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The Marines have landed

Posted on 25 Jun 2010 @ 4:07pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,029 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: Back post to before 'Finally - Pt 1'

John strode down the corridor in his dress blues, the medals on his chest clanked as did the polished sword at his side. He head felt as if it were splitting from the little party the night before. He thought about the woman he had met briefly then grabbed his sword to keep the noise down. He entered the turbolift "Bridge." The turbolift began to move. John grabbed the way to steady himself, "Damn hangovers."

After reaching the bridge he headed straight for the Captains Ready Room with orders in hand. He pressed the door chime and waited for a reply from the other side.

The ship had 12 hours before departure. So far everything was running smoothly, the final crew additions were due to arrive in the next few hours. The door chimed and he looked up from the terminal, closing the file he spoke to the visitor. "Enter."

John stepped through the door and up to the desk. He stood sharply at attention before reporting "Major John Cole reporting for duty, sir!" John looked straight ahead as his left hand extend out with his orders.

Da`nal stood and took the PADD. Even during the Xelucian conflict while he had been with the 14th Fleet he had no direct involvement with Fleet Marines. All the conflict, space and ground had been handled by security personnel. Now he had a Marine Major standing before him. As a warrior he had a shared point of least in some ways. "At ease Major. Have a seat."

John relaxed at parade rest before nodding and taking a seat. "Thank you, sir." Even sitting he appeared to be at some form of military posture.

You would have thought a senior officer would know when to relax, but Da`nal said nothing. "Tell me Major; how many starships have you been assigned to?"

"Three sir, I was on the Apocalypse as the Executive Officer for the fifty sixth, the Orion as the detachment Executive Officer and the New Zealand as the detachments Commanding Officer." John replied as he relaxed a bit.

Glancing over the mans record. "Just promoted to Major....saw action against the Dominion as a Lieutenant...wounded in action...citation for bravery...reprimand for involvement in a drunken brawl on DS9 were you assaulted a superior Starfleet officer." Looking up from the PADD. "A ... well rounded service record."

A hint of a smile formed on John's lips, "Yes, sir, I have seen quite a bit of action and have been to several places. What I would say is a typical life of a soldier."

He knew that life full well. Growing up around the warriors of his House, as a young man, during his time at the academy both as a student and as an instructor and then on the Gragath as an exchange officer. "In deed. Well I'm going to be honest with you Major. I have had no first hand experience with Marines on Starfleet vessels. However as a Klingon I am well aware of the ways of a warrior. So you and you men conduct yourselves with honor and I think things will go just fine.

"I understand your detachment will include a Recon unit. This is a Special Forces group is it not?"

"Honor and pride have always been a part of the Soldier's life, in the Marines, it is especially so. My men....your men as well, will conduct themselves in high military standards, as will I." John paused for a second to let him know that was enough said. "Force Recon is a unit specialized in deep reconnaissance for intelligence gathering, normally call 'Green Ops' or depending on the mission I may order them to go into direct action or 'Black Ops'. In black Ops they will be offensive, such as attacking a designated target or hostage rescue. "I don't foresee a lot of use from Recon, but I will be sure that all the Marines on board will be battle ready. We will be conducting drills on the holodecks designated to the Marines every day, which is part of a soldiers life."

Da`nal nodded approvingly. "Keep one's blade sharp is the duty of every warrior." Standing he move to the replicator. "Would you like something?"

"Ice tea, please sir." John responded.

Returning with his ra'taj and the Major iced tea he sat. "Of course, being a non-Starfleet unit you would not be in the ships chain of command but I still will be including you as a member of the Senior Staff. That really goes without saying. How long do you estimate until that last of the Marine report aboard?"

"Of course sir. I've been going over the transport logs and the assignment orders and comparing them. It looks like the last transport is due to arrive early morning."

"Excellent. The last thing I want to cover was ships security."

"Yes sir." John replied.

"Marines have a long tradition of security duties on naval vessels. However times have changed. I...on second thought it would be dishonorable to discuss this matter without the CSEC here as well. Once we are under way I will make sure both Security and Marine duties are clearly defined.

Oh...The Ships chief of Security was a member of the SFMC. In the Penal Brigade.

John nodded, "I am no stranger to star ships and the role that a Marine plays on them, however reiterating those standards is still wise and may wait until its convenient. I very much look forward to meeting the Chief of Security."

"Well then I will have my Yoemem schedule a meeting for the three of us. Is there anything you need from me at this time?"

"No sir, I have pretty much everything that I need at this time." John stood and extended his hand to Da'nal, "Thanks for having me , Captain."

Standing as well he took the outstretched hand. "It is an Honor to have you aboard."

After they shook hands, John spun and quickly left the room. He still had much work to be done.


Major John Cole
Marine CO
USS Achilles

Captain Da`nal
USS Achilles


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