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Science Meets Engineering

Posted on 24 Jun 2010 @ 9:19pm by

1,246 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions
Location: Science Labs


Anara took in a deep breath when she came into the science lab. This was where she belonged. She began exploring the equipment and the various rooms. She loved promethus class ships, particularly because they all seemed to have amazing science labs. She began getting to work, checking the equipment and making sure things were functional. She assigned her staff to work on inventory and take a list of everything they had and anything they might need for future missions.

Jess had been doing her rounds in engineering and decided to take a break and start canvassing the other areas to see that they had all the support they needed. Heading into Science first as it was close to her she looked round for the Chief and saw a woman with Lt's pips "Excuse me Lt? I'm looking for the chief?"

Anara turned around to see a petite red haired woman. She offered the woman a warm smile and a hand shake, "That would be me. Lt. Meru Anara. Is there anything I can help you with?"

She noticed that the woman was also a Lt. and was wearing a yellow uniform, so she was either operations or engineering.

"I'm Lt Jessica Coombs ... the new engineering chief ... I thought I would come make myself known and make sure you have access to everything you need in the way of help?"

"A pleasure to meet you, Lt. Coombs. I am also new the ship, and I have just been exploring the labs myself. You are welcome to join me. We can take a quick look at what might need some updates or repairs.." she offered to the woman.

"That sounds good ... Where were you posted before?" Jess smiled at the other woman.

"Before this post, I was posted on the USS Ares. I tend to ask to be on prometheus ships. Where was your last post?" she said as she stopped at an access terminal. She brought up an image of the entire lab and began looking over the different rooms with various equipment. Her heart was beating a little faster at the thought. This- was all hers...

"Starbase 515 .... and before that the Britannia." Jess looked over her shoulder at the images. She could see some rooms where there were things not hooked up yet and she made a mental note of them.

"What was your roles then?" she asked as she zoomed in on the genetics lab. She zoomed out and gestured for Jess to follow her to the genetics lab. She moved to the centrifuge and opened up the top. It was filled with dust. She blew into it and then moved her face as dust came out. She put the top back on and pressed it on. Her brow furrowed when she noticed it didn't turn on.

"I don't know when this was last used..." she spoke softly.

"Engineer on Brit ... and Assistant Chief on 515 ..." Looking at the centrifuge she got out some equipment and started tinkering as she talked. "Engineering runs in my family ... that and command ... I've always loved working with things though .....Ah hah ... " Jess grabbed her screwdriver and began taking the back off "See these two connections have corroded ... but if we make a slight adjustment ... Voila!" She grinned as it lit up and made a happy whirr.

Anara watched the woman worked as she spoke. She took notice of the corroded wires, "It looks like the last scientist here, didn't have all of the equipment looked at. Thank you." She smiled as the centrifuge worked smoothly. "I'll make sure to have a science officer come in and clean this up.

"So this is your first time as a Chief officer? It's my first time as well," she said to Jess as she moved to look at some of the other equipment.

Nodding Jess smiled at her "It's a bit of a learning curve." Jess followed her taking note of equipment that looked in need of fixing "I can have a cadet or two come down and help you out ... It's good training for them."

"I would appreciate that, thank you. I will make sure my staff writes up a list of anything needing repairs and then I'll make sure you get it. I know that engineering has a lot to work with on getting the ship ready to leave, and I wouldn't want to get in the way of your work. We may not use all of this much as I'd like to," she replied.

She turned to Jessica, "Have you met our Captain? What do you think of him?" She was curious to see how their meeting had went.

"I met him when I first came on board ... He seems to be a nice guy ... Certainly very willing to let you run your department the best you can."

Anara nodded, "He seemed to get along real well with Edom.." She led Jessica to her office. She moved to sit behind the desk and look through the drawers. She smiled as she looked about the office. "I think it just needs a little decoration..."

Nodding Jess chuckled "I know what you mean ... my office is pretty blank itself."

Anara noticed that Jessica didn't ask about who Edom was, but she shrugged the thought off. She stood up, "It looks like things are working well here. Would you like to have lunch with me later?" She stood up from the chair.

"Sure." Jess suddenly clicked to what Anara had said and asked curiously "Edom? Sorry you may have mentioned him but I'm on pain meds and not at my best."

Anara led Jessica out of the science labs to the corridor, "Edom is my son. He's my only biological family."

"Medication? Are you alright?" she asked with a concerned look on her face.

"I had a bit of a run in with an irate staff member ... Broke a couple of ribs ..." She smiled slightly "How old is your son?"

Anara winced at hearing that, " staff member? Perhaps I should know so that I could stay out of their way."

She smiled when she spoke of her son, "He's only four years old, but he's a very bright child. He already knows the Bajoran and English alphabet. His pronunciation is quite good..."

Smiling Jess could see how proud Anara was of her son "Unfortunately the old chief was less than happy with the way I took over his role ... I don't think he meant to hit me ... he'd been drinking."

Her brow furrowed, "That doesn't make any sense. If he was moving to another position, surely he knew someone would take over his Chief position?" She led Jessica down the corridor to the Mess Hall. "Have you met anyone else?"

"The XO Donovan ... and the Marine CO ... John." She got a little smile when she mentioned him, her eyes lighting up at how well their first official date had gone.

Anara nodded, taking note of how Jessica's eyes seemed to dilate as she said his voice using a certain type of tone. "It sounds like you know John well?" She cocked her head lightly as they came to the Mess Hall.

"We met on 515 and well ..." She blushed "We uh had one night there thinking we would never see each other again ... But we ended up both assigned here."


Lt. Meru Anara
Chief Science Officer
USS Achilles


Lt Jessica Coombs
Chief Engineer
USS Achilles


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