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Finally - Pt. 2

Posted on 25 Jun 2010 @ 6:46pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,716 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions
Location: Holodeck 1


It was only a short time before the trio arrived at the holodeck. Upon opening the doors they could see a a tropical scene and hear the sounds of waves crashing and as they entered the warmth on the setting surrounded them.

Following a path they came the edge of the beach to see Ayren and the children playing in the surf. Ahkil was standing watch over the situation and turned to face them as they stepped out. She was obviously pleased with herself still thinking the match between Da`nal and Ayren was entirely her doing. "My Lord," she said greeting them at their approach.

Edom's eyes opened wide in appreciation for the holographic images. He gave a glance to his mother, and when she nodded- he raced off to the beach.

"Stay near the shore," she called out.

She smiled at Ayren, "I assume the safety protocols are on?" She thought it was better to ask than to just assume.

Meanwhile, Edom had introduced himself to the twins, taking notice that they had ridges on their head like their father. He pointed to the ridges on his nose and began engaging them in a splash game at the shore of the beach.

Ayren glanced in the direction of the children and then at her mate, taking the robe Akhil passed to her, to cover herself. "Yes they are on by default," she reassured the Bajoran. 'I apologize for the way I look," she said, realizing she was soaked and full of sand. Playing with Klingon children took it out of you and Ayren was every bit as rough with them as they were with her, something Akhil admired. "I forget I am an adult when I play with them," she apologized, shaking sand off her hand and out of her ear. "I am Ayren Kelan," she said warmly.

Anara smiled, "Oh- there is no need to apologize. I understand. It's apart of parenthood. I'm Lt. Meru Anara. It is a pleasure to meet you. Are you a crew member?" She spoke politely to the woman, glancing slightly at Da'nal before turning back to the woman.

"I am the Chief Diplomatic Officer and because I am trained as a counselor, I serve in that capacity till we have someone else," Ayren explained.

Anara nodded, "I'm the new Chief Science Officer, so I'm sure we'll see each other again. Do you mind looking after my little one for a while? The Captain wanted to speak to me privately. I'll come back for him."

She felt pretty confident about this woman. She knew that the safety protocols were on and it seemed that Edom was getting along well with the others.

"Of course," Ayren said. Ayren sensed a trust from the mother and glanced to the two Klingon chidren. "The twins can be rough, but Akhil and I will keep an eye. And welcome on board, Lieutenant," Ayren said. She had been a Lieutenent herself when SF Diplomatic corps had needed her to resign Starfleet when she was posted on DS5 as the CDO. At the time she would have had more success in the region, not being seen as Starfleet. She had simply not activated her status yet and now, being with Da'nal it suited her better this way.

Da'nal stood quietly watching the exchange. There is no need to return to the bridge...Computer add a gazebo with table and chairs." It shelter quickly materialized and hw motioned for her to go first.

Once seated he looked out briefly as the children playing in the surf. "I must say Ms. Meru I'm glad you are here. I have been without a Chief science officer for some time. I really could have used one on our last mission."

"Thank you," she said to the woman before moving into the gazebo. She took a seat on the bench opposite of the Captain. Her lips curved up at his words, "I was getting the inkling that you had a need for me. What was your last mission about?"

"It's a long story. About 2 years ago, in the 14th Fleet, the USS Aldeberan encountered a life form, a fungus, that when you got right down to it created a biological collective in the live forms it infected. The Captain and XO supressed information, excluded the senior staff and decided on their own to treat the fungus as a disease. They killed everyone on the research station, including several shuttles that had fled the station, without either confirming infection or attempting a treatment that had been developed. They destroyed the surface of the planet - killing everything."

Anara's eyes widened a bit. Did his last mission last 2 years, or had that been the last time he had been on a mission. She merely nodded, "Where are they now?" She had never heard of such a fungus, and all she could think about was the anatomy of the life form.

