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Demanding an Apology

Posted on 26 Jun 2010 @ 10:33am by

3,337 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions
Location: John's Office and Sick Bay
Timeline: Current


Jess had waited til shift change and then snuck out of the infirmary and heading towards Marine country. She was a girl on a mission and that mission was to get an apology out of one Major John Cole. Heading down corridors she snuck past officers and crewman alike until she reached his door and then pounded on it in a determined manner.

John was in his office working late on trying to learn about all the Marines that cam aboard, to make sure he hadn't forgotten anyone when a loud, demanding knock came at his door. It was so loud and unexpected that it almost startled him. "Come!"

Jess opened the door and pushed her way in before taking a firm stance in his office "You owe me an apology Mr."

John looked a little confused by her demeanor. "Apologize? For what?" He demanded.

"For being an Ass about the way you've been treating me. I'm not some leper to be played with and chucked away. Yes we agreed no strings attached ... but we have to work together and I expect you to treat me with some respect in front of others no matter how you feel about me otherwise."

John stepped around to the front of his desk to get close to her, almost in her personal space. "Yes we did have an agreement and other than that, I have done nothing to you to warrant this attitude. What have I done to up set you?"

"You cant even look at me without cringing ... I'm sorry I did the crass thing and fell in love with you during an affair, but I didn't do anything wrong by it." She stepped forward trying to see how far she could push and wishing just once that he would push back and show he did care.

John took one step back, "I don't cringe when I look at you, I find you very attractive. I'm just not sure if I am ready for a relationship."

"And you couldn't have just told me that? Jeez what is it with men?" She shook her head and looked at him "I'm not asking for a proposal ... just a yes or no as to there being a snowballs hope in hades that you might feel the same."

"At this moment I don't have an answer for you, I just don't know." John shook his head, he didn't want to hurt her anymore. He did have some type of feelings for her, but wasn't sure.

Nodding Jess grabbed hold of her ribs as they started to complain worse and gasped "Can I ... Sorry I need to sit ... I snuck out of medbay ... the XO is gonna kill me if he finds out."

"Yes, sit down for a bit, then we need to get you back to Sick Bay."

Jess relaxed on the couch and leant back closing her eyes on a sigh. "God this is a mess ... Look ... I have no more idea how to deal with this than you ... but ... Maybe we can spend some time together and see if there's something there? You know ... date like normal people."

John nodded to himself, "Okay, I can see that I have little choice. Lets take it slow and see what happens. I have the feeling that you wouldn't take no for an answer."

Chuckling slightly and then wincing Jess quipped "Glad you can see reason ... thought I was going to have to wrestle you into submission."

"I'm saving that for when you are one hundred percent, right now it would be no contest." John quipped.

Poking her tongue out cheekily she quipped back "I'll hold you to that but it may be a couple of weeks with these stupid ribs ... by the way ... the XO has a very effective way of making his displeasure felt."

"He seems nice enough, what happened?" John asked curiously.

"Promise you wont yell?" Jess bit her lip nervously.

John nodded, "Promise, I don't want to see you in trouble."

"I uh ... might have skipped seeing the doctor this morning and gone into work ... he decided I needed a physical demonstration to mend my ways and made me crawl through a Jeffries tube and then climb up to Deck three ... I got about 3 rungs up before I just about passed out." Jess wouldn't look him in the eye knowing he would be upset at her.

"Why would you neglect yourself like that? You know better than to do that." John was more concerned than mad. "You didn't hurt yourself anymore when that happened did you?"

Nodding guiltily she confessed "Two of the ribs are broken rather than just cracked now ... I was mad .. and I needed something that would take my mind off of things ..." She gave him a puppy like apologetic look.

"What were you mad about?" John asked still a little perplexed.

"I was mad at me .... I guess in some ways I was wanting to punish myself."

John nodded, "Why were you mad at yourself? Was it because of me?"

"Some of it ... mainly mad at breaking my promise and falling for you ... I honestly didn't mean to."

"I'm sure you didn't mean to and I am sorry for being so insensitive to you." John sat down on the edge of the couch and caressed her cheek.

Jess leant into the caress feeling a tear run down her cheek "I could have handled it better ... I'm sorry ..."

John gently wiped away the tear, "Its okay, you are going to be fine. I have the feeling you are very tough."

Smiling weakly she nodded "You have to be to survive as a female engineer." Leaning against his body tiredly small tremors ran through her as her energy levels ran low.

John smiled as he continued to caress her, "Is there anything that I can get for you?"

Shaking her head she murmured "Comfortable ... don't want to move ..."

John chuckled and leaned in to gently kiss her on the lips, "Its okay, you can stay as long as you like."

Smiling into the kiss she let her eyes start to drift shut "Don't let the XO find out I bailed on medbay... " Within a few more seconds she was asleep safe and warm in his arms.

John sat there and watched her sleep. She slept peacefully, her chest rising and falling with her breathes.

Reaching out a hand in her sleep she placed it over his chest to feel his heart beat and ensure he was still there and it wasn't a dream.

John continued to sit there watching her as she slept, he felt her hand move to his chest. His hand cover her hand for a long few moments.

