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OPS Check up

Posted on 24 Jun 2010 @ 8:04pm by

446 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions
Location: deck 5
Timeline: Current, somewhere mid morning


"Computer locate Lieutenant Lawrence," he instructed

"Lieutenant Lawrence is at the Primary Computer Level 3 on deck 5" came the answer.

"Down again," Don said as he made his way from the bridge to deck 5. He refused to use all the maps, but rather preferred getting to know the ship the old way. getting lost and find you own way. Which he did, but eventually found what he was looking for.

"Lieutenant Lawrence," he called his name when he saw him.

"Good morning Commander." Lawrence replied with out looking up from from the computer terminal.

Don went to stand next to him, tapping the Padd in his hands, waiting for the officer to give him his attention.

"Sorry commander, I have not yet been returned to duty, I was going stir crazy in my quarter Miss Logan can sign off on what ever you need done." Lawrence replied a hint of irritation in his voice.

"So I assume you feel much better?" he asked relaxing. He had not seen the man since his he had been treated and wasn't sure how he would be.

"Better yes, except for a constant headache that the doctor assure will fade in next few days." Lawrence replied still scanning the screen on the terminal.

Don sighed a little. "Lieutenant, when a superior officer addresses you, protocol and good manners require you to look at them," he said patiently.

"Forgive me commander, I'm an old war horse trying to himself feel useful." Lawrence turning to face the commander who no doubt would see anxiety and tiredness in his eyes

Don tapped the top of the man's arm with his hand, smiling. "Then this old horse needs go get refreshed rest, till he is fit again. We are still docked, go to the station, take a break, sleep if you must," he said friendly. "Seriously, Lieutenant" he continued. "The last thing we need is a tired and unrested staff, so do you do whatever you need to be fresh and fit, before I can recommend you to be reinstated," he said with a positive grin. And get to sickbay, to get you cleared." he encouraged

"Aye sir." Lawrence replied feeling depressed he had the pride of the Brittish royale navy and now he was not even on active duty he started making his way back to sick bay.

"And go see the counselor," he said after him, as he walked off before he was properly dismissed. "Dismissed," Don said to himself, thinking that he was no actually finished talking to he man, but let it go.


Lt Cmdr Don Killian

Lieuteant Sir James Lawrence 10th Lord of Oaksey
Chief Operations Officer


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