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Painful Beginings

Posted on 26 Jun 2010 @ 10:31am by

1,662 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


Jess was making her way gingerly towards the engineering room doors as they opened and someone in Marine green rushed in stopping when he saw the security team and the man in engineering gold hanging between them. Looking up tiredly Jess's eyes widened and she gasped out "John?"

John had heard a call for assistance in Main Engineering, he was wondering what had happened that security needed to report. He wasn't far away from Engineering when it happened, but Security must have already been right outside the door when the call was made. John ran over when he heard the call to see if he could render any assistance. By the time he got there, everything was taken care of. He saw a familiar form of Jessica, someone he had met yesterday and had a one night affair after both of them getting intoxicated and having a very good time. "Jess, what are you doing here? I thought you worked on the Station."

"I was transferred this morning." Jess took a step and winced as her legs collapsed under her and she headed for the floor.

With lightning fast reflexes of a trained warrior, John was able to catch Jess in his arms before she could hit the floor. He looked back at security officers, "Call a medical emergency!" John yelled out as he gently lowered her to the floor.

Leaning against him Jess winced "Damn ... for a Scotsman he can hit hard." Her chest throbbing in a bad way she blinked blearily when she saw a medic in Marine green come running in and skid to a halt saluting John. "Wha?"

"It's okay, you don't need to talk." John looked to the medic as John stayed beside her, holding her hand, "Is she alright?" John asked.

Scanning her the medic winced "She has cracked ribs and a bruised lung sir ... and her cheekbone has mild swelling. Someone had a right go at her. No offense ma'am ... but it isn't right that someone would go after a girl sir."

John began to steam, "No it isn't right and he is very lucky that I didn't get to him first. He would be headed for Sick Bay instead of the brig."

Jess struggled to sit up "He ... he was just mad that I took his role ..." Wincing she flopped down again breathing heavily as the two men glared at her for moving.

"Get a stretcher in here so we can get her off this cold floor and into a biobed!" John ordered.

Nodding the marine medic went and grabbed another marine and a stretcher before coming back "You want her taken to medical sir? Or to the marine Medical bay?"

"She is Star Fleet, lets get her to Sick Bay. The Skipper may want to speak with her about what happened."

Jess shook her head "I'll be fine in my room ... honest ... the skipper already knows ..." She tried again to stand and this time made it all the way to sitting.

"Negative, you have broken bones. You must be checked out, I insist." John nodded to the Marines and they lifted her up and began to carry her out of Engineering.

"Dammit ... John come on ... " Jess laid back with a frustrated sigh.

John shook his head,"No way, you need medical treatment and I'm going to make sure that you get it."

Muttering under her breath about the foolhardiness of sleeping with stubborn marines she could hear the two corpsmen trying valiantly to hide their laughter. "Fine! See if I give you any John Cole." She crossed her arms gently and looked mulish.

"At Ease Marines!" John barked, casing the two Marines to jump, "Get her to Sick Bay, on the double!" John looked flustered. "If I hear anymore out of you two, you will have latrine duty for a month....Move!" John followed as the Marines quickly carried Jess out of Engineering and down the corridor.

Jess had to giggle slightly at that although she bit her lip as her ribs moved. He had scared the marines so much that within 5 minutes she was in sickbay and being checked over by the duty doctor, who annoyingly kept addressing all her comments to John instead of her.

"She has two cracked ribs, a mild concussion from a blow by a fist and will probably have a black eye worthy of a boxer."

John nodded, "Can you fix her up and send her on her way or will she have to stay here for a while?"

"I can fix her up but she'll need someone to keep an eye on her with the concussion ... they can be tricky things. She's also going to be pretty sore for the next few days."

Jess crossed her arms irritably "Hello ... still here ..."

"I am a friend, if its okay I would be willing to watch after her in her quarters." John suggested.

Nodding in relief the doctor told him "That's fine with me ... as a Marine I'm guessing you have some training in field medicine and what to look for when a problem occurs?"

John nodded, "Yes I do, I can also refresh my memory for the computer records as well."

"Good .... she's going to have a headache for a little while so don't take her prickliness too much to heart." The doctor signed off on the notes and nodded to him "She's all yours Major."

"Gee, thank you." John teased. Looking at Jess lying on the bed, "Well, are you ready for me to get you back to your quarters so you can rest better?"

Sighing, realizing it was that or stay here Jess nodded reluctantly "Fine ... I'll behave til we get there .... but all bets are off after that."

Johns eyes widened, "What did I do besides get you medical attention? Your mad about that??"

Shaking her head she sighed "No, you were right about that ... I shouldn't have been so stubborn ... I'm mad that I didn't know you were going to be here ... and was worried I'd made a real fool of myself last night." Sighing again she added "I'm sorry for being peeved .... I shouldn't take it out on you ... I knew going in it was no strings."

"I didn't know you were going to be here either, I thought you were on the station. If I had know you were going to be here, things would have been different and now you are and that kinda complicates things, unless we agree to just keep away from each other."

"Problem is ... I kinda liked you. I don't want to have to ignore you and pretend it never happened."

"It did happen, but we agreed, 'no strings attached' remember? It was something that happened for one night and that's all I am willing to accept." John felt bad, he didn't want anything to happen like this, but the wonderful day they had yesterday was just that and nothing more.

Getting off the bio bed and giving him a hurt look Jess said "If that's the way you want it, leave ... I can find my own way to my quarters ... " She gave him a sarcastic look as she started weaving her way out the door "I certainly wouldn't want to 'Complicate' your life for you."

John ran after her, "Unfortunately I cant leave you at this moment or I would! I have to baby sit you over night...remember!"

"That was your choice ... I don't need someone to babysit me ... I'm perfe ... " She stopped as her head started pounding in time with her pulse and whimpered as tears of pain ran down her face but she still wouldn't give in. Her heart was breaking and she didn't want him to see how much it had hurt all because she had done the stupid irresponsible thing of falling for him.

"'re not fine. I'm taking you back to Sick Bay so they can keep an eye on you." John grabbed her by the elbow and began leading her back to Sick Bay. He could tell that she wasn't feeling well.

Shaking her head she whispered "I just want to go home ... please?"

John stopped and turned quickly to face her. "Then I will stay there to keep an eye on you. That is the deal we made with the Doctor...or you can go to Sick Bay. Your choice."

Not wanting to fight any more she kept her eyes down at the ground and nodded "Fine .... I just want to be in my own place." Once there she could muffle her tears with a pillow and he would never have to know.

John released his grip on her and allowed her to walk in front of him back to her quarters. He followed her in side and sat on the couch, letting her have her own privacy.

Moving through into the bedroom she said in a subdued tone "Help yourself to the replicator ..." Closing the door most of the way behind her she lay down on the bed and started to sob letting the heart break out.

Walking up to the door, he looked in on her. He saw her sobbing on the bed quietly. He dropped his head for a moment then went back to the couch.

Jess eventually sobbed herself into a light doze and from there her body fell into a restless sleep.

Some time during the night, John fell asleep. He awoke early and went into the room to make sure she was resting. Once he was satisfied that she was okay he left her quarters silently.

Hearing the door shut Jess opened her eyes slowly and let out a sob when she realized he was gone. Dropping her head back on the pillow she decided that the only answer would be to get back to work and try and bury her pain that way.


Major John PsYchO Cole
Marine CO
USS Achilles

Lieutenant Jessica Coombs
USS Achilles


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