Sighing happily she moved closer to him searching for the warmth he gave off and whimpering in her sleep as her ribs moved.

Once she woke up he would get her back to Sick Bay. They needed to give her something for the pain.

Jess yawned and blinked sleepily at John after her catnap and rubbed her eyes "Sorry ... I'm not much fun right now..."

"It's understandable, you have some busted ribs." John replied,

"Mmmmm ... " She sighed softly "I guess I should get back to sickbay before I get busted."

John kissed her forehead lightly, "I will escort you there and if you are very lucky, I just might visit a while."

Smiling and moving into his arms she nodded "Thanks ...."

John chuckled, "You're welcome, now...lets get you back before you get into trouble."

Smiling she kissed him gently then nodded "I'd rather not be grounded by the XO .."

John helped Jess off the couch and to her feet, "Are you ready?"

"I am ... yeah." She leant into his warmth for a few seconds "Thank you ... just ... for being you."

"I apologize for being an ass before." John said as he helped stabilize her when she stood. "I did nothing, but be a jerk."

She smiled at him and placed a hand on his cheek "I understand ... I really do."

"You must have, since you came to me. Any one else wouldn't have." John smiled back.

Walking alongside him she admitted "Dad told me a long time ago that sometimes you have to fight for what you want in life ... and you're more than worth fighting for."

"We don't know each other yet, but if you feel that way, I don't think that I can deny you." John teased.

Chuckling at that she quipped "See ... all I had to do was threaten bodily harm to talk some sense into you."

"Nope it's just that I knew you wouldn't give up, so its better to get it over with now instead of prolonging the inevitable." John shot back with a smile.

Grinning she snickered "Oh yeah ... definitely the lesser of two evils ..."

"Yeah, that must be it." John teased as he pulled her close.

Cuddling into his side she she grinned and then sighed as the med bay came in sight "Stay with me just til I sleep? ... I really hate medbays."

"I think I can handle that, besides I owe you for being so mean to you....I am sorry." John smiled at Jess warmly.

Smiling back she walked over to her biobed and lay down with a sigh before reaching out and taking hold of his hand "Your forgiven."

Jess was breaking down his shields effortlessly, what she saw in him, he had no clue. He hadn't been ready for a relationship since his wife and daughter were killed about two years ago. He had a one night stand one year ago and now Jessica was in his life, pulling and clawing her way in. There was nothing that he could say or do to stop it and now he really didn't want to.

She fought her eyes closing even though she was getting sleepy as she didn't want to find it was a dream.

John pulled up a chair and sat down beside her bed. He wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

Holding his hand gently under her she finally gave in to her body's demand for sleep as she smiled sleepily at him.

John sat there as she fell asleep holing his hand. His other hand went up and gently caressed her hair, knowing that things would be different from now on.

Jess sighed in her sleep the frown finally clearing up as she realized unconsciously that he hadn't left her.

After some time, John felt himself a little tired, He leaned his head back, then after a few seconds his eyes closed. With in a few minutes he began to have nightmares of his wife and daughter being murdered. He softly spoke in his sleep, begging someone not to kill them.

Waking to the sound of John having a nightmare Jess reached out laying a gentle hand on his chest and calling "John .. its ok ... your safe they cant hurt them any more ..."

John awoke looking around to see where he was at, then he remembered, "I was never in any danger, but they were. I wasn't home when they were killed, I was deployed. When I came home they were dead. It took me a while, but I found them. They can never hurt anyone again."

"I'm so sorry John ...." Jess looked at him with sympathy deep in her eyes wishing she could take him in her arms and free his pain.

"It's okay, I can't bring them back. I have to move forward and this is a big step for that."

Running a hand over his arm she told him "You ever want to just talk I'm told I do pretty well in the listening stakes."

"We'll talk about it sometime , just not here, not now, but we will." John said softly.

Nodding Jess knew there were things she would need to tell him too when the time came but til then they could both keep their secrets. Moving over on the large bio bed she patted the space next to her. "There's plenty of room and its way more comfortable than that chair."

Standing, John nodded before sliding into bed beside her. He gazed into her eyes before putting his arm around her and pulling her closer.

Snuggling into him she wrapped her arms around him and whispered "I'll keep you safe love."

"I know you will, I trust you to take good care of me." John smiled.

Smiling in pleasure at his comment she told him "I promise to listen to you and the XO in future when you tell me to go to medical."

John laughed softly, "If we are going to make this work, you will need to."

Blushing she nodded "I will try to be good ... can't promise there wont be times you might have to go cave man on me .."

John chuckled, "I will not treat you bad anymore, sweetheart."

"I know you wont ... Its just I can be a little stubborn or mule headed at times ..." Jess chuckled at the understatement.

"But it got what you wanted, didn't it?" John laughed.

"Mmmhmmm ... " Jess grinned snuggling close "And I'm not planning on letting you get away again."

"I see that and I will not resist anymore, its futile." John teased with a smile.

Giggling softly she nodded "That's right ... prepare to be assimilated." She gave him an impish grin.

"Ahh...I think I was assimilated the first day or maybe the other way around, I assimilated you." John chuckled.

