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He is nothing but a memory now

Posted on 29 Jun 2010 @ 3:16pm by Colonel Stadi Andrus & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

843 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions
Location: Ready Room - USS Freedom
Timeline: back post - prior to arrival at SB 515

Melanie left Caecus in sickbay and went in search of the Captain. He had told her on the Starbase that if there was anything he could do to help her with her memories from her time on the Freedom before the attack then she was to go see him. She stood in front of his office and rang the chime.

They were due to arrive at SB 515 shortly, as such he was headed to the bridge. All is inquiries to the 'reit and reassignment' had gon unanswered. At least to his mind, ~Damn bureaucratic run around...~ He was heading out to the chime sounded the same instance his proximity opened the door seperating his ready room from the bridge.

Stopping short before running into his former CMO, he stepped back slighlty. "Excuse me Doctor."

Melanie stepped inside, "Captain do you have a minute?" She asked.

"Yes," he stepped to the side, "Come in."

"I was wondering if you have contacted Talar about what happened to me." She said quietly but got directly to the point.

He could answer that question honestly, but there would be no honor in hiding the truth from her. "Have a seat Lieutenant."

Melanie took the seat in front of the Captain. She went very still after hearing the change in his voice and feeling the change in his emotions.

As she sat Da`nal leaned against his desk. "To answer your question. No I have not. The reason being that Talar was killed during the Romulan attack on DS5. I am sorry."

"No...that can't be true." She whispered. "He is supposed to be here on the Achilles...he promised me." Melanie wanted to accuse Da'nal of lying but she knew that he was simply speaking the truth.

"He could not have made that promise, as the Achilles was just beginning her contruction at the time of the attack. Perhap you meant to say the Freedom. However all is not lost. When your regain consciousness and the extent of your memory loss was discovered I contacted DS5.

"It would seem there is an embryo there that both you and Talar had prepared."

"We did what?!" She exclaimed and stood up. Melanie began pacing in his office, something she often did when she was trying to solve a problem or digest information that she had received. "Where is this embryo now?" She asked.

"At last report it is safe on Deep Space 5."

"When will we be returning to Deep Space 5?" She asked still standing.

He thought for a moment. "Well construction is complete and we are now just have crew orientations and additional crew to report. Once complete the ship will need a good shake down cruise. I think I could arrange a stop at DS5." Such a trip was far from a short trip but could be beneficial for her as well as getting the crew familiar with the ships systems. "Are you sure that is what you want?"

"Do you think it wrong of me to want his child? I cannot simply leave it there, it is my child too. It would be as if I was abandoning it. Captain, if you knew me at all before the accident then you will know that I cannot walk away from the last piece of Talar I have left." She tried to reason.

"I did know you before; and your reason for wanting the a child is as Honorable as any. However there is something you need to know, if you don't already remember. Taral was not Vulcan...he was Romulan."

"How did?..." Melanie suddenly sat up straight. ~Had she told the Captain about what Talar was?~ "How did you find out? Did they recover his body and examine him and if so has he been buried?"

"You had informed me that he had defected...but I had been notified by DS5's medical staff after your injury. When there was a question of whether you would survive the embryo was examined for viabilty and for your family to decide it's future. That was when they found out."

"How much trouble am I in for keeping his history a secret?" She asked resigned to the fact that she may have to give up her commission unwillingly this time.

"There will be an investigation of his activities; especially considering the Romulan activity near the station. I want you to perpare a statement, as much as you are able to remember, and submit it to me for my endorsement. I will then add my report to it and submit them."

"The only time he was off planet was when..." She looked down and whispered the following; "he went and killed the Romulan that raped me."

"Well just get he report to me as soon as you can. Perhaps sitting with Ayren might help given this 'new' information."

Melanie nodded, "tha...thank you Captain." She tried to smile and headed for the door.

"Your Welcome." Da`nal watched as she stood and left.


Capt. Da`nal

Lt. Melanie Hemmingway


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