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Ladies Lunch

Posted on 25 Jun 2010 @ 11:47pm by

1,030 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions
Location: Mess Hall


Anara nodded, taking note of how Jessica's eyes seemed to dilate as she said his voice using a certain type of tone. "It sounds like you know John well?" She cocked her head lightly as they came to the Mess Hall.

"We met on 515 and well ..." She blushed "We uh had one night there thinking we would never see each other again ... But we ended up both assigned here."

Anara took note of the woman's blush, it seemed to imply some kind of intimacy. She nodded to Jessica as they entered the Mess Hall, "So...are you his girlfriend...?" She was curious to know the relationships on the ship.

"We're uh ... giving it a go ..." Jess got redder "I recall liking him ... its just whether we fit well together."

Anara nodded slowly, "Why are you so red? Are you embarrassed by your feelings?" She led the way to the replicator. She ordered a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup.

"A little ... It was kind of sudden and I didn't expect it to happen ..." Following Anara, Jess ordered vegetable soup and then a ham toasted sandwich to go with it. "How about you? Is Edom's dad still in the picture?"

Anara led the way to a table by the window. They had a good view of space. She was quiet for a moment, as if it was an emotional topic. "Edom's father passed away during service to Star Fleet. We were engaged. I was in my last term of pregnancy, so he never saw his son."

"I'm sorry ... Both my parents are in starfleet and there were times as kids that we thought one of them was dead ... I'm sure he would have loved him very much."

Anara nodded, "It's true.. Edom has asked about his father a few times. I believe in telling children the truth. His father and I were in a relationship for over 5 years, so there are a lot of various pictures of us together, including one of us while I was pregnant with Edom. He loves looking at the pictures. It's hard for me to watch him cry,'s a part of life."

"Both of my parents were dead before I turned I know what he's going through," she added. She lifted her spoon and began taking in spoonfuls of soup.

Jess nodded as she ate "Mum and dad always believed it was best to tell us the truth. No matter how hard."

Anara nodded, "I was told that my parents were very honest people... Tell me about your family. Do you have any siblings?"

She took a bite out of her grilled cheese sandwich.

"Two little brothers and a little sister ... I was an academy baby ... so there is 15 years between me and my next brother. My mum ... well she didn't intend to have me but loved me when I was here and my dad married her when he found out what his brother had done to her. But they love each other a lot, and he loves me as if I was his."

Anara listened to Jessica talk about her family. She felt her chest tighten a little, but she gave a nod, "That must be nice- to have a family who loves you. Edom is all I have. Well....Edom and Marissa.."

"You're welcome to share mine ... Sometimes they drive me nuts with their worrying but I know they only do it because they worry ..." She gave her a sincere look "I do mean it about being welcome to join us ... my family is considered unusual on Betazed as we tend to take in people that aren't blood relatives."

Anara smiled, "That is sweet of you, Jessica. I have 2 adopted families. I just don't have the bond that others have because....of separation and my own issues. I do appreciate your offer, though. I would like to be your friend- if you welcome it?"

"I would ... I only have one other real friend and she is far away on the Galahad at the moment."

Anara gave a frown, "That's surprising. You seem like a very sweet person. I would like to introduce you to my son some time. Would you like that?"

She lifted her bowl to finish off her tomato soup.

Smiling she nodded "I'd like that ... I miss having my younger brothers and sister around ... and the trouble they got into."

Anara had this far off look in her eyes, and she nodded, "How is your schedule today? I plan to go rock climbing with Edom later on today. Do you like rock climbing?"

Thinking over her schedule Jess smiled "I'd love to spend the time with you ... I wont be able to climb for another week or two but that doesn't mean I cant enjoy watching the two of you have fun."

Anara smacked her head, "Oh- that's right! You're injury. You could start at the top of the mountain and enjoy the view, while we climb up then. How about at 18:00 hours? We can have a dinner on the mountain."

"Sounds great ... anything you want me to bring?" Jess wasn't sure what the protocols were for Bajorans but it was considered rude on Betazed to turn up empty handed.

"Would you mind replicating food for us? Edom is a big fan of roasted chicken and rice," she suggested. She appreciated that Jessica had offered to bring something.

"Sure ... anything he's allergic to? Or any dessert I can bring? A personal favorite is Banoffee pie ... but I don't want to bring anything he cant share."

Anara shook her head, "No- he's not allergic to anything. I'm sure he'll love the pie. He adores dessert."

She stood up to put her tray away, "So, I will see you at Holodeck 2, at 18:00 hours? I already have the perfect program."

"Definitely ... I'm looking forward to meeting your son." Jess smiled, happy to be making friends on the ship.

"I'll see you then," she waved goodbye and made her way out of the Mess Hall, back to the Science Lab.


JP brought to you by...

Lt. Meru Anara
Chief Security Officer
USS Achilles


Lt. Jessica Coombs
Chief Engineer
USS Achilles


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