"Right now? They are in a penal colony of genocide. They nearly gotten away with it too. The ship CSEC tried to stop the destruction of the shuttle craft but was shot by the captain. He was then charged and at his sentencing he refused to accept punishment for coming to the defense of Federation citizens. A Klingon General helped him escape from custody and because of that, the protests filed by myself and many in the Empire the case was re-examined and the truth discovered.

"How does this all fit into our mission? Well the USS Weatherbey while on a survey for colony site stumbled on a a planet were another strain of the fungus had developed. Once the crew of the ship had been taken they realized what had happened and declared war on the Federation.

"My ship, then the USS Freedom was sent in and after a battle and some negotiations we came to a settlement.

The new 'collective' would be limited to the system. As there was no why to recover the infected crew they are now the planet's inhabitants free to populate the planets in habitable planets in the system. Under Federation security measures of course."

Anara nodded slowly, "Quite the conundrum. What was the USS Freedom able to do? Did the negotiations go through well?"

"Well enough once it was determined there was no hope of recovery due to the alterations the fungus did to the person's DNA. Basically the entire system is under quarantine. There will be permanent Starfleet presence in system to include Federation mining operation as a means of compensation for securing the continued existence of the now sentient life form. I'm sure you would have been quite interested in this fungus. Apparently it acted as a retrovirus and re-wrote the victims DNA to not only create a neural network but it also hyper stimulated the adrenals allowing for great speed and strength."

Anara nodded in understanding, "Do you know much about our next mission?" She wasn't sure what to think about the quarantine. Without knowing the biological functions of the fungus, she couldn't be sure that had she been there- that she would have been able to do anything at all.

"For now, just your run of the mill shake down cruise. We should be departing Starbase in...about 11 hours. It should give the crew plenty of time to get acquainted and to especially get familiar with the ship. So I wouldn't keep you any longer, don't worry about Edom, as he's in good hands. That will free you to get your department squared away and get any last minute supplies from SB 515 before we depart."

She nodded in understanding, "Was there anything else you wanted to speak to me about?"

"Nothing that can't wait." Standing he prepared to dismiss the young woman but she seemed to have something on her mind. "You have something to say?"

"I did have a favor to ask you.. I wondered if I might be able to get quarters with 2 bedrooms. One for Edom," she asked. If absolutely necessary, she could share a bed with Edom, but it was really better for him to sleep in his own bed.

"Granted. If your assignment is already family quarters have it adjusted. If they need my direct approval they know where to reach me."

Her face immediately brightened, "Thank you. I have yet to look at my quarters, I just want to make sure that we're on the same page."

She was quiet for a moment as she looked out at the beach, "You have lovely children. Edom will appreciate having someone to play with. He's not fooled by the holographic programs that I put together. I don't want him to miss out on socialization."

"Thank you Lieutenant, I know what you mean. Well I still have things to attend and I know you do as well. Dismissed."

Anara nodded at the Captain. She stood up and took a step to move out of the gazebo.

Ayren had picked up her things and walked across the sand towards them. "I need to get to my office, but Akhil will look after Edom," she said to Anara.

Anara nodded, "Thank you. We should talk some time." She said to Ayren. She made her way toward Akhil. She spoke to Akhil about her qualifications and when she was available to supervise children.

Ayren smiled at the 80 plus year old Akhil. For a Klingon warrior she was patient with children. "I will talk to you later..." she said. In fact she was a bit worried over the possibility of Klingon marraige rituals. Every family had their own variations as she was certain Da'nal's had too.

As Anara left Da`nal followed Ayren but before leaving the holodeck he gave he gave the string on her top a pull; then took the last few steps to the door briskly before she could reach him.

"Da'nal!" she exclaimed exasperated as she covered her breasts. "I will get you for this!" she shouted behind him, but of course she was talking to a wall, leaving her to try to fasten her top in the door opening.


Lt. Meru Anara
Chief Science Officer


Ayren Kelan
CDO/Chief Counselor
PNPC by Sharon


Captain Da'nal of the House of Varal
Commanding Officer
USS Achilles


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