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Mandatory Physical

Posted on 29 Jun 2010 @ 11:31pm by

1,360 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions
Location: Sickbay


Anara held Edom's hand as she made her way to sickbay, "Alright- our next stop is sickbay. It's important that you're on your best behavior, alright? Listen to what the doctor says, so we can make sure your healthy."

"Okay, mommy," Edom said as he hugged his teddy bear to his chest.

Anara proceeded to move into sickbay. She looked around for a medical professional, "I'm here for my mandatory physical. I would like my son checked out as well.."

Caecus stepped out of his office and looked up as he heard someone say something about a physical, then made his way over to the Bajoran officer and her child. He was wearing his white shirt un-tucked and the sleeves rolled up, a light blue tie, charcoal gray slack and his ever present blue-white sneakers "I can handle this nurse, Doctor caecus Romehl Chief Medical Officer, follow me right this way Lieutenant...?"

He noted that the woman was Bajoran as was her son, who was looking around Sick Bay with eyes as wide as saucers, he lead them into one of the more private exam rooms and he held out a hand indicating for them to enter.

Anara followed the older looking gentleman. She noticed that he was not in uniform, which seemed a bit odd to her. "Lt. Meru Anara and this is my son- Meru Edom."

The doctor would notice that her son was wearing a miniature star fleet uniform with a pip on the collar, "The Captain gave me this!" he pointed to the pip excitedly.

"May I ask why you're not in uniform? Doctor Romehl?" she asked politely.

"I'm a civilian now Lieutenant, though I used to be an Admiral in Starfleet, just cause I'm not wearing a uniform doesn't mean I'm not dedicated." Caecus said with a smile as he picked up a tricorder and pulled out the wand "So whose first?"

"How about Edom goes first? He's a lot more brave than I am," she said. She lifted him up and placed him on the bio bed. She held his hand, but moved out of the doctor's way.

The El-Aurian doctor walked up to the boy and started slowly running the scanning device around his head and then down to his chest and frowned a little as he stopped scanning and calibrated the device and returned to scanning "Has Edom had any problems catching his breath or fits of coughing?"

"He has been having some coughing fits at night, but he's usually alright throughout the day," she responded with a look of concern.

With a warm reassuring smile, Caecus looked at Meru and finished his scan, walking over to the replicator and punched in an order for an inoculation agent and a hypospray "It's just a mild case of Dur'Nara flu, are there any allergies I should be aware of?"

Anara's eyes widened. "He's not allergic to anything. Is he going to be alright?" She slipped her arm around Edom's waist.

"He'll be fine, like I said it is a mild case nothing to worry about." The doctor said as he picked up the hypospray and loaded the cartridge as he walked over to Edom and his mother, he pressed his hand against the cold applicator face until it warmed up a little and then placed against the child's neck, then hit the activation button "There you go, that should take care of the coughing fits, I'll give you another that needs to be administered before he goes to bed." he set the used hypospray on the tray next to his tricorder and returned to scanning "Aside from that Edom is as healthy as a horse."

Edom sat still, obviously aware that the hypospray wasn't going to hurt.

Anara kissed Edom's cheek and caressed his hair. She picked him up and moved him to the side. of the bio bed, then she settled on to the bed, "I guess it's my turn next."

"That it would be Lieutenant," The doctor helped the child down and indicated that Meru should sit down "Anything you would like to report to me, medical or otherwise?" he asked as he pulled out the tricorder and wand again as he waited for the woman to take a seat.

Anara shook her head, "No...nothing to report. I don't have any big health problems." She waited to see what the results of the scans were.

He ran the wand first over the woman's head and then down to her chest, slowly over her extremities and then back up as he examined the medical devices readings. "Just a couple of more routine exams and I'll have you on your way with your boy to enjoy the day, but so far I see nothing out of the ordinary," he set the tricorder down on a small tray and picked up a reflex hammer.

"Any major surgeries, illnesses, or broken bones in the past six months?" The El-Aurian asked as he gently hit her knee, nodding when he got the appropriate reaction.

"My right leg was fractured during rock climbing last year, but I don't have a problem with it now," she mentioned.

He nodded as he mentally took note of the injure and made sure to remember to check for it in her records. He finished checking her reflexes, set the rubber hammer down beside her as he indicated for her to raise her chin and began to gently probe her neck with his fingers "Is it alright if Edom waits outside for the next couple of questions?"

"I...umm...alright," she said as a look of concern came over her face. She helped Edom down. "Play with green bean outside the door. Don't talk to anyone and don't leave sickbay. Do you understand?" She spoke seriously to Edom. When he nodded, he moved outside of the door.

She turned back to the doctor, "Is there some problem?"

Everything is fine, these are just more private questions that the ears of child are best left not hearing," He said as he went over to the replicator and ordered the medicine for the boy "Are you currently engaged with anyone not of Bajoran heritage?"

She shook her head, "No- I'm not currently involved with anyone." She wondered what that had to do with her health.

"I just checking, routine question I ask everyone when they come in for a physical since it can lead to...problematic situations." He said prepping the hypospray.

" there anything else? Am I healthy?" she asked, looking at the hypospray. She hoped that he would speak to her before giving her something. Her back began to tense up a bit.

Caecus looked over his shoulder and saw that she was looking at the hypospray he was preparing, then let out a chuckle "I'm sorry Lieutenant, yes you are healthy this is just the medicine for your boy, I certify you fit for duty." With an apologetic smile he handed her the medical device "Make sure when you put Edom down for the night to administer that to him, it will clear up his coughing and give him a clear bill of health, though I would like to see him again in a couple of days, will that be a problem?"

Anara smiled and nodded, she took the hypospray, "I'll remember doctor. I'll see you in a couple of days." She jumped off the bio bed and then made her way out of the private room. She found Edom playing with one of the consoles, one of the nurses seemed to be watching him with a smile on her face.

"Edom! What did I tell you?" she said as she came over.

"I was only looking at the energy matrix of the console..." he said. The nurse looked up at Anara, she introduced herself and confirmed Edom's story.

"We need to go meet your nanny. Come on," Anara called to him. Edom picked up his green teddy bear and followed her out of sickbay.


Lt. Meru Anara
Chief Science Officer
USS Achilles


Meru Edom
Pre schooler


Retired Admiral Caecus Romehl
Chief Medical Officer
USS Achilles


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