"Mmmm best assimilation I ever had ..." She chuckled cheekily.

John smiled, "We did have a really good time that day, didn't we?"

"We did ... best 24 hours I've spent in a long time." Jess smiled at him and watched in curiosity as a doctor came over to see them.

Checking her over the doctor smiled at John "You're Major Cole?"

"Yes, that would be me." John looked curiously at the Doctor, "Why has something happened?"

"You're the contact on record for your wife here ... We were wanting to talk to you about the best form of treatment ... and letting her go home if you are able to look after her."

John looked for the Doctor to Jess with a dumbfounded look, "There must be some mistake, she is not my wife, she is just a good friend, but I understand the misconception."

Jess frowned as well "What do you mean Doctor? That cant be right ..."

The doctor looked at the PADD "We have your marriage certificate on file here ... dated a day and a half ago on Starbase 515 ... It says here you were married in the....." The Doctor swallowed when he red the name, "The Little Red Galactic Chapel."

Jess just looked at John dumbfounded.

"Computer!" John called out, "Is there a Jessica Cole on board?"

"Affirmative." The computer responded.

"What is her exact location?" John demanded as he swallowed hard.

"Sick Bay" came the Computer s response.

John looked back at Jessica, "Then its true, I don't remember what happened the other night, but we must have had a really good time."

Shaking her head Jess looked confused "Me either ... um ... now what?"

"I suggest we tel the Captain of our stays change and that would depend on you....." John smiled, "We could go back to that chapel and get the marriage annulled or we could give it a chance."

Smiling at him shyly she admitted "I'd rather we gave it a chance ... we can tell the captain of our status change ... I just hope it doesn't affect your job." She winced "Oh god ... mum and dad are going to kill me...."

"It will have no effect on my job in any way, but I do have a request. If we are to give it a shot, I think we should live together in my quarters." The Marine CO's quarters were lavish, second to none only with the exception of the ships Commanding Officer's quarters.

Nodding Jess smiled "I don't mind ... I haven't unpacked yet ..."

John nodded, "Good....Mrs Cole, I will have your belongings transported to our quarters in Marine country today." John took her hand gently and kissed it, "That was really fast, wasn't it."

"It really was ... " She chuckled "Good thing I'd already decided you were a keeper ..."

John smiled and turned to the Doctor. "Doc, when can I take my new wife home and get to know her?"

The Doctor smiled at them both "Now if it works for you ... She will need you to change the taping on her ribs once a day for the next week ... and keep an eye on her for headaches ... don't let her push to hard too fast."

"I think that I can handle that Doc and I won't let her over do it either." John replied.

"Thanks ... she's not the worst patient we've ever had ... but shes running a close second."

Jess let out an indignant squeak.

"Are you ready to go, Mrs Cole?" John asked as he smiled.

Nodding shyly Jess held her hand out to him "Definitely ... no offense Doc ..."

The doctor smiled "None taken ... now shoo both of you ... and congratulations."

"Thank you....I think." John teased, dodging a playful swing from Jess.

Jess chuckled and shook her head ruefully as he kept her from hurting herself "Good thing I love you boyo or you'd be on the couch." She grinned at him teasing.

"As long as you're with me, I don't mind." John shot back as he helped her to her feet.

"You'd have to pry me off with a crow bar ... my only regret is not remembering we were married." Jess gave him a happy smile.

John began to lead her down to Marine country, "We will just have to doing it again so we remember this time."

Her eyes lighting up she looked at him "Really? You mean it?"

John stopped in the middle of the corridor and gazed into Jess's eyes. "I mean it. Let wait awhile though, I was thinking to have it on our one year anniversary. What do you think?"

Hugging him as hard as she could with her ribs she nodded "I love it ... " Pulling him down into a deep kiss she held it until she heard a wolf whistle from a passing Marine and pulled back to drop her head on his shoulder panting.

John glared at the Marine causing him to swallow hard and quickly retreat, "I better get you home so we can do more of this while you rest."

Chuckling at the look on the Marine's face as he back tracked Jess nodded "My sort of plan ... and then after we have told the CO ... we better tell your marines ..."

"Yeah, but for now its time for you to rest." John lead Jess to the door and the couple entered their quarters.

Yawning Jess looked at him sheepishly "You did that on purpose ..." She yawned again and held her ribs gingerly.

Leading her back to the large bed, he helped her lay down. Walking over to his closet, he pulled out a dress shirt and brought it to the bed. He began to gently undress her and helped her put on the dress shirt and nothing more. Sliding in bed next to her, he began to snuggle with her.

Snuggling against him she sighed happily as she listened to his heart beat "I love you Mr Cole ..."

"I'm glad you are here with me." John said with a happy sigh.

"Me too ... no where else I'd rather be ..." She snuggled even closer as her breathing slowed.

John relaxed with her as they lay there in each others arms. John had no idea how he got himself into this situation, he now he wouldn't change it.

Closing her eyes she buried her face in his neck to get his scent and drifted off safe in the knowledge he wouldn't let anyone or anything get her.


Major John PsYchO Cole
Marine CO
USS Achilles

Lieutenant Jessica Coombs
USS Achilles


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