`nal stood from his seat and surveyed the bridge. Nodding his head slowly, "Excellent work all, but we're not done yet. Scan for any weakness in their cloak. Any damage they took may be affecting their cloaking abilities."

Turning his attention to T'Pal and Eircson. "When we find them, don't have the resources for boarding parties, so prepare few 'surprises' for transport in case we get within range and they are are still cloaked.

"I've rigged a 10 second remote trigger on 10 torpedos, best bet it to place the torpedos in sensitive areas, also we got a more final solution if things get desperate Captain. the ship has 5 Tri-cobalt warheads if we need to use them, the arming codes are in your ready room." Silonez reported

Da'nal raised an eyebrow at the responce. He was overstepping his bounds again, but then again they were still in a rushed situation, perhaps things would settle down after a bit. However he didn't have time to wait. There was still a Romulan ship in Federation space to deal with.

T'Pal was spo surprised at Silonez's report that her head jerked upwards. she was just going to ask him what the hell he though he was doing when teh CO spoke abnd she bit back her tongue.

"Good. I wanna be prepared for anything." Look down at his XO, "Rodriguez if you'll join me in the Ready Room.

Nodding, Mari said, "Si, Sir," and rose to move in that direction.

As she got up and headed off he looked to Eircson once again. "Mr. Eircson, you have the bridge. I want a full damage report as soon as possible"

"Aye Capt'n, I'm also going to get teams on the torpedo launchers." silonez paused, "Also I'm going to give astrometrics some data on the current cloaking system see if we can get an approximate fix, don't know how much good it will do, but it might be something."

TPal had been fightling to keep her very Klingon temper under control, but this was too much even for her. "I was not aware that Lieutenant Silonez is the new tactical officer!" she snarled sarcastically in Silonez's direction. "Should I step away form the tactical station?'" she asked Da'nal, trying to remain calm, but this was outrageous. She was livid. Where the hell did he get the codes for the Tri'cobalt devices from? "

Silonez looked up at her, "Because you were not onboard when they arrived, so your name was not added to the authorized list, when this little situation is over I'll personally ensure your added and get your code key, there hasn't exactly been time to do this." Silonez paused for effect "But if your in a rush I'll do it while we're blindly chasing a cloaked Romulan warbird." he said fully aware she was annoyed

"Dont' give me that, Lieutenant. As I remember correctly, we had a meeting earlier, you had plenty of time to inform my that you had the codes as well. I am on the list, you don't have to add me," she said coldly, her temper now under control again. "We will continue this conversation *after* this battle, for now, stay the hell away from my job," she said and returned her attention to her console.

"ENough! The fight is out there...not in here! This ship was given orders before she even had a proper crew. Things were done to prepare for departure regardless of posting. This ends now, and if anything is continued after the battle it will be with ME." Looking to Silonez. "You have the bridge." Without another word he turned and head towards the ready room.

Silonez pondered his next train of thought carfully, he knew the Romulans were up to something, it was what that was still a miss, the why is why they turned and are going in the direction they are. "T'pal, 5 I need you to start scanning for what they could be traveling this direction for, chances are what or who ever they are looking or is on a ship, run as wide a radius scan as possible, if by some bizzare chance we're traveling to a colony or another starbase we need to warn them." Silonez thought for one second, "Arrianna find out if these guys took any hostages or left any clue as to their intentions."

"Already on it," T'Pal said coldly.

"Understood," Arri said simply

=^= Bridge? Hemmingway here...I have 3 patients so far, a lacerated arm, a severe concussion, and a broken nose...will report back when I have a clearer number of the wounded, more are coming in now. Hemmingway out. =^=

[Ready Room]

Da`nal followed his XO, who was waiting the the door to the ready room. He strode past taking a seat behind the desk, motioning for his XO to take a seat as well. "So, the infighting aside, did you think we would have survived this long?"

Mari sat across from him in a graceful, ladylike, and yet no-nonsense fashion and cocked her head to one side, "Pues, I wasn't sure but I hoped for the best."

Nodding slightly. "We've been lucky so far, but the day isn't over yet. But now that we have some spare time I wanted personally thank you for the work you did in getting the ship ready before I was assigned to command her during the battle."

At first, Mari wasn't sure how to take his expression of gratitude but after studying him for several moments, she grudgingly nodded and said, "De nada. There was no one else to do it and I am the XO."

"Well you did a good job. Now, when we find the Romulan's we are going to be out classes and out gunned...unless we can get the torpedo launchers online. What are the chance of that happening?"

Shaking her head, Mari said, "No se. That is not an area that I am overly familiar with. When I asked for the status, I was told it could be as little as two hours or as many as six hours before all the bugs are worked out."

"Very well lets get them online as soon as posible....we're going to need them."

"Si, Captain," Mari responded, "I am sure we will."


5 tapped his commbadge while punching in the last set of numbers "Captain i have found them..."

[Ready Room]

Da`nal was about to continue when 5's call came it. Looking across the table to his XO. "Lets go....."


Lt Cmdr Da`nal

Fveirrolh t'Illialhlae by Louise

Lt. Mariposa Rodriguez

Lt. silonez Ericson

Lt T'Pal

Lt. Melanie Hemmingway

Lt. Silonez Eiricson


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