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A visit to Marine Country

Posted on 26 Jun 2010 @ 10:15am by

855 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions
Location: John's quarters
Timeline: Current


It is the first time they had marines on board, so Don located the Marine, who was in his quarters. Don continued walking and climbing everywhere, so because of all the running around, he had changed into a track suit by now. Arriving at Cole's quarters, he found them open and knocked at the side panel to announce his presence.

John was just putting the finishing touches on his quarters. He was dressed in a comfortable pair of Marine PT shorts and a Marine PT T-shirt with the hopes of going to the gym afterwords. He looked at the Rapier he had in its display stand as it sat on a small table by the wall. He moved it two centimeters to the right when he heard someone knock. "Come in." He called out still looking at the piece on the table.

"Nice blade you have there," Don remarked as he stepped in, taking the man in. He never regretted leaving the marines, where he was an excellent marksman, but his father was deeply disappointed in him when he left. And his yo-yo career didn't help. As the man turned he greeted him. "Don Killian, Lt Commander," he said extending his hand, reversing the usual order.

John turned to see the new comer when he commented on the display, in a moment he sized the man up. Had to be someone on the command staff by the way he carried himself. "Thank you, its retired now, belonged to my grandfather." John extended his hand for a firm handshake, "John Cole, Major. It nice to meet you. Killian.....XO, right?"

"That's me," Don admitted, taking the man's hand and returning the firm grip. "I brought your transfer orders and clearance codes," he said handing the PaDD to him. "We just have to handle the formalities," he said waiting for Cole to add his thumb print.

John placed his right thumb on the PADD that was held out in front of him until the PADD chirped and replied, "Process complete." Pulling his thumb away he asked, "So Commander, what do you think about this new ship? I have been going over the specs ever since my orders were cut. She is very impressive."

A grin spread on Don's face. "I had admired a Prometheus class for long and had always hoped to serve on board one, so needless to say, I am very happy," he said. 'I cannot wait to get out of space dock and she her in action. Hopefully we will do some test runs," he added.

"I believe that she is state of the art, when I first saw a picture of her, I thought she was the ugliest thing ever created, but she does grow on you." John chuckled.

"Og yes, the bridge is a work of art, but it will take some tome to get used to it. The general layout too is different too. I had been meeting crew, so I use the time to get to know the ship, walking and climbing everywhere...get the *feel* of her," he said. "I think i will get lost now if I used turbo lifts..." he chuckled, thinking that he had not used one the entire morning.

"Well, that certainly a way to get exercise for the body and the brain. It really sounds like a lot of fun. I envy you, I have been buried in reports." John chuckled.

"That will be my lot soon. By the way, which unit are you associated with?"

"For now it's the fifth brigade, but it may change, I have rarely not seen it change when there is a new assignment."

"That is true, Don said casually as he made a note on his Padd. At least the man didn't seem to make the connection to General Killian and that suited him well. 'Thank you for your time Major, it was good meeting you," Don said ready to go.

"My pleasure, Commander, it was nice meeting you." John said as he extended his had to the XO. "There is something that I wanted to ask you though...."

Don was just about to turn to walk away. "Sure, shoot, he said.

"Killian...." John said in a soft tone as if it would jar some memory. "You wouldn't be related to Marcus Killian, General Marcus Killian, would you?"

Don closed his eyes for a moment before he turned to gave a tight lipped smile to Cole. "Yep, and I apologize for any behavior of my father." he said.

John let out a laugh, "No problem, I was just curious since the last name was the same, he is a great man."

"And of of course I apologize in advance for any of my own behavior incongruous to expectations arising from comparison to him," Don said jokingly. The shadow of his father had always been very present, but this went better than expected

"Your father is one of a kind." John chuckled.

Don laughed. "See you later, Major," he said and continued on his journey.


Lt Cmdr Don Killian

Major John Cole
Marine CO
USS Achilles


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