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Posted on 27 Jun 2010 @ 4:43pm by

674 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions
Location: Bridge
Timeline: Current

One after the other Don saw the senior staff. He enjoyed meeting them on a one to one basis, something he hadn't had the chance to do that with everyone. Including the Helmsman. According to the duty roster she should be on the bridge. So he walked there.

There were a few bridge officers there doing their duty and he saw Kristere sitting at the helm, probably checking out the new equipment.

"Lieutenant Kristere" he said as he approached her from the side. 'Good morning.... tough night?" he asked with a smile as he saw that she definitely partied the night before.

"Good night, crappy morning." Wandella sighed, "Never go home with drunk chicks, at least never take them to your home. I'm going to have to burn sage to get drama spirits out of bedroom now."

Wandella checked him out quickly, deciding that he was definitely the type of man she liked, and gave her hair a slow, seductive flip, "So, what can Wandella do for you?"

"I have your new orders and security codes with me," he said, noticing how she checked him out. He suppressed a smile, but wondered if her comment had anything to do with a certain security officer he spoke to earlier, but said nothing. "But that aside, welcome aboard our new ship", he said extending his hand.

"Thank you." Wandella smiled, taking his hand and giving it a gentle squeeze, one that said, 'You want me.'

Don smiled in a smile that said, 'if we were in another time or place,'. She was stunningly beautiful and found her seriously appealing, too much perhaps, but he was still in an agreement with Rhys, and though personal lives were personal lives, he didn't want to start his new commission with something that might jeopardize his position here. And casual sex with a another senior staff member might just do that. For once he was getting along with his Captain and a Prometheus class was any officer's dream. Well, his in any case. He had a reason not to complicate things. ~Would Rhys really mind?~ he wondered.

After their hands parted, however slowly, he spoke again. "You need to put your thumb print there", he said handing her the PADD.

"What is?" Wandella asked, not sure if putting her thumbprint on this might not have an end result of him placing handcuffs on her, "Oh, wait, new orders, right!" She'd gotten a little lost in the new XO for a moment and lost her place.

She was indeed entrancing and he recognized the type of encounter she represented. He looked back at the Padd and cleared his throat. "Yes, and the security clearance codes, he added. How had he missed this one?

"Oh, of course." Wandella smiled, placing her thumb on the PADD and receiving her new codes, "I must say, am looking forward to Prometheus class, I've heard good things. Wonder what I can do with ship with four nacelles?" ~Wonder why I haven't caught this guy peeking in my shower yet? Must be losing it or something.~

"Well we will find out soon enough," Don said grinning. "We will test this baby and I am looking quite forward to it," Don admitted. "Is there anything you need?" he asked, as he activated her access to this ship.

"Nothing you can give me here on bridge." Wandella smirked.

Always looking for opportunity, Don almost answered her back with a quip of his own, but pursed his lips, biting it back. Rhys occupied him after hours, so he had to decline the unspoken invitation. "Well, if there is anything I can help you with on the bridge, let me know..." he said.

"Certainly, but Wandella is very good on bridge." She smiled softly, ~Better in other places.~

"I know. You are an excellent pilot," he complimented her. After greeting her he had to continue on his rounds. He glanced once more over his shoulder. ~Pretty is pretty..."


Lt Cmdr Don Killian

Lt JG Wandella Kistere


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